Many have asked me to publish my vision for Downtown Salisbury. While I have been holding it back, enough people have heard about it and now that Mayor Ireton has created a petition against the City Council, here's my view.
Starting with the Downtown Plaza, close it on Friday night, Saturday and Sunday. I would, (and have) encourage as many bars and restaurants as possible to open new businesses within the Plaza to encourage a sort of upscale trendy entertainment district/atmosphere. Dueling Piano Bar, Irish Pub, Jazz and Blues, Sports Bar/Restaurants. I would propose an open container law on Friday and Saturday night throughout just the closed Plaza area. We could create a shuttle service from each parking area Downtown to and from the Plaza every 15 minutes. This could be privately owned to help one of the local businesses expand or even encourage a new business to get started. A dedicated cab service location. I'd like to see outdoor jazz bands, blues bands local talent, etc.
Once established I would charge a $10.00 cover charge on Friday and Saturday nights to pay for Police Enforcement on the Plaza. I would remove all plants and trees along the Plaza and go to Nurseries, Landscapers, Florist Shops and local Clubs to create a new Botanical Gardens. Each company would have a plaque with their company name, Website and phone number to market their business. It would create a unique competition to out do each other as well as maintain each planting area. Rather than the taxpayers paying out for Public Works employees twice a week for several hours a day maintaining the Plaza, we could save quite a bit of money each year.
Once established, there's only a certain amount of real estate on the Plaza, which makes the idea quite nice. We could then start looking down Market Street and encourage Hotels on the River with restaurants and shopping on the main floor. This would continue all the way back to Rt. 13.
If you stand by the Book Store near Feldman's on the River and look up towards the Parking Garage, the elevation is actually quite steep. By the time you get up to the Parking Garage, (if you were to remove ALL of the pavement and soil) you could have two floors of parking at the same ground level at Division Street. Palmer Gillis showed me this idea quite some time ago and it's perfect. IF people wanted to sell off those lots, perhaps we could get TWO levels of parking FIRST and actually double the spaces there now before anything new is built on those lots.
I recommend this idea because once the Downtown area is revitalized we are going to need all the parking we can get. Once the Plaza area is established with new businesses we could easily afford to completely remove the majority of parking meters simply by using the $10.00 cover charge to get into the Plaza each Friday and Saturday night. If you have 3,000 people visiting, that's $30,000.00. It will not cost $30,000.00 to pay for Police Enforcement each weekend.
Other expansions can go towards Fitzwater and the north prong for development down the road. Now I know some of you are thinking, (because we live in an instant gratification world today) this would take a long time. I agree, it would. I have spoken to local businesses who are VERY interested in the concept. We would have to market to other businesses throughout the Washington and Baltimore area. However, once it starts to roll the Downtown Plaza can become a destination location. We can actually draw business from Ocean City, if it's marketed properly.
Remember, the Plaza will open up Monday through Friday business hours like nothing ever happened. I would encourage the Farmers Market, arts and crafts and other interests on the Plaza every weekend with no cover charge, of course.
We can make the Plaza new and fresh with beautiful plants and trees. We can encourage economic development, while raising property values at the same time. Some might ask, what will happen to those businesses currently on the Plaza. Nothing will happen to them. Other than their property values will go up and IF they choose to relocate and sell they will have more money then ever before to do so. Keep in mind, the ONLY time things would be different is Friday and Saturday night.
Change is a difficult thing to accept. We have watched Annapolis, Cambridge, Berlin and many other local Downtown areas explode with such a concept. This idea would create and maintain interest in the arts as well as entertainment. Real estate values would go up as other businesses interested in opening up would be competing for a small amount of available real estate. We could remove parking meters and encourage people to spend more time Downtown.
Ladies & Gentlemen, it's a PROPOSAL. This would be an idea that could be brought to the City Council for their review. IF the Council turns it down, so be it. I would NOT petition them because they, (or you) disagree with the idea. It simply creates an OPTION. An option the local media won't even allow me to express.
We have asked you for years now, do YOU have a better idea? I wanted to deliver something that did NOT cost YOU the taxpayers a penny. No grants, no federal or state loans. NO affordable or section 8 housing projects. NO EDU giveaways. NO discounts on impact fees. A business man's concept that actually has fiscal responsibility to it.
I look forward to your comments. There may be some things I have forgotten in which I'll add in comments later. I encourage your ideas and opinions and I look forward to seeing them throughout the day.
1 – 200 of 209 Newer› Newest»Sounds ok for the plaza, but what about the rest of Salisbury? I think one of the main concerns people have is that you are only focused on the plaza because you have property there and are trying to increase your own property value. To alleviate these concerns, it would be nice if you would expand your vision beyond that little area and tell us what you see for Salisbury as a whole and how to accomplish it. Thanks.
anonymous 9:50, Thank You for liking the idea, for one.
Secondly, hold your horses just a minute. Right now the BIG topid of the day is the Downtown area.
I have plenty of ideas throughout Salisbury. I gave you what you wanted, you'll have to wait for the rest.
As far as my own property is concerned, IF my property value goes up, I don't deserve to be compensated for making a cash purchase and taking such a risk? Again, it's an IDEA. It's a PROPOSAL. There's no guarantee the Council will accept it.
Now, as far as I'm concerned, what do you think will happen to ALL property values when section 8 and affordable housing comes to Downtown. You better believe I like my hard working idea better than Jim Ireton's.
I think you'll find an overwhelming amount of support towards my idea as compaired to Jim's.
Wow! That's an incredible idea Joe. There's no question about it. You have my vote sir.
As a property owner downtown I don't care if you make a million dollars off your property. This is a perfect idea for what we've been left with over the years. I never thought I'd say this Joe but I'm impressed.
Great start and I like the idea
I really like the botanical garden idea. It sounds well thought out. Since I rarely ever visit the plaza I certainly wouldn't mind it as an entertainment area. Think of all the bueiness you would get from the college. I'm too old to enjoy it today but I like it.
Impressed about opening a bunch of bars? Get real.
First, I am not an Albero fan. BUT, I applaud you for putting your ideas out there and they sound very interesting and workable. Whether you run for mayor or not, I think it's great to share your vision. You don't need the media; present it to council on your own - as a concerned citizen. You are allowed to do that, yes?
anonymous 10:13, impressed with opening subsodized housing projects, get real. At least the idea is MINE and not stolen from 30 year old projects numeropus other Councils already TURNED DOWN. Shame on the local MSM.
Pete Cooper did the right thing by closing the Plaza to traffic and making it a downtown destination -- then Barrie Tilghman and the "Dream Team" ruined it by allowing vehicle traffic, as recommended by the Hyatt-Palma study.
Step 1 -- close the Plaza to vehicles 24/7.
I'm not afraid to say it. I like the idea. Someone better jump on Parker Place. A bar with outdoor dining and apartments above.
When done with the plaza, can you give city park some attention?
It is in a deplorable state now.
Geez, you can't even see the water for the overgrowth of weeds and scrub bushes.
