DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, December 04, 2011
A Comment Worthy Of A Post 12-4-11
To all the city employees who have been furloughed this year and last, just remember the brand new, Dress Uniforms the firemen will be wearing in the Salisbury Christmas Parade cost the tax payers over $1,000 each. You heard that right over $1,000 each so multiply that times 200. Each member received a new dress uniform with a jacket, pants, dress shirt, patent leather shoes, hats, white gloves, socks, tie and 2 sets of jewelry for the shirts and jackets. All of that came in just in time for the Salisbury Christmas Parade to show off to the citizen how appreciative they are of using their hard earned tax dollars. Oh, and don't forget to look for the brand new Air Unit and new ambulance to be shown off in the Christmas Parade. Thank you tax payers and furloughed city employees for the new toys.
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If the mayor furloughs Salisbury city employees how can he justify spending that kind of money on the fire department for dress uniforms many of the employees and tax payers are living pay check to pay check? Many won't be able to celebrate the holidays because of the cuts in their pay checks. What are those people thinking? Another new fire truck? What is going on with the mayor and his fire chief? Let me guess it was another grant? The mayor and fire chief found more free money?
I don't know what an Air Unit is, but an ambulance isn't a toy. It's the first sensible thing that department got in years.
An air unit is something that goes to fires to fill up air bottles it it looks like a rescue truck. A lot of money wasted on that. The only problem with that is they already had an air unit with low miles that worked fine. Not to mention there are rarely any fire calls where a mobile air unit is really needed. The ambulances are long over due for replacement.
what a waste of money. Forget ambulances... i want my tax money going to beaureaucrats who already get paid more than me, get more paid holidays than me, wrk fewer hours per week than me, will retire earlier than me, and whine a hell of a lot more than me. Get a life.
First you read where people here are complaining how muck money is wasted on over paid salaries. Then turn right around and complain about salaries of the furlowed. I don't think you all know what you want, you just need something to cry about.
You won't be complaining if that new truck rolls up to save you and yours.
Why do firemen need "dress uniforms" in the first place?
Hey 12:06, newsflash, all fire apparatus generally have "low miles". But those miles are hard, fast, and rough. Fire apparatus isn't babied on the way to a fire, its run as hard as safely possible.
You can buy an air compressor, and a good one at sears for $299.00. why a new truck to haul it around. I put mine in the trunk of my car.
I understand spending the money on equipment more than I understand $200,000 on dress uniforms. How are those necessary?
spending for paid and volunteer fire companies has got as out of hand as barney frank with fannie mae and freddie mac!!! formal presentation is nice but under the circumstances i would say sbys head purchasing agent is either in bed with the fire dept or has no mind set as to the feelings of city employees or the taxpayers of salisbury!! i say anything over one thousand dollars being spent of taxpayers money needs a vote by the city council. and the new air tank truck is utterly the biggest waste since the new fire station on the cranberry bogg
The person selling the uniforms to the city maybe related some way to the person approving the sale.
I'll scratch your back you scratch mine.
Go to Good-Will and get materials for uniforms as in the old days have someone make them for the fire department.
We live in the INFORMATIONAL AGE where people are accounted for in what they do. A good time in history of the United States; that is why we know Obama is trying to destroy us + make us Muslims!
Anonymous said...
Hey 12:06, newsflash, all fire apparatus generally have "low miles". But those miles are hard, fast, and rough. Fire apparatus isn't babied on the way to a fire, its run as hard as safely possible.
December 4, 2011 1:07 PM
Hey 1:07 PM, newsflash, why would a mobile air unit need to run hard, fast, and rough to a call? This sounds like someone playing damage control. An air unit can get to the fire scene when it cans. As a matter of fact it doesn't have to be driven in an emergency mode. An air unit, aka new rescue truck, is not needed for Salisbury. The new fire chief is spending money because he can.
Anonymous said...
You won't be complaining if that new truck rolls up to save you and yours.
