We got these one each door step of the apartments we live in. I can't understand why they would think the sales of some of these names would be acceptable on their menu. I find it rather disturbing they would hand these menus out to the public considering most would find this disgusting and unacceptable.
No on in my family will ever spend a dime there. Bet they take food stamps to.
Have never eaten there and now I won't.
No one is forcing you to patronize them.
Whomever dreamed up the names of some of those sandwiches is just gross. I wouldn't eat there for anything in the world besides I hate the menu in the door stunt and when one appears at my house it immediately goes in the trash can.
Unacceptable is right and disturbing is correct!!!
Shouldn't be allowed to bother people with.
If this is indeed for real and not some sort of prank by the anti-Albero loonies, then it is the most disgustable thing that I think I have ever seen on here! Imagine a child who is old enough to read seeing this menu! Something just does not look right here as in the way that the menu is kind of like hanging over a table ledge or something. If someone is just trying to damage this places business with a photo shop job then I hope the guilty one gets sued for everything that they have!
I dunno, sounds pretty good to me. Food without fat has no taste. I would certainly try it.
Are you kidding???? I am calling in an order now!
All of us students love these.
It's geared towards the college kids that have money to spend...If you don't like then don't go. Simply. Remember, this is america. Freedom of choice.
Yeah, and the college kids who qualify by working X amount of hours per week and still considered a full time student, get Food Stamps. So, even if the taxpayers refuse to eat there, we are still paying for the food in the long run.
i picked up a menu at the first location some time ago and i am sure that some of these weren't on there. too bad though, i threw it away because when we called to order food they took our order and when my husband went to pick it up they said they couldnt fill the order because they had no gas. they didnt tell us that when we ordered and they didnt call to tell us that they had no gas so he went across town for nothing
It's not the menu itself that is unexceptable, it's the fact they were left anywhere that a child could get their hands on it.
I'm not a prude, when I was younger I went to strip clubs, however, I wouldn't bring a dancer home for a lap dance with my son.
Respect the meat!
One more shining example of an increasingly graceless society. Puerile humor at its finest.
I'm not going to Crabby Dicks or Hooters, home of the "wiener" songstresses.
You know, Mojos has a rather questionable menu too. I was really embarrassed to have my in laws and grandmother read it. While I respect Rob Mulford, do we really crave the shock factor that much? Glad my 10 year old daughter wasn't there. Shei likes chicken tenders , but I wouldn't want her to order chicken titties. Jeers!
go cry a river...
Nothing wrong with those names because it is for a sandwich, not to offend or make someone mad...
You are part of the problem by letting these names bother you... There just words and only you can make them into something else, and all you care to look at it is negative... go get a life...
Romeo's in Ocean City is known for leaving their fliers in doors of condos. Which then blow out all over our parking lots and streets. Many of us have reported them to the police and they have been warned many times. We are told that we must be able to identify the person leaving the fliers. The best thing we have found is to NEVER buy from them, tell all of our friends and post signs in our elevator and lobbies advising people of our association's repeated bad experience with them.
Yes, most of the names are disturbing. I never would of thought to ever order from there if it hadn't been for two roommates. Actually the two I had weren't bad. Due to how much they put on each sandwich it's enough to feed me for two-three meals.
3:04 if you think that there is nothing wrong with those names it says a lot about you. I think you need to get a life...one that isn't in the sewer.
Daddio, you speak the truth. That and they have GREAT FOOD !
They must be doing ok they are still in business and just moved to a new location a few doors down.
I also thought Mojo's menu item names were unnecessary. While not really in "poor taste" I felt it showed a lack of judgement.
Maybe it's just me and I get less tolerant as i get older.
If it's the same one from Ocean City beware. His name is Rafat Abuarqoub. Looks like he stiffed the landlord for $5000. It's on Md judiciary site. Not only that they don't even look like they have a valid business license anymore. You can look that up on the state assessement site and it says it was forfeited.
If this is what they put in their menu what do you think they put in their food? Maybe the names of some of the dish's are a clue.
