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Monday, April 18, 2011

Thank You, Gary Comegys

In an earlier post I criticized outgoing Salisbury councilwoman Louise Smith for her poor performance and lack of basic honesty.  Two term councilman Gary Comegys is also leaving office.  While I am glad to see Gary leave office (c’mon, we disagree on controversial issues about 70% of the time), I truly hope that the city will continue to be the beneficiary of his insight AND his point of view.

Over the years I have given Gary his fair share of a hard time.  I’m not doing that here.  Why?  Not because of his illness.  While I pray for Gary’s healing every day, both he and you should know by now that his illness would never stop me from criticizing his actions.

No, instead Comegys personifies the best in a politician that you oppose.  While I have disagreed with Comegys far more than I have agreed with him, I have always respected his point of view AND the many insights which he has offered over the years.

Comegys has been willing to discuss issues and has been willing to be frank and open (provided it was off the record).  While many, including myself, have ridiculed Gary at times; I long ago learned that he is far more intelligent than his “Bubba” persona lets on.

Comegys has proven himself to be a great councilman – despite our innumerable disagreements.  He has also proven himself to be a better than average politician.  I have long speculated that it was Comegys who engineered the “big payoff” which resulted in Louise Smith getting the center chair in return for her faithful support for the “Barrie Comegys” bloc on council.  For two years, Comegys (as council Vice-President) and then-mayor Barrie Tilghman used Smith like a two dollar whore.  Post-Tilghman, it was obvious that Comegys was directing the council’s movement to block most of incumbent mayor Jim Ireton’s agenda.  With Gary’s illness, we saw Louise’s total inability to control the council’s direction.  Despite all of this, Smith will go to her grave thinking that she was actually running things.

Many readers may be shocked that I consider Comegys political acumen a good quality.  Think about it.  Comegys found himself on election night 2007 in a perceived minority.  Smith had pledged her support to Debbie Campbell.  She had lied to many of us who supported Smith’s run that she was supportive of the same agenda that Campbell, Terry Cohen, and Tim Spies supported.  In a matter of a few hours Comegys was able to turn this “loss” around 180 degrees.

NOTE – I admit that this is speculation.  Gary has not admitted this to me; nor has he denied it.  That said, there is no doubt that someone reached out to Smith and the primary beneficiary was the agenda of “Barrie Comegys”.

I wish Gary and his wife Debbie well.  I will continue to pray for his recovery.  I also hope that he will continue to stay involved and speak out on issues which are important to him.  Over the last eight years I have learned that it doesn’t matter whether you agree or disagree with Gary Comegys.  He is worth listening to.  For that, and his service, Gary deserves our gratitude.


Anonymous said...

See? You can be fair and accurate if you try. It doesn't take too much extra time to write the words "this is speculation" or even "this is my opinion." Good job.

tmills said...

KLUNK! (falls over and faints dead away)

Candance Forall said...

What say you, Joe?

G. A. Harrison said...

Anon 1042 -

Are you arguing that we should put a disclaimer at the beginning of each paragraph (or even each sentence) that "This is opinion" or "This is a representation of fact"?

Sorry. Become a more critical reader. It's usually pretty clear when there is a representation of fact.

The only reason I put in "this is speculation" is because I did not want people to think that Gary had told me this.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but I disagree with your assessment that Gary "has proven himself to be a better than average politician". No politician is good or better than average when they consistently vote against the wishes of the general public on so many issues. Also you try to distinguish the difference between Gary and Louise and I don't see it. EVERY vote I observed both Gary and Louise voted the same, I NEVER saw Gary question Louise on any position she was taking. I'm not saying Gary isn't a nice person, to the contrary I'm sure he is. But a politician? I lump him in with all the other politicians at the local, state and federal level who only want power with no regard for the well being of the citizens and the country they supposedly work for.

Anonymous said...

I think it would be great for you to title your posts as OPED; no need for every paragraph. But you are obviously intelligent enough to know when you are putting out opinions vs. facts. Just because you believe it to be true, doesn't make it fact. Seriously, what exactly is a "representation of fact?" Is it a hard fact or something you believe to be fact and therefore represent it as such? Just wondering..... Anyway, I find no fault with this post as written. There's a first time for everything!