December 4, 2011 12:28 PM
Ok Einstein, explain to us how an air unit is going "roll up" and save someone? I bet you have never save anyones! Now go watch your favorite movie Backdraft!
Are the firemen allowed to wear the new uniforms to the Firemens Ball?
How many times are those dress uniforms going to be worn? Once a year at the Christmas parade and maybe, God forbid, at the funeral of a fallen fireman? That seems outrageous to spend that kind of money for uniforms so seldom worn? And to look at some of the fireman, they will soon outgrow their uniform anyway.
Anonymous said...
How many times are those dress uniforms going to be worn? Once a year at the Christmas parade and maybe, God forbid, at the funeral of a fallen fireman? That seems outrageous to spend that kind of money for uniforms so seldom worn? And to look at some of the fireman, they will soon outgrow their uniform anyway.
December 4, 2011 3:12 PM
The Salisbury Fire Department already had brand new dress uniforms and the "old" uniforms were still new because they were never worn. A dress uniform is like a Tux, you get it dry cleaned if necessary and it stays in a closet in a bag. DUH!!
Jim Ireton must have found some of that Free Money again for Simpson to waste, I mean spend!
You haven't seen anything yet. Wait til that new $1 Million fire boat comes in next month.
The fire chief and the purchasing director need to be held accountable for this frivolous spending. They should both be fired or make restitution.
Could you keep this at the top please
Was any of this purchased using grant money specific for these items? I can't imagine a grant for dress uniforms, but for the trucks.
They should have to pay for their own damn uniforms!!
As a city employee, please tell me this isn't so....
With global warming melting the polar ice caps, most oF salisbury will be flooded. You people will be glad to see the new million dollar fire boat delivering hot meals to the needy living on roofs.
You won't be complaining if that new truck rolls up to save you and yours.
December 4, 2011 12:28 PM
I just hate this kind of thinking. You can't justify anything on the mere POSSIBILITY on it being needed.
There has to be a need, money available for purchase, and I'll say it again, there has to be a NEED.
Just buying crap because you can and there MIGHT be a need somewhere in the future is not good enough.
It's good to be prepared and have everything you need to do the job, but was there really a NEED?
Anonymous said...
As a city employee, please tell me this isn't so....
December 4, 2011 6:33 PM
Yep it so.... you can thank Jeff Simpson for spending your furlough money as he is laughing in your face.
To answer your question 8:58 PM the answer is NO!!! None of the uniforms or air unit was needed. NONE!!! ZERO!!!!
Anonymous said...
First you read where people here are complaining how muck money is wasted on over paid salaries. Then turn right around and complain about salaries of the furlowed. I don't think you all know what you want, you just need something to cry about.
December 4, 2011 12:28 PM
I don't think you know what you are talking about.
December 4, 2011 9:21 PM
Well, that certainly takes all the fun out of this story.
Anonymous said...
You won't be complaining if that new truck rolls up to save you and yours.
December 4, 2011 12:28 PM
Does anyone else get tire of this tired mantra? Scare tactics, what if, you will be glad, blah blah blah. If that is all retard farmin can come up with then I am done donating to the fire department.
Jim Liarton I want my vote back.
To answer your question 8:58 PM the answer is NO!!! None of the uniforms or air unit was needed. NONE!!! ZERO!!!!
December 4, 2011 9:21 PM
Thanks for confirming what I thought.
Infuriating! But will anyone be held accountable? Of course not!
Here's something Joe- the City has now done away with their OPEN DOOR POLICY! You have to submit a letter to human resources and request a meeting with them and then wait to see if you are approved. There is no longer an open door policy! There are still the same amount of people working in human resources so this is not due to cut backs, but do to Teresa Gardner and Jim Ireton wanting more control! It's bizarre.
Oh my what has sweet Jimmy done. Sad times indeed. The fourth most violent city in America. The cops do not even investigate murders anymore. They have the State Police come in and handle it. The Fire boat is a freaking joke just like the mayor and council. I am so glad i sold my house in the city. Maybe it can rented out to some thugs. The city is a cess pool. No one is movinh here and we wonder why. Furloughing poeple and spending two hundred k on class "A" uniforms. WTF Little Jimmy Liarton is a one term wonder i hope.
