hen how come they’re so obsessed with “officer safety”?
So fearful – and not even of any real danger to their persons? Isn’t the very definition of “heroic” an action that requires placing one’s own physical safety in jeopardy in order to secure the physical safety of others first?

Why, then, are we constantly urged to admire poltroons who insist that their safety always comes first? That the possibility of a Mere Mundane so much as mussing their uniform justifies the actuality of a physical assault by them as a preventative measure?
Who not only avoid the proverbial fair fight – but who insist on the unfair fight every time? Who – for instance – mob a 20-year-old college girl, screaming at her and flashing guns – over an alleged underage purchase of beer. (In fact, the girl bought cookie dough and bottled water when six armed “heroes” thug-scrummed her; story here.)
Municipalities have tons of money invested in police officers before they even become full fledged.That expense continues throughout their career,so naturally there would be a major push for officer safety.They have to protect their investment.In addition,police officers tend to live way beyond their financial means,especially state troopers and deputy sheriffs.They certainly can't risk getting injured and toppling the fragile house of cards that they have built.
^clueless. The ENTIRE country lives beyond its means.
4:36-The last time I checked you were still living conservatively.I'm judging that by your apartment and car,so you aren't living beyond your means,or at least you don't appear to be.
Eric Peters' observations are absolutely correct. Plane and simple, cops do not deserve yours nor anyone else's respect.
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