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Monday, February 04, 2013

Quote Of The Day 2/4/13

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed." -Dwight D. Eisenhower


Anonymous said...

Like the 4 F-16 sent to Egypt at a cost of 17 million dollars each.
Egypt (who has no enemies) is now controlled(thanks to obama) by the Muslim Brotherhood who has extreme anti American views and links to al qaeda.

Beware of the "Military Industrial Complex" Eisenhower said.

Anonymous said...

The same can be said of every statue, painting, and song written.

lmclain said...

5:31...every SONG written is a theft from someone who is hungry? What??? And if I paint a picture, I'm somehow helping to keep a cold person even colder? WHAT?! I would dearly love to hear a quotation from someone as intelligent as Eisenhower who blamed ARTISTS for keeping the world in a constant state of war and empire building. And predicted just such a future, with UNCANNY accuracy....the Taliban don't count, either, although they DO like destroying artistic and cultural icons.

Anonymous said...

5:19 good quote. I think there was a warning about standing armies also.

Anonymous said...

and who would those who hunger and are cold be today? We have a massive welfare state where individuals no longer have to lift a finger the state feeds clothes and houses them!
Please point them out to me! All I sse are fat people everywhere!