It looks neglected.
First of all , it's good to see that you have a vision , unlike Ireton. It's also good to have short term and long term committments. This is a good sign of professional leadership.
Ireton can't even get the trash picked up downtown or needed repairs to small things. How the hell can he face a large problem.
He is so involved in political scamming he doesn't know is job as mayor. I feel so sorry for him , it is pathetic , a child that has lost his toy.
Bars will not generate the interest that you propose. There are already plenty in town.
It needs a different sort of magnet to increase interest and a bit more money.
I propose building a new Civic Center downtown. It would appeal to a wide variety of people and interest. And it would draw other businesses to it as well. Think of the Verizon Center in D.C.
Of course all of this would take a lot of planning, money and forsight, three thing that are missing in Salisbury I am sad to say.
Joe how will you have time to be Mayor and pull this wonderful plan together? It will take many months (years) to sell this idea to potential business owners.
i've never understood why our leaders past and present couldn't seem to get a vision for downtown salisbury. as you stated; many of the other cities came up with great concepts and they are working.
i like the idea of showcasing a variaty of businesses and shops. i don't lean so much on bars but maybe some old fashioned soda / ice creme shops and a great pizza palace.
just the idea of no parking meters will do a world of good.
anonymous 10:24, I think once we've created the interest in the botanical gardens there will be additional time for Public Works to maintain other areas.
anonymous 10:26, this is a long term plan. Once completed it could easily last for 50 years, or more. Look at Annapolis as an example.
anonymoujs 10:30, the County will never consider opening a Civic Center Downtown. While I expect some will disagree with my proposal, it's just that, a proposal. I welcome any and all other ideas but I truly believe through evidence and proof, Annapolis, Easton, Cambridge, Berlin, Charlotte, San Antonio, New Orleans, this can be a destination location.
Please open your minds to the future. Think BIGGER than what loal politicians have proposed in the past. Think of the new Hotels, new Shops, new Restaurants. It's not all about bars and drinking. It's a 50 year vision, not an instant fix for future problems like we see in Ireton's plan, with all due respect.
This will never happen with the council, not in my lifetime!
While I am not a fan of cover charges. I think in this case and location it would be a good idea. Not only will the money go to help fund security it will keep out the people that just want to go there to hang out and cause problems.
anonymous 10:36, well, the Mayors job is actually a part time position, hence it only pays $25,000.00 a year. Nevertheless, I have already started working the idea on numerous business owners and they LOVE it.
Taking over as Mayor will not be an easy task but I truly believe I have the proper work ethics to make all of it work. I'd stop the baby kissing, the multiple press conferences and fighting against the Council.
I'd respect the Mayors position by simply proposing ideas and accept their decisions in the end.
anonymous 10:38, I LOVE the ice cream shop ideas. I LOVE the Downtown Barber Shop already in place. It's not all about bars. It's about a new vision and a destination location.
None of it will happen overnight but think of the future possibilities. This idea leaves every day life on the Plaza during business hours as normal as its always been.
Please keep an open mind Folks.
I Love the Idea... What ever it takes to get the downtown area buzzing again is worth talking about even if nothing gets done... We have to be able to talk about it which most people are not willing to do... I.E the Gay ass mayor...
Now, if you could tell me Joe,
What would you do about all the taxes and fees going around the city that will lessen the burden on me so I may have some extra spending cash so I can actually buy something to help the economy or to help support the downtown trend?
I mean, think about it seriously here... You can do all that you need to get business down here on the plaza, but EVERYONE seems to forget, WE HAVE NO MONEY TO SPEND ON ANYTHING OTHER THAN ESSENTIALS...
So even if we get the downtown area back the way it was, if I or others have no MONEY TO SPEND OR SUPPORT THE IDEA, then how will the idea last?
You can have all the bars, and restaurants and delis, but if I can afford to buy a damn sandwich, as most Americans and sby residents, how will that help?
I have worked on the plaza for 7 years, this is what kills businesses the fact no one has money to drive to the plaza or no money to buy things on the plaza...
And its getting worse as the days go on with this crappy ass mayor we have...
It took me a while to read the whole thing but I love it. This will be the talk of the town for a long time. Thanks for sharing it Joe.
anonymous 10:48, and ALL other commenters. Please refrain from calling Mayore Ireton names.
OK, let me see if I can answer your questions.
I do have other ideas that would put SOME relief on the taxpayers. I will not share those ideas on here right now. I was pushed into exposing my Downtown idea and when the time comes I'll start opening up to some of my other ideas.
I will say however, REMOVING the parking meters WILL help people to not only visit our Downtown, it will also leave them with additional cash on hand, especially for those who get tickets on a regular basis.
Just think about the fact that once people know the meters are gone just how many people will reconsider coming down to visit.
As for the final part of your comment, look, a LOT of marketing will have to be done on the Western Shore. Like it or not, they never got hit by the recession. People are still packing Ocean City and we ALL know how expensive that can get.
We need to create a destination location that not only gets known on the Shore, it needs to be recognized around the nation. YES, Salisbury has almost everything you can imagine to recreate such a place. Again, you have to think a LOT bigger than our previous politicians who had been in Office.
We have a beautiful River setting. Why not do what San Antonio did in Texas.
I want you to get excited about what I'm proposing. I want your taxes going down because businesses are bringing in the bulk of our expenses. It can work Ladies & Gentlemen. I'm a LOT like Walt Disney when it comes to vision. Salisbury HAS the blue print. Someone just needs to sell the vision like Walt did and make it happen.
I love the idea of this, I was just telling someone a very similar idea the other day. If we could replicate something like power plant live in Baltimore, you could turn downtown Salisbury into a very sought after area in the years to come. With Aqua going in downtown in the next few weeks I believe that it's a step in that direction.
The bottom line is that the entire city is suffering not just downtown. Joe what about the rest of the city?? It appears a little biased being that you own property downtown.
It is not safe city. This is the third most violent city in America per capita. Did the numbers get scewed when Chief Duncan punted to the Maryland State Police. Was that an attempt to clear stats to make it appear a safer city?? What do you intend to do about the police department.
What do you intend to do about the waste water treatment plant other then blaming Tilghman.
You keep talking and boasting as usual. Give the people something they can hang some hope on.
The whole Mayor thing is about Joe Albero and not the people. Sorry dude just calling it like I see it. You are in this for gain and nothing else. You dont give a crap about Salisbury. You care about promoting Joe Albero.
anonymous 11:02, I respectfully disagree, on some things anyway.
Will I blame the WWTP on Barrie Tilghman, no, I don't think the blame is actually hers. The blame goes back to before Mike Dunn and the Dream Team were on Council.
The MAYOR has NO POWER to make such a proposal happen. The COUNCIL does and did.
As far as ALL of the things I will propose while I run for Mayor, you'll just have to wait. As I stated earlier in another comment, I only came out with this because I want the citizens to know the difference between Joe Albero and Jim Ireton.
