You know that petition Mayor Ireton is pushing. Well, it turns out the Mayor had the City's IT guy come in to spend hours creating the on line petition.
This is without a question abuse of power. Taxpayers should never have to foot the bill for a Mayor or Council Member out to destroy others. IF this had been done by anyone else they would be thrown out of Office and Jim Ireton knows better then to do something like this.
If I were Terry, Debbie or Tim I would file immediate charges against these people. How many times have Jim's people filed ethics charges against these Council Members and LOST.
No, you won't read or hear about this anywhere else. The whole thing just makes me sick.
He should be fired!
I don't think Ireton is the only one abusing their power in this town.
Did he honestly think no one would find out?
Like all the others he thinks he is untouchable!
And to all those idiots that sign the petition, Good Luck with that. Jim will not be reelected.
Don't waste your time; he's not worth it.
nah. i think its ok
Joe you have them running scared!
I feel it!
i don't think he should spend any of the city's money on having someone else draft his emails/petitions. i DO think he should be relieved of his mayoral duties just based on his drunken behavior. if he was a higher ranking politician in a bigger city, would he be able to stagger around in public and act like a drunken fool on a regular basis? i'm saying this based on what i have witnesssed myself , not heresay or rumors. i don't think Mr. Ireton is qualified to run the city, he has his own demons to fight.
This is the final straw
Kinda like using the PD to investigate something that wasn't criminal. I still can't figure out how that whole thing worked? So like if someone says I called them, and I didn't I can run down to the PD and they will investigate?
It would be nice to know how much the PD got greased for the subpoenaed phone records because it's not a free service offered by providers.
unfortunately, nothing will be done and his minions will look the other way
How is it abuse of power? It is City business is it not?
You may not like the petition, but I can't see why it is abuse of power.
Anonymous said...
How is it abuse of power? It is City business is it not?
You may not like the petition, but I can't see why it is abuse of power.
July 6, 2012 4:26 PM
Because you are a liberal moron that's why.
If it took the city IT guy HOURS to make that petition, we need a new city IT guy.
That's it. I've had it with this guy.
The hearing and vote on Iroten's proposal was city business. A petition objecting how the city conducted their business by someone who does not agree with the outcome is not city business unless a proposal to do the petition was proposed and subsequently approved by the Council. The City should send an invoice to Ireton for the cost to the them for this. If Ireton refuses to pay, sue him.
Anonymous said...
If it took the city IT guy HOURS to make that petition, we need a new city IT guy.
July 6, 2012 4:50 PM
I don't really think it is appropriate for a sitting mayor and a sitting councilmember to be at the forefront of a petition drive.
Isn't this unprecedented? Aren't petition drives generally begun by concerned citizens?
This is all true.
The mayor is not professional. Instead of attempting to divide he should be selling his plan and attempting to convice the council members who voted it down why it is a good plan and why he thinks it will work.
He needs to go. He's not cut out to be the mayor. These petitions are childish and silly.
Politicians do all sorts of things like this now, sending out messages to support this or that by doing XYZ.
But it does look cheesy done here by a mayor and councilwoman who spend 90% of their time attacking other officials while on the public dime.
If charges can be filed of course file them.
This clown doesn't get an executive privilege.
Jim is pimping his petition on Facebook.
Jim Ireton posted in Save Downtown Salisbury!
Jim Ireton 9:37pm Jul 5
Thank you so much for all the support! Remember, if you're going to "attend" this event, you need to sign the petition. And get everyone you know, who cares about changing our downtown, to sign it, as well. Here's the link again:
Jim Beau is begging on FB for outsiders to sign his petition.
Gianni Hayes - Are non-city (but still county) residents allowed to be a part of this and support the mayor?
9 hours ago via · Like
Jim Ireton - Yes, everyone has a stake in the downtown and so many people visit and attend events, even though they are not city limits residents. Get this out to our artists who love downtown. Thanks! Jim
8 hours ago · Like
Ireton isn't the only one wasting tax payer dollars; Teresa Gardner buys donuts all the time and takes her cronies to lunch all the time on the city's dime!
She needs to go too...make this a 1st day thing as mayor Joe.
"The downtown revitalization plan will create jobs, bring more people to live and play in downtown, and reduce the impervious surfaces that harm our Wicomico River. Council needs to pass the plan now!"
Jim Ireton is a typical Obamanista and many of us are sick of the tired mantra "create jobs."
Please tell us how it will create jobs? Who cares!! Don't spend our tax dollars or give our city property away!!
Ireton was downtown this evening and came in at the last minute and was thanking the Army Band for coming to Salisbury. The guys from the band were eating dinner at the chamber.
Only problem all the band had eaten and were getting dressed. He was talking to the "set up" crew. He told them he was MAYOR IRETON and he owned the building??? The guys looked at him like he was crazy He shook hands and flew out. I was shocked.
But a petition 6:32? If those people who are signing it were really concerned they would go to the council meeting and voice their opinion or at the very least contact the council memebers.
It's almost a given that the majority of those who put their name to the petition have not even read the plan.
I can see sending out a message urging people to come to the meeting but a petition? It's over the top and very inappropriate.