All the amatuer wanna be firefighters that come out of the woodwork to tell professionals how to run a fire department crack me up! Here's the real deal. The new air unit is needed and is a good addition. In the past, the SFD relied heavily on the DFD rescue truck for a backup air unit, but that piece of equipment is permanently out of service. As far as the uniforms go, they were needed and were paid for out of Lacy Fund grant money and not tax dollars. This annual endowment is stipulated to go to the SFD only and cannot be used to cover normal operating expenses.
To all of the men at the S.F.D. thank you for all that you do. You guys really have it tough with all these idiots ramblin' on the internet. If you city employees spent as much time getting work done instead of passing information to stir the pot this City would be 100% better. If your job treats you that bad & pays you horrible wages then get a new job. The only change you can make is in yourself, so hop to it & quit giving Joe this type of information he is already good enough at getting this city riled up.
Many of us are ready for your assistance in ridding this good city of the cancerous Jeff Simpson. This guy has wasted more money and ruined the careers of numerous volunteers and career personnel. The city deserves much better!
Anonymous said...
All the amatuer wanna be firefighters that come out of the woodwork to tell professionals how to run a fire department crack me up! Here's the real deal. The new air unit is needed and is a good addition. In the past, the SFD relied heavily on the DFD rescue truck for a backup air unit, but that piece of equipment is permanently out of service. As far as the uniforms go, they were needed and were paid for out of Lacy Fund grant money and not tax dollars. This annual endowment is stipulated to go to the SFD only and cannot be used to cover normal operating expenses.
December 5, 2011 4:42 AM
There is not one piece of truth in this misleading statement. First of all DFD who ever that is never responded to SFD with their rescue truck to supply air. "relied heavily" what a sad use of terminology. LMBO!! If the new air unit is needed why are they still driving the old one around? What is wrong with that piece?
Second, the statement on the Lacy Fund is a lie. If funding from the Lacy Fund was needed a wise person would have spent it on something other than fireman tuxedo's. Get a Life and quit living in your fantasy world.
Hebron Harry said...
To all of the men at the S.F.D. thank you for all that you do. You guys really have it tough with all these idiots ramblin' on the internet. If you city employees spent as much time getting work done instead of passing information to stir the pot this City would be 100% better. If your job treats you that bad & pays you horrible wages then get a new job. The only change you can make is in yourself, so hop to it & quit giving Joe this type of information he is already good enough at getting this city riled up.
December 5, 2011 5:21 AM
Hey Dumb Dumb, it's not about all the good men at the SFD, it's about the poor leadership chosen by the Mayor and Council.
The riled up will come later on another issue that will land on Iretons administration caused by the previous administration
Please keep this at the top. It deserves the numerous hits and attention.
Ok, what about the combat boots Simpson bought everyone. I guess that is free money from the Lacy fund as well. Those boots cost $100 a piece and everyone already had decent footwear.
All FDs have a uniform standard which includes a dress uniform.So do police,sheriffs,troopers,the military, etc.
As far as the air truck. There are less exspensive ways but this is breathing air,used to fill the SCBA they wear on thier backs.It takes a special compressor,filter system and constant maintenance.On a large scale operation 100s of individual tanks could need to be filled.Its not for blowing up tires so your typical Sears compressor wont do.
DFD is Delmar Fire Department and their Rescue often was dispatched to Salisbury to cover air needs when it was in service.
Also just some inside infomation. Joe check into the renovation of Tracy Sahler office with the board of education. Inside sources tell me that an eloborate office renovation has been approved for her office. Yet the county has no money,...unless it's for something or someone they feel is entitled to.
BREAKING NEWS! The needs of the fire department are more important than killing furlow days for city employees! Sorry for your luck!