Here's my offer to ALL of you. IF someone wants to buy my building right now for exactly what I have in it, I'll sell it. I have no interest in making money off my idea. Just because I happen to own a piece of property Downtown doesn't mean I'm trying to make something for myself. I believe that is a very fair offer, do you?
Put your money where your mouth is and I will do the same.
I look forward to your response to that, or did that shut you up?
I should add. The mayoral race is a long way off. I simply announced my intentions because I had to move to Salisbury back in March. I will be happy to share many more of my ideas when I hold meet and greets in the future.
Comparing yourself to Walt Disney?
You have bumped your head.
I'll bet Ireton is running scared now. I didn't think of past councils rejecting the same idea in the past. They just lost my support for good.
anonymous 11:15, I compared the ideas to Disney. I'll compare my passion to Disney. There's no question the man was one of the greatest mentors of my life. I have studied Walt Disney in depth and can assure you, he did things no other businessman has ever done.
Call me one day and I'll tell you just how smart the man was. So yes, I'd like to move forward with this idea at NO expense to the taxpayers. Disney did it, so can I. I'm NOT at all ashamed to say or admit I will be copying his great ideas to make it work.
However, IF you don't know Walt Disney's history of how he did the things he did, please don't challenge me because your uneducated, with all due respect.
Subsidized Housing will cost YOU the taxpayers. Lowering impact fees and EDU's will cost YOU the taxpayers.
My ideas will cost the taxpayers NOTHING. Now please, deliver me another idea that would do the same.
Great vision and plan, and most impressive is its physically responsible {a big hats off to ya there!} I can see a mini mardi gra....well maybe not that rowdy. I'd like first dibbs on the reflective pond.....I can make that lifeless thing flourish with an impressive fountain display.
Puddle Duck Irrigation and landscape
Joe, you mentioned San Antonio. What if we make the section from Schumakers Pond (at the Ward Museum)to the river at Riverside drive a wider and deeper canal? The water route is already there. It needs to be widened in places and dredged. Atunnel would be neede from the water falls at the west end of the park to the East branch (Holiday Inn). This route would connect the Ward Foundation and the Civic Center with the Zoo, the Park and the downtown river front. Imagine the cafes and stores and bars that could line the canal. WOW
Get rid of that goofy looking metal monument -- I say put it on top of that old water tower standpipe by the Parsons Home as a lightning rod.
What is the problem with installing mroe bars and such downtonwn? Would you rather it just sit there and rot until the current mayor puts up project housing? This is a college town. A lot of business is generated through the college and it brings in paying customers. If the kids can walk from the college to downtown or have the cab service as you say I would not be surprised to see this flourish, especially if SU is planning on expanding and allowing more students.
I agree with 9:50 -- what about the rest of the City, which can still be saved. The downtown is a goner because about 25 years ago the owners there rejected Paul Martins's idea to have a special tax district to keep it alive and well. What little life that was left was done in by Barrie and the Dream Team, as mentioned above.
Like Obama, his idol, Ireton has done nothing for the Plaza and now wants to come off as the savior.
I have had an idea for a long time that I would like to share with you Joe. I know it would take years to follow through, however, I think the North prong area would be great for a market like Baltimore's Lexington market, just blocks from the University of Maryland Shock Trauma. Building this on both sides of the canal with foot bridges that cross back and forth.
A multi-cultural market place with fresh produce, a butcher shop, fresh cut chickens, foods of all kinds for eat in or carry-out, Thai, Chinese, Mexican, Soul Food, real Carribean, Vegan/vegetarian, Seafood, Pizza and of course the all American burger and Fries. Some arts and crafts stores, all locally owned would even be better.
Another thought, is encouraging some outlet stores to Downtown, from Division St. to Rt.13.
If downtown is to be successful, we need a little bit of everything to bring people here from distances worth the trip and shuttles to get them around.
Let's not end with just the Plaza, we can turn the entire downtown around with many great ideas.
We don't need expensive studies, we the citizens also have great ideas. Joe, you build it and people will come.
Talk is cheap Jim Ireton, it's time you did something besides whine 24/7 because you've done nothing.
Joe I have thought for years what to build on our river to make it unique and build businesses from Rt13 around to Fitzwater Area and sometime in the future on the other side of the draw bridge on the river.
A Shanty Town. Like the one we had in west ocean city. The shops would be new, small easy to heat/air condition. People could own or rent the shop. Ice Cream Shop, Bakery, and over by the boat slips do items nautical. Clothing shops, art shops...food. Right now no one want to rent down town because it cost a fortune to heat and air condition those high ceilings and no insulation.
City of Salisbury can still own the property but a developer could build and rent or sell the buildings.
What do you think?
$10 cover won't work but the tax revenue from business activity can easily pay for security etc.
OK, now we're talking! You see, it just takes a little vision to get people excited.
It's been a long time since the citizens got excited about Downtown.
When I started going out and discussing my proposal to other property owners Downtown you should have seen the look on their faces. I watched with excitement as each one of them started adding ideas. Who better than those who are invested to offer such ideas.
TOGETHER we can finally turn the City around.
Sure, there are plenty of other areas to work on and I will do so. In fact, I already have. Like I said though, that's for another discussion at another time.
Right now the topic is Downtown, to those who have no heard my ideas and continue to challenge me. Obviously you like my idea but now you want to challenge me on other areas and I have to wonder if your Jim Ireton or someone close to him.
If you like Jim's idea, vote for him. If you like mine, vote for me. It really is that simple.
Thanks for the great ideas. Please keep them coming.
If you studied Disney 'in depth' as you say, you should know that one of the points they cover during their world famous corporate seminar on drawing visitors to an entertainment complex is "SAFETY". Of the many factors that make a place attractive to guests (value, cleanliness, etc.), SECURITY is right on top as #1 in importance. Number two is far down the line. If people don't feel safe, they will not come.
SBY needs to clean up the crime FIRST. Real or not, the perception of Salisbury as a crime center is out there.
You mentioned Berlin. Berlin was quickly on it's way downhill until a few years ago when they decided to clean up the streets of the drug and gang problem, and when they did it turned everything around for that town. Within a few years it went from a place to stay away from, to a destination for vacationers and visitors to the shore.
I like your proposal. Who wouldn't? If I may, let me offer one other idea that would get the ball rolling downtown: Get an IMAX Theater. Get it first. The other businesses will follow in quick succession.
But control the crime or no one will come.
Downtown Salisbury died when Gertrude closed the Saddle Club -- my all-time favorite "restaurant" -- so reopen it and things will be booming once again.
Get Perdue to open a test kitchen with free samples!
anonymous 11:52, Thank You so much. You are so right too.
Crime is an issue that must be addressed, no question about it.
Unfortunately we're never going to get rid of crime in such a transient area. However, it can be addressed head on and I believe bringing in a new Chief with experience from New York City was a move in the right direction.
While I may not have liked how she handled the phone case recently, I know who she works for and I'll simply leave it at that.
Keep thinking BIG Ladies & Gentlemen, I'm listening.