Yeah okay it's going to 'create jobs." Over and over we hear this. What we need to hear is to what extent and what lengths are being taken to lure businesses to downtown.
It will create jobs.
Public sector jobs.
Section 8 housing draws nothing but the absolute worst.
The city will have to hire more police to keep up with the rampant drug use, prostitution, robberies and murders. Social services will have to have an office on site.
Sommers Cove in Crisfield comes to mind, Or Boof screet or Pemberton here in Salisbury. Certainly not your typical city center patrons that will be going in to restaurants dropping a few hundred on dinner.
That is what Mr. Ireton wants downtown between the library and the plaza?
You might as well raze the entire plaza as the property will be devalued by half and NO ONE will go there for anything.
This guy is a complete big government tax and spend control your life socialist fool.
The whole Gang of you elected pieces of crap. Who in the hell do you think you are? I am so sick of all the BS that comes with this town I am sick to my stomach.
GO to Hell Mike Lewis and Matt Marshmellow you suck!!!!!!!!!!
IT will never happen.
TDP said...
I don't think Ireton is the only one abusing their power in this town.
July 6, 2012 3:27 PM
Name Names Bitch
Jim Ireton is a typical Obamanista and many of us are sick of the tired mantra "create jobs."
Jim could be Obama's cousin on his mothers side.
Joe why are they so afraid of you?
What does SHE have to do with any of this? People are starting to ask question in my office.
Jim is a golden child and will never have to pay for his actions. I just hope that others will have to pay so much they leave our town never to return.
Help Joe Please Help! You are my only hope for an answer to this crazy mess. I am a good person I mean no harm.
What a low life Dirt Bag. I have always wanted to see Barrie Tilghman leave the GOB in hand cuffs now I want to see Ireton leave in cuffs.
Doesn't the council have the power to deny payment to IT tech company?
Doesn't anything that is not in the budget have to approved by the council?
Where are the balance of power, as usual the mayor's office is out of control.
Lousie still plays phone tag with all of her cohorts, where does he come up with these crazy ideas? Louise?
She also remains in contact with the Daily Times like she's still on the council.
I questioned this with a comment before the petition went up on the CITY TAXPAYER'S website. That site does not belong to Ireton and Mitchell. It belongs to the city taxpayers and voters.
Ireton has done nothing in three years to get the impervious surfaces at the Old Mall removed. This is after the city gave the owners a $14,000,000 TIF to develop that overgrown weed field with it's pile of contaminated rubble.
Ireton has friends in high places. I see Barack Obama has signed his petition.
Help us, Obi Wan Albero; you're our only hope!
High places?
You must be referring to the Crack House on Pennsylvania Ave in D. C.
Look at Obama.
He's a crack/coke head. It is so obvious. He has lost SO much weight.
He is gaunt and sickly and somewhat confused at times with all the misquotes and misrepresentations.
Certainly not presidential.
That's no surprise -- JimBeau and Laura Mitchell are devoted Obamanistas who will be delegates for BO at the Democrat Convention -- at least they won't be here for a few days.
Name Names Bitch
July 6, 2012 10:00 PM
Why do you feel it is necessary to address someone like that?
I don't know you but you sound like a yound, dumb wannabe.
Mothers need to start washing their children's mouth out with soap like they used to.
And fathers need to start taking their disrespectful kids to the woodshed like they used to.
I am assuming of course, that you in fact do have a mother and father, and you know who and where they are.
Dispersing information may not under the law be seen as using City Money for illegal actions
I am far from a fan of the mayors and his techniques of using his "people" to do his website work when they should be doing the job they are paid for, using city workers to set up press conferences that are having no announcements about the city just his complaining about not getting his way is a waste and misuse of my tax dollars. Can a private citizen have him looked at and his actions reviewed by the state to show his abuse and very obvious incompetence? Take note I am not rich and don't have a lawyer
As far as the "create jobs" Mantra... one statement comes to mind. After 3 years, "tell me what you've DONE, not what you're goung to do".
Ireton has nothing to say here.
Neither has Obama, for that matter.
Delegates for BO, that's funny
Well I have settled for the long and very interesting read of the articles and comments. Glad to see they are all together and they really are making sense. My eyes are opening to the mess this city is in. FYI I got the big glass of wine so I don't have to get up as often.
I've never heard of a sitting Mayor being rebuffed by the city council and then starting his own petition to reverse the council's decesion! The current Mayor has no political will. I would suggest that he read "Leadership" by Rudolph W. Giuliani (Rudy), you never know, maybe he can pick up a few tricks. Yeah right, who am I kidding.
What is wrong with a politician attempting to engage his citizens? This is another thing you have blown out of proportion.
anonymous 9:01, But it's OK for the Mayor to spearhead ethics charges against the Council Members by using certain people we all know are tied to the Mayor?
Jim Ireton needs to grow up and start acting like a man, seriously. The citizens are not 7 years old children in his classroom.
Somebody is going to end up breaking Jimmy's jawbone of an @$$, like Scott broke Mike Dunn's jaw. In one of his sissy fits Jimmy may just fall down into a fist or foot.
Then hope somebody sues him for assaulting their fist!
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