I saw one of their delivery drivers at a business next door to mine. His shirt read "Romeo's Pizzeria" and "I love Fat B*tches"(only there was no asterisk, it was spelled correctly). I understand this is American, free country, etc.... but that business was a daycare and some of the children there are old enough to read.
never heard of the place. but after reading that, there
isn't a person i talk to i won't tell that romeo's food sucks and is expensive and never to eat there. and i've not a clue who or where they even are. but it's disgusting. i'll do my best to put the word out on the streets that the place stinks.
I agree with 2:10. I won't go back to Mojo's because of the names on their menu. Besides the chicken titties mentioned above, they have another item on menu called b___ch in heat. Disgusting and demeaning. Mulford should know better. The logo for them is 'food with attitude.' Well...my attitude is to not patronize restaurants that use offensive, course language.
4:32 I think you might be right. I only went to the one in Ocean City once and it was not good and the atmosphere was really strange. No wonder...perverts are running the place.
Alot of people on this site do not find anything wrong with these names. I bet they are the same people who use the F-word in all their conversations. I take my 8 year old grandson out to eat several times a week. I would not like to sit in this place and have him read the menu.
There are some of us who still try to talk and act mature. Not show low class up standards.
5:06 I meant coarse...not course.
I agree with 5:36.
I'am a 65 year white male and in great shape with a great attitude. When my female companion is out of town, I go to Hooters. When she's in town I go to Hooters-------for carry out. I usually have to wait because I don't call ahead. Great fries there!
3:06. I can assure you this is real. And, I DO have a life. I also have 2 kids that I would prefer not to read stuff like this. While they do go to public school, I'm sure they hear much worse than this, I still would prefer they not read this ON A PUBLIC FOOD MENU!!!! How would you feel if they had names like this on a school menu? Guess thats ok huh? Well, I think I can see how your kids are raised.
Phil, I'm with you. I'm a grandpa. If this was a bar that catered to young folks, fine. But on the face of it, it's a pizza place which most folks associate with family.
Same for Mojo's. They should just put up a sign that says, "Families not welcome. We're just too cool for you."
Before anyone says families don't spend money, this grandpa takes the family out to eat quite often. That and fishing are where my extra money goes.
This is no joke! It's real and unacceptable menu. While some college kids may find it funny, it is totally unacceptable to have these words on Public Menu where kids can read it. I think good case for Better Business Bureau to get involved in.
Just some food for thought...Mojos has a canine (dog for you locals) theme. A b*tch is a female dog. The meaning of the word has changed over the years but take a moment and look it up in the dictionary. As for the chicken titties...well I can't defend that one...It could be toned down to chicken teats...Does anyone have a problem with crab balls? They seem to be one every menu and usually in pairs.
I have tried the food at this location and it is way below acceptable. They prey on the college students who go there because of the menu names. The food quality is horrible!
They are located right across the street from SU. It's apparent who they are marketing to. If they want to shrink their demographic, it's their choice.
"They prey on the college students who go there because of the menu names." They go there because its open late, not for the food or menu. And yes, the food AND service are nothing to brag about.
To the original poster, grow up, no one is forcing you to go there. I find bible tracks just as offensive when they are left on my door but you don't see me crying like a baby about it.
You call the menu disturbing but I find it disturbing that your life is this sad and lonely that you are upset by food menus...
Not sure why this is an issue now since Romeo's has been in business for a while selling this food with these names. How abou this: Mind your own business for once people!!! If you do not like the subs, food, or names then by all means do not buy food what is so hard about that? Today there is more opinion in the world than ever and we really just don't need it. They are expensive but the business is smart it stays open LATE, way later than most businesses in the area so it is the only place open delivering food at 3 am. That is smart business plain and simple. Not worring about names of the dag sandwhiches that are sold at the establishment. Please quit whinning about things that really are pointless. This is as bad as Ireton weighing in on a dog case when the city is falling down around him....
Hey 10:01, would you be saying stuff like that face to face? I think not. I'm not crying about it, but, I don't like it. I don't like my kids seeing it. I sure don't want it dropped on my door step where it is not allowed anyway without management approval. I'll speak as I see fit. You should quit crying about my free speech. As a Christian, I don't like Christian circulars dropped off at my door. And by remaining completely anonymous, I can tell your just running your mouth.
Yawn. This is no big deal. It's a funny menu. I am a Baptist and think it is funny. And i got a kick out of my mother ordering chicken titties and how she whispered it as if she was going to get in trouble. Life is too short people. Stay home and eat toast.