Question here. So if you just wanted to go out to dinner on the plaza on the weekend would you have to pay the cover charge?
My grandmother always said, build it and they will come. I guess the choice is, do we want businesses and patrons that bring in tax revenue or do we want subsodized housing that brings in no income.
You have my vote Joe.
The rest of the city is irrelevant. The point of the matter is, MONEY RULES EVERYTHING. This city needs more income.
The other issues with this city cannot be fixed without more income. The only area of opportunity in this town that is untapped is Downtown Salisbury.
It is so much wasted space, that it SHOULD BE THE ONLY TOPIC. We have the opportunity to generate this city millions more in tax revenue every year as well as business revenue. This can and will create jobs.
Joe, I agree with having an open container law. I also agree with closing the plaza to traffic, permanently. However, I would like to offer some advice... There are people who live on the plaza who need access to the plaza in order to take up groceries, furniture, any business deliveries, etc... How about a service entrance for Plaza residents only? Not sure how this could be worked out, but an idea none-the-less.
Having an open container law+live bands could do wonders for the plaza.. however, the only people who should be able to vote for this are downtown plaza/sby residents. Other city residents are irrelevant because they are completely unaffected by such a law.
I would also like to add that the parking lot across from feldmans(also across from your building) and the parking lot behind the new aqua restaurant should be proposed to stay open. The dentist office downtown has a lot of elderly patients. Also, for residents, it makes easier access to their homes.
I bought property on the plaza because it was cheap and comes with huge potential. Its been over 2 years now and not much has changed. There are less businesses now but more parking devils... something doesnt add up.
So for everyone saying that Joe needs to focus on other areas in salisbury, please tell me how you want lower taxes, but all of these things fixed? The only potentially profitable area in salisbury at the moment is downtown salisbury. This city needs more income, and downtown sby is a vacant goldmine waiting to be tapped.
anonymous 12:00, each restaurant could provide a voucher or dinner receipt for a refund. Remember, while the Farmers Market and Craft people would occupy the Plaza during the day there would be NO COVER charge. It would only be in the evening after 9 PM or so to collect a cover charge.
anonymous 12:02, I love it!
Let me add, we need to address the trash on the Plaza and I do have an answer for that. We need to provide trash pickup, (FREE) to ALL business and residents on the Plaza. This too will be covered by the cover charge. It's actually a minimal amount of money but I had to come up with a location in which we could place dumpsters out of view. It can and will get done.
Overall, a good plan. But forget the cover charge, and forget the shuttle bus service. Not a good idea. People HATE to pay a cover, and they will NOT want to get on a bus after parking their cars. A close-by, pleasant walk to the attractions is what they would want.
My big question is, if Ireton wanted his ideas passed by the council, why didn't he do it when he had the rubber stamp council w/ Louise Smith? Let's see Jimmy back peddle that thought!
He had no ideas to start with and he hasn't come very far.
You were smart to sit on this until 47 News and the DT's signed onto Jim's idea first.
Your idea is perfect. It goes to show just how in bed these people are with foolish ideas from the mayor.
This is the first time I've ever thought about anything past just the plaza area. It really is exciting. Keep it up Joe. I'm really thinking your going to have my vote.
you do know this is Salisbury....the lower shore is one of the poorest areas of the State...where is all this necessary investment going to come from? the locals can barely afford burger king!
I have ALWAYS wished there was a jazz club here! (And I'm 24 - not only 50 and 60 somethings love it :)) I think that would be a big hit. Also someone mentioned the Lexington market in Baltimore. I have never been to that but I imagine it is similar to the reading terminal market in philly which is AWESOME. that is something unique that isn't just a bar and would attract many people.
anonymous 12:29, did you see my comment last week discussing bringing an indoor water park, Busch Gardens or something similar to Salisbury?
I'm not interested in putting lipstick on a pig. My interests are BIG. We can no longer depend on the chicken industry. Look it up and see the last time someone filed for a permit to build new chicken houses. Once they slowed down the Shore residents should have seen the light right then and there.
We have to create a better atmosphere for everyone here on the Shore.
I agree, the money just isn't there but NOW is the time to reach out to the Wester Shore investors who have not been hurt by the recession. We have to sell Salisbury for what it has to offer.
We have a major Hospital. We have WorWic, UMES, SU, we have plenty here to make it work. The problem is and always has been, you have to have something to offer in order to get them here.
Look at what EVO has done. They have 350 employees in all of their restaurants. Bring them to the Plaza! Even if its a small tasting location, what better place to market their product. Do the same with Brian Brushmillers brew in Berlin.
You have to WORK for it and NOT wait for something to fall into your lap.
Once the jobs are here hopefully Burger King will be out of the picture. Again, keep in mind, we need to draw people to Salisbury form the other side of the bridge.
Jim Ireton you are so toast.
Excellent ideas Joe.From what I have read so far the movement would surely spread down main street to the traffic light at RTE 13. However Joe dont let the MAYOR read to much. Just amazes me how someone is teaching the kids in grade school with his attitude and antics in public. Maybe his job supervisors dont give a chit.
Instead of "Pork in the Park" let's have "Pork on the Plaza"!
Doesn't the petition from Ireton push just a gay only Salisbury? It seems that this is something that is open to everybody.
I like this ides very much.I would love to go to the Plaza on a Saturday night to get a meal and entertainment and socialize with some area residents.A similar thing is done in Solomons Island on the western shore and loads of people congregate there for similar reasons.This can be done successfully in our downtown area with the proper promotion.It would be a great place for small vendors such as caricature artists and such. Good luck on the coming election.
Expect another late night phone call from Ireton tonight Joe. After he reads this he's gonna know its lights out for him.
Why should EVO move on the plaza? They are already in "Salisbury" just go there for tasting and dinner.
Nice place for dinner with good people.
Joe, Forget the cover charge.
Copy Ocean City, add a small tax to the meals, drinks etc.
I just got back from lunch and everyone is talking about this. I had to come see it for myself. I've never seen so much excitement around here and now I know why. It's a great idea Joe. I may not like everything you say but I have to give you credit. The mayors proposal is fiscally irresponsible and I can't believe what's been printed in the paper. I also loved the Disney message. Its about a vision and possibilities. I'm starting to like Salisbury all over again. Thanks Joe.
Ideas do not make a man. Character does. You fall way short in the character category. How is it that you are never wrong? However, these are some nice ideas.
anonymous 1:17, that is VERY cool, thanks.
anonymous 1:14, I think it would be cool for them to open a small shop for tasting. They can always encourage people to go to their main location.
anonymous 1:14, hmmmmm, not a good thing to mention another tax. I'll think about it.
Friend of the Dr. move on then. Funny how that's all you have to say though. Considering I reject 99% of your nasty comments that this is all you have to say. In other words, I'm glad you at least like it.
anonymous 1:18, I beg to differ. Clearly you've never been married. I'm wrong more often then I'm right, believe me, even when I'm right. LOL
Can I ask where the library falls within your plan?
