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Wednesday, March 02, 2011


Elections do have consequences – and they should.

Kudos to 5 of the 6 Republican members of the Wicomico County Council who voted to move the Wicomico Middle School back 1 year in the County’s Capital Improvement Plan. Doing so will serve the public interest in two ways.

First, it should – and, hopefully, will – act as a catalyst to redesign of the facility to substantially reduce the cost to build and subsequently to operate it. To date the Board of Ed. has flatly disregarded suggestions for changes that would do so. And a major redesign would reduce those costs greatly.

Second, the Council has reacted appropriately – with disgust – to the excessive political posturing and propaganda promulgated by both the Superintendent of Schools and the County Exec. As late as yesterday morning Rick Pollitt was trying to hoodwink the public, claiming that if the school remained on the fast track the Board would make changes to reduce the cost – after refusing to do so for months.

Those who may be angered by the Council’s decision should direct their criticism to Dr. Frederickson and the Board, as well as Pollitt. Their attitude, bordering upon arrogance, is the real cause of delay. The rest of us should thank the members of the Council who had the fortitude to "just say no" to another Taj Mahal.

Clearly, and fortunately, this Council is much different than the predecessor.


Anonymous said...

And, thank goodness this Council is different, about time!

Unknown said...

I watched on PAC 14 and have to say that Matt Holloway was very impressive. He, unlike most politicians is not afraid to tell it like it is and call out people on the board and Frederickson.

Anonymous said...

Well Said! So nice to see some common sense on the council and that a blog like this can cut though the board of ed blame game - trying to make the council look bad for not accepting this bloated project.

Anonymous said...

Score one for the residents and other taxpayers od Wicomico County.

Dr. Freddy is beside himself and Pollitt already has Fineran on it.

Anonymous said...

Start the redesign process by dismissing Whiting Turner's puppet, Foret.

Anonymous said...


I went to a public school (in another county) that didn't have air-conditioning. Can I sue for discrimination?

Anonymous said...

I too was impressed with council and this is what I have to say to Mr. Frederickson after I read his comments in today's DT article:

I was "extremely disappointed" when I got furloughed over the past two years and I will be "Extremely Disappointed" when I get furloughed AGAIN next fiscal year! I am also "extremely disappointed" to see my co-workers laid off and I'm "extremely disappointed" to have to fill their shoes when they leave with no additional compensation for the additional job duties. It is not fair that every sector of the County takes cuts to cover the luxuries of one. Every County department has made the necessary cuts to balance the budget, but the BOE continues to dig the hole with utter disregard to the others that suffer the burden of Frederickson's extravagance! It's about time that we introduce the BOE to the REAL world. Frederickson, you ARE NOT A TEAM PLAYER so quit talking like you tried to successfully team up with the County and were "not supported in that effort." You have not laid off employees, you have not furloughed anybody, you have not cut costs, you have not displayed reasonable fiscal responsibility [ie: spending $1.6 MILLION on a 32 acre piece of land ($50,000 per acre!!!!!!) that was originally purchase for $270,000 and had a tax appraisal for $240,000 the year before the BOE bought it] and you have not provided alternative solutions that reduce the cost of projects! Those students and teachers are suffering at BMS solely because of YOU, Mr. Frederickson! The bill has finally caught up to you and now you'll have to see what it's like to turn a dime into a dollar!

Mr. Caldwell and Mrs. Sample-Hughes, the harm WOULD be to keep the funding on the table. As long as it is a possibility, Frederickson will continue to ram it down our throats until he gets the "ok!" At least with it not a possibility, we won't have to hear about it or even consider it for another year. I am very disappointed to hear that the two people whom I thought were among the most reasonable and fiscally resp

Anonymous said...

You meant, of course, to write Bennett Middle rather than Wicomico Middle. It's too bad that the existing Bennett Middle could not have been renovated as was Wicomico Middle, built in the 30's; it still stands, as I'm sure the BOE in that era intended.

Anonymous said...

Take a look at wage scale for this project, do away with that and you could build two schools

Anonymous said...

Good news. Perhaps they could spring for some new chicken fans for BMS.

Anonymous said...

