Attempting to drive the point home, Kerry referenced a photograph used by the BBC illustrating a child jumping over hundreds of dead bodies covered in white shrouds. The photo was meant to depict victims who allegedly succumbed to the effects of chemical weapons via Assad’s regime.
However, it was later exposed the photograph used had been taken in 2003 in Iraq. It was not related to Syrian deaths whatsoever and was later retracted.
The Secretary of State announced the US will continue “negotiations” with Congress and the American people.
Kerry was caught lying before. What do you expect?
this administration Can't tell the truth because it's not normal to them. it feels bad to them to tell the truth. after all they serve under the "liar in chief"...
He's a democrat
Didn't he LIE about the "Swift Boat Operation" when he ran for president? So now he is LIYING AGAIN. He is nothing but PATHOLOGICAL LIAR, which makes him "qualified" for the job in Obama's Administration.
This would not be the first time they've used fake documents and photos to push an unpopular and immoral agenda
He lied about his paying taxes on his yacht and he lied about BEING on his yacht this summer, even with photos proving otherwise. If a Democrats mouth is moving they are lying.
Just appalling. No wonder the Brits are calling Bu!!shit! At least try to make your lies believable. Obama is pulling our collective leg, and thinks we can't see through his BS! What a Bozo. He needs to go!
Hey, did I just make a slogan?
And state media CNN staged events also.
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