There are a lot of folks who stop in and need it to be downtown where they can walk or ride a bus there. Any thoughts?
1:17 I agree with you. I can't wait to get home and share this with my husband. An amusement park would be great for this area.
This is a awesome idea Joe. I hope the City Council will listen to what you have to say.
It is nice to think the job base will increase in the area. We need a boost.
anonymous 1:26, the Library is a County Library. The city doesn't really have much say about their business. However, if your suggesting would I discourage the Library in any way, NO WAY. Every Town needs a Library. Unfortunately every Town isn't as fortunate as Salisbury is. I will admit that I do believe Libraries are downsizing and not necessarily growing.
IF we were confronted again by the state wanting to build a new Library I would strongly suggest they do so on top of the 2 hour parking lot. I would encourage 2 levels of parking below, as mentioned in this Post and build above that. Fair enough?
If we would ever have a downtown like this, I would consider moving my business there for sure.
I don't see the cover charge being an issue. On a good Friday or Saturday you would pay the same to get into many bars in Salisbury. Paying the same to get into multiple locations with a moderately upscale feel sounds fantastic.
I would love to see Street Acts on the Plaza as well. And all the store fronts done in bright colors.
Had an offer on your building yet?
I didn't think so.
anonymous 1:33, remember, there would be local talent, probably 2 bands at either end of the Plaza. The $10.00 cover would be well worth it. Perhaps we could put some consideration for City/Salisbury residents too. In other words, FREE if you live in the City.
anonymous 1:34, I think we need to keep the store fronts as original as possible. The interiors are a different story. Street Acts are a cool thought though.
How long until the roots of those trees cause water and sewer problems?
The river will be Beautiful all lite up at night. I think you ideas can work if we all work together.
I wonder what the editorial board at the Daily Times is thinking right about now. This is a great concept.
Can't wait to hear some more of your plans. I can tell you have passion for Salisbury.
Anonymous said...
How long until the roots of those trees cause water and sewer problems?
July 9, 2012 1:39 PM
Hey DA there trees down there already.
Great idea, Joe.Your ideas are current with the times.What's also good is that once you get it started,more ideas will come!Need some events the fill that poor Holiday Inn also.
How about a Hooters, so the Mayor can go for carry out.
Good ideas Joe. Downtown sucks and it's such a let down.
I will sign up at the voting booth.
What can be done with the old fire house. By the way, this is a great idea Joe.
anonymous 1:55 and everyone else, thank you.
As for the old Fire House, remember, all I can do is offer proposals.
There are so many great and creative ideas already brought forth for that location.
I personally believe it is a great asset and I for one would never want to sell it. Heck, I tried to buy it at least two times. That being said, I know that it is an asset.
Give it some time. Let's wait until after the election, unless the Council comes through with an idea beforehand. I'll just leave it at I'm interested in keeping it.
The phones in the gob are ringing like crazy. You really stirred things up quite a bit Joe. Everyone is talking about this new plan and even the people that don't like you like the idea. Way to go!
Anonymous said...
How long until the roots of those trees cause water and sewer problems?
July 9, 2012 1:39 PM
Hey DA there trees down there already.
July 9, 2012 1:44 PM
Trees grow up, and roots grow down, those are the trees I'm talking about. The trees there already.
But it is nice to know that liberal name callers read this blog, whether they comprehend what they read or not.
What did you expect. Joe has been around for a long time trying to improve Salisbury and now he's proving it. I know first hand some of his other great ideas and Ireton doesn't stand a chance. Joe Albero for mayor.
Wait, you are proposing the government tell businesses downtown what they can and can't do? You're proposing government regulation. More law telling small business what they CAN'T do.
To those of you saying Downtown sucks, it really doesn't. Downtown just needs more support, more life. 3rd Friday has been a great start. THINK, where will they put the Salisbury Festival IF the Mayor sells off all the parking lots? I just can't believe the local Media jumped so quickly on Ireton's ridiculous idea. Does the Chamber actually support it? With all due respect, his idea is just plain stupid and 30 years worth of Council's have agreed in the past.
You show me one place where I said anything of the sort.
Is that all you've got? I'm surprised you didn't impersonate my name on your comment.
We'll all sit around waiting for you to reply.
EVO would be great downtown. How about some wine companies too.
How is that Old Mall development working out? The city provided them with a $14,000,000 TIF to only sell off some property to the county for Civic Center parking.
The rest remains a vast waste land.
Ireton just wants to throw the baby out with the bathwater!
It's good that you put these ideas out there Joe, before Ireton claims they are his ideas!
I really hope you win the election.
You're beating a dead horse. Downtown Salisbury will never be revived. Who wants to put up with the hassles that come along with that area? Plus there are too many other places to go within a short drive that will offer more than downtown Salisbury.
Downtown died when I was a young kid. It won't come back no matter who is Mayor or on the Council.
Anonymous said...
My big question is, if Ireton wanted his ideas passed by the council, why didn't he do it when he had the rubber stamp council w/ Louise Smith? Let's see Jimmy back peddle that thought!
He had no ideas to start with and he hasn't come very far.
July 9, 2012 12:15 PM
That is a very good question for Jimmy.
The idea is a proven concept and used in many small/midsized cities, Louisville, KY comes to mind 4th Street Live (Google it). On a smaller scale, it could work here.
With more than 100 comments on such a long Post I'd say the point has been well made. Considering I have barely rejected ANY comments to this Post, that says a lot too.
The rest is up to YOU.
Not to be a naysayer but I would rather see the downtown come back to life without any bars.
How long would the hard work be for naught when the drunks ruin it?
Seriously, how many bars and nightclubs have opened in this area and been nice places to go but after awhile it went downhill?
Now if they are upscale and costly, that may keep the riff raff out.
But, at least you are thinking. Good luck with it Joe.
There is no doubt in my mind you will be elected. But I don't think two years is going to be long enough to complete your goals.
Get them started and show people something and I'm sure it will be more than two years you're sitting behind that desk.
Good luck and Godspeed.
I was just overseas and they have tons of places like this and they were FULL of people...having a spectacular time. Awesome ideas. This is the way to go!
Obviously you know what you are undertaking Mr. Albero.
Such a plan is not to be done unilaterally, but with the city council. Something Jim doesn't get. Kudos to you Joe!
I haven't read all 104 comments so maybe this has already been said.
I think the Downtown Plaza idea would work if marketed properly.
The businesses selling drinks would have to get together and come up with non competing prices if alcohol consumption was allowed on city property.
I miss the times in the first picture.
Anon 2:48 I am from the Louisville area and you exactly right. What you might not know is that the County with several business folks on the council took over the city of Louisville. There is no city goverment only county, departments consolidated. Business leaders stepped up just as Joe is trying to do. The problem that I see here is your council has no business sense or drive to make a change.
Anonymous said...
The idea is a proven concept and used in many small/midsized cities, Louisville, KY comes to mind 4th Street Live (Google it). On a smaller scale, it could work here.