I agree a new BMS is needed or renovation to the current one but not in this current economy. How can you justify the boe, spending more money, not furloughing or reducing budgets and salaries when EVERY other county employee has worked for less, been furloughed etc,etc,. Thank you council members. To the BOE and its employees WAKE UP. Its time that all of you felt the pinch like the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

WHat a crock of crap! That school is a disgrace not to mention UNSAFE! You people dso nothing but sit around and criticize everything without one ounce of thought process. YOU pay the lowest property taxes of any other Mid-Atlantic state by a long shot. It's no wonder the testing scores for this school are so low. What a joke you all are.

Anonymous said...

12:17 the building has nothing to do with test scores. It is the students and the teachers and the learning and testing process. Glad the decision was to slow down. Eventually it will need to be upgraded or torn down and rebuilt. Freddie and Ricky just need to get in tune with the rest of the county. Way to go County Council!!

Anonymous said...

Respectfully 12:58, I disagree. I think there is a direct relationship to test scores much like blighted neighborhoods have much to do with quality of life, personal achievement and higher education. Would you be proud be a student at or a teacher at a school that looks like it should be condemed? Where you are a minority to the mice, rats and cockroaches? The building is not in any way adequate, it's frankly a dump and should be torn down.

Anonymous said...

Now get all the illegals out of the schools and you will be doing something.

Anonymous said...

1:48 - I don't believe it is a dump as you call it. If you feel so strongly about it being a dump then talk to the BOE, not the council. The BOE are the ones who decides what, when and how the buildings are fixed. If they are unwilling to do maintenance there shame on them. It's just another game they are playing to get more of our taxdollars.

Anonymous said...

If the BOE would do proper maintenance on the building, it would not be a so-called dump. Fixing broken windows, adding tint to windows, installing air-conditioning are just a few of the things that could have already been done but the BOE lets these things go on purpose. Dr. Freddy needs to take less trips, get rid of the top heavy BOE and spend the money saved on Bennett Middle.

Anonymous said...

3:14 & 3:25, I invite you to take a tour of this DUMP. Then you can run your mouths. It is shameful to send children into this hell hole day after day. This school is BEYOND repair.

Anonymous said...


Ever heard of Delaware? The property taxes there are half of Marylands. You must be a come here that fled a place like N.Y. or N.J. because of high taxes and now want us to raise ours.. If you do not like the way things are done here the road that brought you will take you back.

Anonymous said...

I have news for you 3:37, if not for the come here's the regional economy would be pitiful. There isn't enough brain power from the locals to support a decent standard of living, hence the shallow minded comments in support of not building a new Middle School that is desperately needed. I'm reminded of the fool that trips over a dollar to pick up a penny.

Anonymous said...

3:37, Property tax rates in Delaware range anywhere from $1.89 per $100 to $6.19 per $100 depending on where you live. I don't think that is lower than Wicomico County. If you don't believe my you can check it yourself.

Can you imagine what people around here would do with a $6 property tax rate?

Anonymous said...

3:37, does Delaware qualify as a state?

Anonymous said...

Way to go county council!!!!!!!! Most of us applaud your decision. The people (taxpayers) are FINALLY being heard.
Ok, so if a new school is needed, fine, but the extravagances can be cut out! Times are different. Build a sound structure with quality systems, but the high dollar tiles, marbles, or whatever extravagance need to go whenever it does get built. The students will be able to learn and the teachers will be able to teach without luxury appointments.

Anonymous said...

Most of the commentators on here can't point out one extravagance of this school. Lets hear it smart guys. Where are the cuts in design that you all demand?? You just see the price and assume there is waste. How do you know there is waste? What makes this a Taj Mahal? 99% of you have never seen the plans and can't offer any valid places to cut. The sad shame is that in this area teachers are viewed as over-paid and that just shows that the majority of you are just upset that your stuck in a sad under-paying job with little education.

Joseph Albero said...

anonymous 7:03, there have been plenty mentioned, you're just too LAZY to read. Start with the brick pavers, now go back and read the articles and shut up. Yes, my name is on my comment because I'm man enough to do so. Unlike you and your comment. Could you be Dr. Freddie himself?

Anonymous said...

7:03. The building looks extravagant from the outside design. Yes have air conditioning, and all of the technoligies needed to be up to date for teaching. They could build a big brick building that is square and do that. You complainers need to look just 7 miles north at Delmar Middle and High school. No extras just rooms for TEACHING. Also the tax payers keep voting for referendums and more taxes becuase the school building is responsible and takes care of the students not the Administrators. Wicome BOE want a building to look like a palace, for which they can receive awards for and walk around like a king of.