She's an outspoken feminist and former social worker. He's a cigar-smoking Kentucky lawyer.
But Democratic Sen. Barbara Mikulski of Maryland and Republican Rep. Harold Rogers have big things in common as they steer the House and Senate Appropriations committees toward a spending plan for the rest of the year that eases the bite of $85 billion in automatic spending cuts.
Their tiny domain is the only place in a bitterly divided Congress where bipartisan negotiation thrives, however uncomfortably.
"that eases the bite of $85 billion in automatic spending cuts."
I'm sick of reading this. It's not a cut... if the money was there last year, it's there this year. There's just NOT MORE OF IT. FFS.
It's high time Marylanders punt Mikulski AND Cardin both. Neither vote their constituents' feelings but rather strictly follow party lines. They blatantly DO NOT represent you.
That is one ugly mug.
Agreed. Such a beast!
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