July 9, 2012 2:48 PM
I've been to Louisville Kentucky on business on several occasions and stayed at the Hyatt right on Forth Street and I can tell you that Forth Street Live is like a mini version of Ccean City and draws a good diverse crowd.
It does have bars but is also very family friendly at the same time( No Hooter's etc.). One bar I found very nice and I only drank water, I can't remember the name but it was a bar/bowling alley/sports bar.
The bowling balls were neon color and only the end of the alley with the pins was lit up, it was kind of like bowling in the dark (you can see the alleys) and we all had a great time drinking or no drinking.
Wish I could remember the name, but that's not the point here.
"Salisbury. Downtown died when I was a young kid"
Not everyone has an interest in revitalization and some would have given up. I think there is enough though to support the businesses. Same goes for bars. You can have any kind of establishment that has liquor. It it's dirt cheap with nothing else to offer, it will be a dive. How many times have you seen Obama down a beer? He's never been seen in a stupor like Ireton.
That's awesome! When are you filing?
I am all for it. It's about darned time someone came up with something useful. Mr. Ireton, you better get yourself a new campaign crew because whomever gave you your ideas for downtown are stupid.
There was a proposal to build a water park, go carts etc. out by
Arthur Perdue stadium, a great location. However after a study by the proposer a decision was made to abort the idea. I still belive the locaation was ideal.
It is hard to read all the comments because there are so many. I will add I agree with Joe and your ideas for the area. We need more forward thinking people like yourself to move us in the right direction. Keep the Faith Joe.
We Love It Joe!
I will be there on opening night and buy your first Beer Joe. Awesome plan my Friend!
I had no idea you were this creative. I can't wait to hear the rest of your ideas for Salisbury. I hope the council is listening.
The Downtown Of Salisbury is our bread maker. Bring the job and tax income and they will spend their money at the mall or the movies or all the other places in town. This will work I know it!
The local MSM is going to be begging you for an interview. I would love to see the look on their face when you say No Thank I am not available.
Albero For Mayor
I forgot the mention the archways.
You know the archway for the Downtown Boardwalk in Ocean City. I want to create something similar to both ends of the Plaza calling it The Downtown Plaza in the arch.
I'd also like to add two speed bumps in the middle and one at the west end, IF we were to keep traffic flowing. If people are only supposed to go 15 miles per hour, let's make sure they do just that.
Your thoughts?
This we put us on the map. Salisbury will be the talk of Maryland and beyond. Next stop for you is Annapolis or straight to DC maybe.
Joe I have read all of your comments and you are spot on. These are things that can be done. You will make sure they are done starting in April 2013 I just know it.
In all my years here I have never heard of anything so encouraging.
It's a lot of work Mr. Albero. Are you really up for such a challenge.
If you want to encourage foot traffic there I would suggest closing it to vehicle traffic, especially if you have bars operating there.
@ 3:17 Yes they keep riff-raff out, they won a lawsuit over it and have dress code enforcement on their webpage (goole it).
@ 4:03 The Sports & Social Club, yes it is a fun place.
anonymous 4:46, I am up for such a challenge.
To be completely honest, I had really wished Jim Ireton would have been more receptive to ANY of my ideas early on.
While I attempted to pass on some of my ideas, he immediately freaked out calling them Joe's ideas. He just had to have his name on anything he did and that's unfortunate. This is why I have such a strong interest in being the next Mayor of Salisbury.
Don't think for a second I'm done with just this area. There are a LOT of areas and ideas I'd like to present to the citizens and Council for review.
Don't think for a second I'm not taking notes on many of the comments coming through. No doubt Mayor Ireton is doing the same. No doubt he'll attempt to use them in his campaign.
ALL I ask is that you look at these proposals and then look back at Ireton's record.
Just remember, I'm pretty much the complete opposite of Ireton and I not only have many more years of experience, I have many more years of successful experience. Ask anyone who knows me just how hard I work every single day.
There's a LOT of catching up to do. A LOT of work to be done. We either move forward or we don't. Step aside Jim and let a real man get it done.
Salisbury Blogger
Some of these comments are laughable at best. Annapolis and The White House? Give me a break. Good Lord
Salisbury Blogger
I am rolling in the floor over here Joe. Jim do see that! Salisbury Blogger, Salisbury Resident, Salisbury Taxpayer and last but not least SALISBURY'S NEXT MAYOR!!!!!!
You are Pissing off the powers of be and you know it!
OMG this is so unbelievable. I got home at 4:40 and went right to the computer. Everyone has been talking about this today. Sorry, I haven't read all the comments but this is unbelievable.
Joe, we are so in debt with our home we couldn't get out of it if we wanted to. Just the idea of this kind of future would be fantastic. I wish I could vote 100 times for you. Yahoo! Salisbury is going to be saved.
You are the right MAN for the job!
OMG You have set the Salisbury World on fire today. This all I have heard about. You are the one people are talking about Sir.
Oh, Joe, this idea is so old and used! Walt Disney did it in California and Florida, and just look where he is now; dead in a Cryogenics chamber! How can he be dead and pay for that?
I had to think about this for a while. At first I wasn't to sure about an alcohol environment down there but the more I thought about it the more I realized no one has come up with anything for 30 years. I actually think it will work Joe. I also realized that I really don't go down there at all so why should it even concern me. Then I realized that we might actually go there to enjoy some good music. We do go to the famers market and that would be a great place to get our weekly supplies. Joe, your on to something here. I'm going to take more time thinking about it but I have to say I like it.
Will you be at the City Council Meeting tonight? I would love to get shirt from you.
I would expect nothing else from you.
There are some great comments on here with even more great ideas. No problem with the citizens here coming up with great ideas too.
It's not like most of us want to see downtown fail, we want it done right! I know Joe will use some of the input here and give credit where credit is due.
It is not my goal to get any credit, just have that vision for a multi-cultural "like' Lexington Market, outlet stores and my pitch for what is going on at Forth Street Live in Louisville.
I no longer go to Louisville on business and kind of miss it. I would love to see something like that on the Plaza.
Many great ideas and thoughts from commenters thinking positive for a change we all know can happen.
I know Joe realizes there are great ideas here and I gave my thoughts to him as a citizen, ah Jim never asked. Thanks for the opportunity to have a voice Joe!
Joe, dont write off the river either, fact is people love waterfront. With your concept, and cleaning up the river can come a viberant marina that wouldn't be a disgrace and need gates.
anonymous 5:29, The Disney concept worked, period. It is very alive and well today. Look at the comparison here.
My proposal doesn't cost the taxpayers a penny. Private investors would foot the bill to improve each property to their liking and for far less than what Towns like Annapolis have forced business owners to do. For example, ANY new renovations to ANY Downtown property that has a 2nd or 3rd floor MUST put in an elevator. That's a major expense and certainly a large loss of space. That is not required here, yet. The investors on the other side of the Bridge would enjoy spending their money here, believe me.
The Botanical Gardens would be paid for by private investors. Local cab companies would see a major boost in business. The idea of removing parking meters Downtown in my opinion is a major plus for businesses Downtown.
