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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Teachers' Unions Put Sex Offenders Before Students

With support from teachers' unions such as the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers, liberals like Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) are opposing a bill that would help protect school children from the possibility of being exposed to criminals, including sex offenders, in America's schools.

The unions are also playing the race card in fighting the legislation:
The bill has run into objections from major teachers' unions like the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers. In letters to lawmakers, their criticisms included concerns that the measure might jeopardize workers' protections under union contracts.

In addition, the NEA wrote that criminal background checks "often have a huge, racially disparate impact" — a reference to critics' complaints that minorities make up a disproportionately high proportion of people convicted of crimes.



Anonymous said...

There was a sex offender working at a wicomico county school this year.sub contracted instead of having maintenance / custodial staff do it.

Anonymous said...

welcome to

Anonymous said...

And the parents of a student, and the child victimized by someone these unions are "fighting" for will be OK with the heck is it racial by screening applicants? How about they hire teachers for their qualifications--leave age, sex & race out of the application process...when they pick out the most qualifies, do a background check. If they are a pervert--they don't get hired! If they are a criminal--they don't get hired. Whatever happened to common sense?

Anonymous said...

Did the sex offender working in wicomico get charged? How could that happen?

Anonymous said...

I haven't heard or seen this in the msm. Joe do you know anything about this? Did I miss a post?