First of all Joe thanks for keeping the public/taxpayers informed. With that said I do not know the new Chief. I know I would love to work for this guy. It appears he takes care of his people. If a certain group were getting class "A"s and others not. Then it would be an issue. The footwear for all his people (Combat Boots) as one poster put it. I think that is great as well. Again the morale of the troops is very important when it comes to public servants. I remind you they also pay taxes. So this my tax dollars bull shit. Cops and Firemen are not tax exempt. lol
I get to the point this Chief asks and someone way higher in the food chain has to approve it. At least the man has the balls to ask. All this crying over items that went to the good of all employees. Unlike some departments that rewarded a guy who goes to all the Ravens games with department heads. Six thousand dollar raise and a promotion and he has less responsibility. The man was promoted to higher rank to supervise himself. As you have peobably figured out this was at one of our local law enforcement agencies. Funny thing popularity.
So bottom line it is a great amount of money to spend in tough economic times. At least the man has the balls to do it for the good of all and not just a couple of ass kissers.
Someone higher has to approve these purchases. So dont blame the guy for taking care of his people. Some leaders only take care of the inner circle. Right Joe I do not see certain post coming your way.
That would piss me off.
They are paying tax on tax monies do-do.
BREAKING NEWS! The needs of the fire department are more important than killing furlow days for city employees! Sorry for your luck!
December 5, 2011 9:37 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
First of all Joe thanks for keeping the public/taxpayers informed. With that said I do not know the new Chief. I know I would love to work for this guy. It appears he takes care of his people. If a certain group were getting class "A"s and others not. Then it would be an issue. The footwear for all his people (Combat Boots) as one poster put it. I think that is great as well. Again the morale of the troops is very important when it comes to public servants. I remind you they also pay taxes. So this my tax dollars bull shit. Cops and Firemen are not tax exempt. lol
I get to the point this Chief asks and someone way higher in the food chain has to approve it. At least the man has the balls to ask. All this crying over items that went to the good of all employees. Unlike some departments that rewarded a guy who goes to all the Ravens games with department heads. Six thousand dollar raise and a promotion and he has less responsibility. The man was promoted to higher rank to supervise himself. As you have peobably figured out this was at one of our local law enforcement agencies. Funny thing popularity.
So bottom line it is a great amount of money to spend in tough economic times. At least the man has the balls to do it for the good of all and not just a couple of ass kissers.
Someone higher has to approve these purchases. So dont blame the guy for taking care of his people. Some leaders only take care of the inner circle. Right Joe I do not see certain post coming your way.
That would piss me off.
December 5, 2011 11:20 AM
This is definitely Jeff Simpson making this post. I have been around him for a year now and I know exactly how he talks.
What's interesting is his anger in this post shows his true colors. He is not the nice guy he tries to portray.
Jeff Simpsons style of leadership is "Leading by Intimidation." This is a losers style of leadership.
Good stuff. Move it to the top.
@7:35 PM, I remember right after Simpson was hired by Ireton he was making anonymous comments on here as someone else from Virginia claiming what a great leader he was and how Ireton made a good choice. Simpson is a fraud and padded his resume to make him something he isn't.
What is funny about this parade ordeal is Jeff Simpson ORDERED all career employees to march in the Salisbury Christmas Parade and you can count the ones that showed up on one hand. Shows the respect this leader has earned this past year under his so called leadership. This guy intimidated employees into marching in the parade and they snubbed him. The reason he ordered the career employees to march is because he couldn't get any volunteers to march in the Delmar Parade. He thought he had more control by threatening the career employees with their pay checks. Simpson no one respects you. You are nothing but a loser.
54 comments and you have this good article hidden by crap that people aren't reading or commenting on. I don't get it!!
What a waste!
Jim Ireton you had the right person for the job. I want my vote back!!
Joe as you can see by Jeff Simpsons comments at December 5, 2011 11:20 AM you can clearly see he has no regard for the tax paying citizen in Salisbury. Attacking people and condoning the wasting of city tax dollars on useless uniforms. This guy needs to be exposed.
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