Tax revenue would skyrocket and again the impact fees and EDU's would be minimal to those outside investors.
How about something like a Red Roost, an Old Mill or Phillips Seafood in the old Fire Station? Get creative people. You just have to have someone in Office with a vision.
Walt Disney had a dream. Can you just imagine the troubles he saw when he walked into GE's Office with this crazy theme park idea. Look at Disney today! It can be done. It is not impossible at all.
anonymous 5:39, I will give credit where credit is due, you can count on that. I can't thank ALL of you enough for your ideas and I hupe they keep coming in throughout the night.
anonymous 5:41, The River is VERY important to my/our ideas. That is why I brought up San Antonio Texas. We ALL need to be better stewards towards the River. No more fake bails placed along the river claiming it will clean it up. We need to make an honest effort to do better. I try to do so every day when I take walks around the Downtown area. We NEED more trash cans everywhere. There will always be those people who just don't care and throw their trash on the ground. WE need to pick it up and throw it away whenever we walk by. However, we need to have places to throw it away.
Don't you think for a second I won't be all over that WWTP. No more excuses. It needs to get done and the way you do so is by putting someone in charge that knows what the hell they are doing. That goes for the water plant too. There are many hard working and dedicated people at both facilities but many are looking for jobs elsewhere because of leadership. THAT WILL END!
I've said enough. Thanks again for all you are sharing.
Identity, Identity, Identity...
I spend 3 years servicing ATM machines in Salisbury 5 days a week. I hear and read talk about "the plaza" but had (still to a point) what encompasses "the plaza".
I challenge anyone to tell me where they spot anything guiding them to "the plaza" as they drive through or around.
anonymous 5:53, perhaps you missed my earlier comment about the "archways"? They would be very similar to the Ocean City Boardwalk archway.
Joe, you have just had a wonderful day, and it will only get better for bedtime! Nice job!
If you ask Jim Ireton about the trash problem downtown, he would think you were talking about the homeless people! Nice liberal he is huh? He blames all the trash on the homeless.
He really talks in public like that and I have heard him talking badly about the homeless. Some just don't want to work but some of those people have a mental health issue. To think about it, he's also a failure as a liberal.
Good ideas Joe, i posted some time back that salisbury could learn a lil something by what easton,md .does with their entertainment and free parking and such they got the Avalon and free concerts by navy band and army band and many more things like the free movies at nght neaqr downtown framers market with crafts and such
Let me just say now that I signed ireton's rag because I am NOT a Salisbury resudent, and I just want him to boast my signature just to see it shot down. I think many others are doing the same. Joe's vision is fantastic, however it all hinges on ONE THING. Cut down the parking meters to level the playing field with ALL other Salisbury businesses, then bring that revenue back with voluntary customer payments, just like Wal Mart prices pay for the parking acreage and maintenance. Don't think you're paying for that there? Just watch the vacuum trucks in the mornings there! DUH.
Watching the City Council Meeting on PAC 14 and OMG they are going off!
Mr. Albero,
This is only my second comment on your blog. A few weeks ago I announced that I was a minion who does their job, lays low and asks the occasional question. I also advised that an internet worm was introduced into your system.
After careful review and much discussion, it is the opinion of the heirachy of this offic that you are a festerng pustulant boil on the fissured anus of the SBY community that not only needs to be lanced but drained from our midst. The spoofed phone call, the "hacking" of the FB account as well as other measures that you may or may not be aware of at this time are a product of a concerted effort to discredit and eliminate you from the community. There is a growing communty of people you have slighted either by your direct statements or those you ALLOW to be posted that has made you in my reconing the most hated, despised, lothsome individual we as a LOCAL community have seen in a long time. It is the opinion of the office where I just file and type that you have just seen the beginning of what the thinking people of this area have to throw at you.
As your sometimes supporter Mr. Albero I HOPE that you will consider how you tread.
You sound like a drunk academic- lots of fluff but no substance. Was that a threat or a warning? It certainly was not an educated argument by a reasonable person.
Joe,why wait to run to present your ideas to council? Let them get started on them NOW>
Joe, This is a fantastic plan and it is good to see folks thinking about other ideas that could work.
For years I have supported the Avalon Theatre in Easton and the Globe Theatre in Berlin.
These venues have put on some incredible shows and we have always wished for Salisbury to have a place we could go to enjoy the shows locally. Thanks for all your efforts in this plan and I am so looking forward to the day you are elected Mayor. Then truly HELP will not be on the way but finally arrived.
I just turned on PAC-14 and Terry Cohen has taken the gloves off : ) You GO Terry, Debbie and Tim!
I like the Lexington type market idea.
Is anyone familiar with Spence's Bazaar in downtown Dover? They are only open Tues, Fri and Sat.
Spence's has an outdoor/indoor flea market area. Most of the vendors do actually sell flea market type of items though there are a few vendors selling new items such as socks, underware, sunglasses, cell phone gadgets, Avon product.
In the spring it's common to see people selling plants of all types and in the summer fruits and vegetables being sold.
In one building an Amish group from PA comes down and sells cheese, candy, meats, and things such as potatoe salad, and other already cooked foods.
At lunch time the place is packed with lines 20 deep at the food counters. Kent General employees and alot of people in uniforms who are stationed at the Air Force base.
Around 2pm they have an outdoor auction. All kinds of stuff at the auction including paper grocery bags of iris, jonquil, lily bulbs, eggs, boxes of produce and of course the usual auction items such as dishes, furniture, lawn and garden items, etc.
You can not hardly get on the parking lots at Spences unless it is the dead of winter and even then it's still crowded but the other times of the year it is jam packed.
Don't Forget the empty marina across the street Joe..Who knows if any of your ideas take off,
they might breathe a little life into that place as well.
The crazies (now it's 6:45) are coming out of the woodwork! Can only mean one thing and one thing only. Joe has got them worried big time otherwise they would ignore what is going on over here.
Hey 6:45
It is obvious you are a follower
without ideas . Keep on doing what you do best , nothing of importance.
Back @ ya' 7:06... Since I am the drone that works silently much longer for MUCH less money than the overloards I am just getting home and am just now "cracking one open..." Yeah, it is in a can... Clearly NOT an academic here but I do keep my ear to the ground and my legs closed)... I don't get the chance to write often and like I said, it was only my 2nd post here. Threats? Warnings? I am just the drone. I am just trying to express in my own terms with my admitted inexperience in these matters what I see, hear, and ENDURE on a daily basis. Many times even my evenings and nights are not my own since I have to ften take work home. PLEASE do not judge me. I try to always keep neutral... That's how I've survived this long in a position with no room for growth and no chance for advancement. I get no sick days and the days I do not work, I do not get paid for. I just want a better life. Perhaps Mr. Albero is the hope we need, perhaps not.