@ Anonymous "Phil"
If your kids are that spineless that they cant handle a curse word on a menu then I definitely have nothing to fear from saying anything to your face. Control your kids, not the world around them. You obviously have some anger issue if such trivial things in life get you all riled up.
Also, It's ironic that you bring up free speech considering you just challenged Romeos to their right of free speech.
I am with Phil on this one...10:01/12:31. If you think it is ok to see fat sl**, fat co** and fat bit** on a menu in a public business then you have mental and moral problems. Have some self respect! If this is the slime they put on the menu I can't imagine how filthy and disgusting the place really is.
Are you really worried about a few curse words on a menu right now though? If you live in SAlisbury I woul dbe wayyyyy more worried about my kid being raped or mugged, how abou that? If you do not like the menu kindly dipose of it and move on with your life. If your kids grow up and are anything like normal kids they probably know 5 curse words at least by now, it is human nature. Do you all who complain also not allow your children to watch any TV? Go outside even? Really if this offends you, you shoul dbe the one to grow up as curse words are arpast of every day lagnuage. Joe even lets comments go on the site sometimes with curse words in them. IT HAPPENS AND WILL CONTINUE TO HAPPEN.
Thou shall not curse: not an original commandment.
1:23 If curse words like these are part of your DAILY language then I feel very sorry for you. So sad. I hope you don't have children (or a wife for that matter). Slimy.
No need to feel sorry for me, I have a job, girlfriend, and I am actually a decent human being. I feel sorry for you and your family though because it seems you have to really put on a show for those outside of your home about who you are. Since when does using "curse words" make you a bad person? Why are "curse words" even bad? All because someone once told you you should not say these words you fall right in line. If they said jumping off a building was good exercise I am sure you would be first in line "Thou shalt jump off buildings to feel better." You may not curse, but believe me I am very comfortable with who I am, a nice person who cares for others but oh no I do curse from time to time .....have a great life.
Does that mean that if your GF goes out and has sex with 10 different guys it's ok? Since when does cheating make you a bad person? Why is "cheating" even bad? All because someone once told you you should do it?
3:30 I will stand by what I said (2:45). You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that those words are not nice. Really, if co@@, sl@@, and bit@@ are not "bad" in your mind then I would hate to see what you think is "bad".
Also, if you use these words around your girlfriend then you have no respect for her.
If someone was to call your GF a slut or a whore or even the B word, would you just stand there and take it? How about if it was your daughter? Better yet what if someone was to call those words to your mother? Would that also be ok with you?
Well cheating would be against the constitution of marriage so that is actually frowned upon. CUrse words were invented by humans who just decided these words sound funny. But that definitely makes sense. Cheating girlfriends = curse words. Keep the convo rolling this is really making my day at work. Watch a night of televsision and see if you don't hear every last curse word in the book on pretty much any TV station it is on. You people really should get out more.
This has turned into one of the more mindless arguments I've seen on the internet.
In other news, Romeos is a college sub shop. Get over it. And yes its awful food.
You dodged the question 4:14
If someone called your mother or GF a slut, whore or the B word, that would be ok with you right?
@ 4:35 I call her that so ummmmm yes I would be ok with it. She is ok with it. You know why? Because we don't take life that seriously......but thissub shop menu should definitely be at the top of this list for people to worry abou tin Salisbury. In the past 24 hours there have been cops assulted and a hostage situation in Salisbury. Join the real world.
@12:31, I do have anger issues. We should have lunch. :D
people keep calling this a public restaurant but im pretty sure it is not. the library is public. the zoo is public. the government has a hand in both of these establishments. romeo's is a private establishment. while these names may not meet the common standards of decency, they break no laws. i'm not sure what all this controversy is going to accomplish.
12:18 Of course they break no laws. No one is arguing that. There is a discussion as to if it is appropriate to have curse words on a menu. As far as standards of decency, i I am seeing that a lot of people don't have any standards.
I believe the issue here is not so much the menu/food titles, but moreso that the menus were delivered unsolicited to some people's homes where children could see them. Whether or not you approve of the food names or choose to patronize the restaurant is absolutely your choice. However, when the menu shows up on your doorstep where a child can read it, I understand why some people would be angry.
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