Anonymous said...

He's the typical tax and spend state bureaucrat that populates Maryland government, especially the State Highway Administration, where he learned the tricks of the trade.

As president of the Maryland Municipal League, he spearheaded its effort to try to get legislation for new mega taxes and fees by towns like Salisbury. Fortunately, not even O'Malley fell for that.

His conduct town the members of the Council and the citizens who oppose his positions has been rude and arrogant.

What's there to like?

PS -- he is not the reason that Louweasel attacked Ms. Campbell -- she was a plant by the likes of Phil Tilghman, Ron Alessi and Brad Bellaciccio (and probably the Greater Salisbury Committee), and we fell for her spiel during the 2007 campaign for the District 2 seats. You may recall that Barrie looked unbeatable back then, so she easily coopted Smith and the rest is history. Even though Comegys was trounced in the 2009 election, because Ireton is a buffoon it has been easy for Comegys, Smith and Shields to control the City (block Ireton's "safe-streets" agenda, etc. You give Comegys way too much applause.

BTW - He proved to be the most dangerous member of that "Dream Team" that Alessi and Phil Tilghman got elected in 2003.

Anonymous said...

Disagree on many points.

Comegys' "service" has left this city in the poorhouse with his support of toys and disasters like the wastewater plant.

Doubtful Comegys turned Smith around. Evidence and alliances say she never supported Debbie Campbell or Terry Cohen, but lied lied lied to everyone that she did in order to get elected on their coattails.

Comegys demonstrated at the last council that he expects everyone to listen to his point of view but isn't interested giving the same courtesy if he has a personal dislike for you. His antics and the turncoat mayor's were nothing less than bullying.

I wish him well in his recovery, too, but his service left us all poorer, for real and proverbially. Like the Queen one of his last acts was to do something vindictive.

You value different things, that's okay I guess. I try to vote for representatives not politicians.

Anonymous said...

Do you live in Salisbury, GA?

Anonymous said...

G. A , You on drugs or something?

Anonymous said...

Lets all start NEW as of today. I think we have a council that will work for the well being of salisbury. Lets all work together with this new council.

Anonymous said...

Here, Here 2:13

Today is the day we can take back our council. The past has past, the mess is what it is and we must all work together for a better Salisbury.

Today we enter a new era for many of us that have been fighting the old councils and mare for years in vain.

Let's pull up the anchor and set sails for a better relationship in our council, a council that represents the citizens as a whole.

Anonymous said...

Gary Comegys has only proven that he is no better than the Smith he sat beside.Her and Comegys,with [I second that} Shields has made money for the Landowners,Dunns,and a lot of others.They screwed the citizens and they will be paying for their actions for many years to come.I am sorry for his illness,however that does not excuse his under the table actions. Joe brought him outta the grave yard and he had to retire from the state job.

Anonymous said...


Were you around here when Bubba and Dunn treated Ms. Campbell and Ms. Polk like they were street whores?

This guy is trash, and I can't believe your change of position.

Anonymous said...

Now maybe the majority can get the heads together and replace the mistakes Ireton put in as department heads. With that said please start with the fraud in the fire department. He is be far worse than the city fire department already had. Tax and Spend is the name of his game.

Anonymous said...

Think I had a heart attack while reading this. lol

Anonymous said...

G.A. what in the world are you smoking??

Anonymous said...

Buh Bye Bubba and Louweasel!!!

Now would you be kind enough to take Jim Liarton with you!!

Anonymous said...

I would love to think that this maybe an attempt to a softer, kinder sbynews after the Mike Lewis debacle G.A. but im sure its just another controversial post, and you'll certainly get your hits!

Anonymous said...

In this context, "politician" is a dirty word in my boos. It is a synonym for two-faced. I think that Comegys showed his true colors a week ago during the council meeting when he blew up. I'm not sure that the person who wrote this saw that display of bad form and irresponsible action by a public official. I wish him well, I am glad he's gone fromthe council table, and I found his parting words about what seemed to be political aspirations fascinating.

Cory said...

Gary and Louweasel dont let the door hit ya where the lord split ya