My wife and I moved here 16 years ago and have always been puzzled why a community with such an unpolished jewel sits back and doesn't do anything with it. I come from New England and during my early professional career worked as a staff landscape architect and worked on many redevelopment projects troughout the region. WE redeveloped river fronts, old warehouses and ethnic areas. Yes many of the ideas are nice but have only touched the tip of the iceberg. We have multiple components to make this very attractive to businesses, residents, etc. We have a flowing river, a historic downtown, parking garage, access, etc. We have what many communities would die for. Your plan is the first time in 16 years that I have heard any dialogue for the wasteland of downtown. The last year or so my wife and I have supported the third friday events almost every month. The one item I find a problem is to many planters and plants. It causes bottle necking for vehicles and people as well as making it toughher for police to improve safety. I can't believe I am offering this with the busy schedule I have but feel free to contact me if I can be of any help. I am not making this offer for political or any reason other than wanting to see something happen to the downtown area. I have been part of design teams and can return to many of the areas I worked on to see that they quickly took on new life. Remember you don't need a beach to make this work. With one or two major anchors to the are it could really blossum. If you want ot hear my thoughts for the river please feel free to contact me.
Thanks for all of your efforts.
Hey 6:45pm
Who are you? LOL
I know and I am telling all!
If what you say is the truth, then I do feel sympathy. But, why would you continue to work in that environment?? You obviously put work into that post, and I appreciate that. You deserve a better work place. Take control of your life.
What an amazing council meeting. We are in some serious trouble if we don't get some help soon.
Joe you mentioned handcuffs in one of your articles recently and I would just like to add, I enjoy them very much but only in the right setting.
Just Sayin ;)
I think someone is at the bar ready to crash and burn! Just guess Who??
Anonymous said...
I think someone is at the bar ready to crash and burn! Just guess Who??
July 9, 2012 8:16 PM
Joe your plan is Golden Dude. It cannot fail!
Yes, Yes and Yes! I am so happy to see everyone excited about something in this city! My question - why wait? Let's just get started, we don't need a fancy start date, council meeting, grand opening. With over 150 comments so far, people are ready to do something. We could all go downtown this Friday, bring a mug of coffee, greet your neighbors, pet the dog, watch the kids run around and just be social. 158 people gathering downtown every Friday will not be ignored. People will come, Ray. (Had to use the Field of Dreams quote) It will be like the Salisbury Festival EVERY Friday. What a great idea. Thanks Joe!
Anonymous 8:22pm
I will be there, great thought.
Joe You mentioned Ireton should have listened to you. I would like to ask the following. Why would this council listen to you as Mayor.
anonymous 8:38, you can't be serious, can you?
The lady who spoke (her last name is Gibson I believe) first in the public comments at tonight's council meeting should run for council.
I am number 170 in comments YAHOO!
I follow your site daily and based on the number of comments on all the post and all posts themselves I honestly do not know where you find time to do anything else. With all do respect how will you have time to be Mayor?
I will tell you who is having a fit at a local watering hole but you can't tell anyone okay?
Our secret remember.
You Wanted It, Here It Is
I did want it and now I can say I got it!
Love the title Mr. Mayor, just love it!
If Jim was a fruit what fruit would he be?
All of them LOL
Anonymous said...
Joe you mentioned handcuffs in one of your articles recently and I would just like to add, I enjoy them very much but only in the right setting.
Just Sayin ;)
July 9, 2012 8:14 PM
8:14pm I would very much like to meet you. You have peeked my interest. What do you say?
I'm on board, let's do this!
I can't wait until you take office. We totally need some control at the Government Building.
I am calling it a night FYI. I have being following this all day and have been very pleased with all the positive ideas you have brought to our attention. Can't wait to what tomorrow brings. Keep up the good work SBYnews.
having heard this idea from joe's mouth, standing on the plaza, i think it's fantastic and win-win. fingers crossed that it will kick-start the process of restoring salisbury as the heart of delmarva. well played, sir.
Oh, Joe, this idea is so old and used! Walt Disney did it in California and Florida, and just look where he is now; dead in a Cryogenics chamber! How can he be dead and pay for that?
July 9, 2012 5:29 PM
I wish I had a clue what you are talking about.
Seriously, you talk of having more bars, and then post several comments condemming the mayor for being in one. You sir are a hypocrite.
I am number 170 in comments YAHOO!
July 9, 2012 8:54 PM
And number zero in class.
um, 1034pm, there's a place called Disneyland in California and a place called Disney World in Florida. Both places are open and in business today making a profit, even though Walt is dead. Cryogenics is the procedure that keeps a cadaver frozen for as long as the refrigeration payments are kept up. Quit paying and they turn off the freezer and bury your body. Okay, got that?
So, Disney created a machine that makes a profit every single day and he doesn't even have to show up at work to make it happen. Are you starting to "get it" now?
Oh, nevermind....
Joe, love the ideas! Three things to help this idea grow:
Involve the historic society -- Chestertown, Easton, Berlin and Annapolis all have strong alliances between the town council and the historic society... all have created draws due to this element.
Work towards creating a theatre space... again, it is a key component to drawing people in.
Somehow involve educational showcases/presentations. The schools around here don't get a lot of credit for what they do, and they do a lot. Involve the kids, and thus involve the parents.
Just thoughts--
Joe, I am very serious what makes you think that this council will work with you. Your ambition is fantastic. I've been here most of my life and I can't see this council working with you whatsoever.
anonymous 7:25, I guess you'll have to ask Jim Ireton. You see, he states on a daily basis that the Council majority have already chosen their next Mayor.
I have followed all you have done for this community over several years and I honestly feel you are very well educated when it comes to politics. I have seen how you had law created for sex offenders and for animal abusers. You know who is who and who can get things done. You are the right person for this job!
What a stellar idea Joe. Keep up the fight.
We will be swimming in the river in no time if Mr.Albero has anything to do with it.
"Seriously, you talk of having more bars, and then post several comments condemming the mayor for being in one. You sir are a hypocrite"
It's not an issue of being in a bar, it's how long you stay there. Understand the difference?
You should have Bikini's made up for the women to wear.
Mayor Joseph
Perfect lettering on all three pieces LOL
I would love to see a blue print of your plan. You should have someone draw one up.
I applaud you for thinking of the safety of the patrons. The fact that you are getting families home safe shows just how caring you are Joe. You have my vote in April.
I would like to know what other downtowns (that have proven success) have done BUT downtowns that are similar to Salisbury in not only population, but income, education, average age and other comparable social statistics.
A hugh mistake is the one size fits all approach to downtowns and the belief that build and they will come.
Anonymous 9:11
Be careful not all woman can pull a Bikini off. It could destroy a campaign before it begins.
Just Kidding - Mr. Mayor
your last item will fit in well with the outdoor open containers and all the bars
The Historic Society folks I know are partakers of wine - not open container beer. They would be appalled at such an idea.
Love It! Can't wait to do a body shot! LOL
Not a fan of how you go on the attack of certain people but I do like your idea's I have read. I am on the fence about voting for you but you do have my interest.
This is one for the History books if you can make this work. Salisbury has been on Life Support way to long now. The family has already read the will!
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