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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Justice Dept. Demands City Lower Passing Police Test Scores

DAYTON, OHIO — The city’s Civil Service Board and the U.S. Department of Justice have agreed on a lower passing score for the police recruit exam after it was rejected because not enough blacks passed the exam.

The city lowered both written exams a combined 15 points that resulted in 258 more people passing the exam, according to a statement released Thursday by Civil Service officials. The agreement allows the city to immediately resume its plans to hire police and firefighters.

The original passing scores determined by Civil Service required candidates to answer 57 of 86 (66 percent) questions correctly on one portion and 73 of 102 (72 percent) on the other.

The lowered benchmark requires candidates to answer 50 of 86 (58 percent) questions correctly and 64 of 102 (63 percent) of questions on the other.



Anonymous said...

OMG! They must of had union teachers also.

We can't produce smarter citizens so let's just lower the bar. And guys, don't forget to join the union in your occupation. Make sure they can't fire you when someone who IS QUALIFIED comes along.

Wonder what jobs the smart ones will be forced to take since some PC influenced idiot is in their slot?

Anonymous said...

These scores equate to 'D' and 'F'.

How would you like to live in a town where they give a gun and a badge to somebody who can't even demonstrate minimum qualifications?

BTW- Dayton is a UNION town-- GM plants and tool & die companies. Most of them closed down now.

I think Dayton is also a majority-black town-- interesting that they couldn't come up with enough candidates that paid any attention in school.

Anonymous said...

As a highly educated professional and the wife of a police officer who also volunteers with a fire department I find this ridiculous and rather insulting. When my husband was initially taking the Maryland State Police qualifying exams the organization gave him a lengthy booklet to study and prepare with for his exams. He studied very hard and therefore he passed--as a clear result of his own initiative. Where is the motivation that these people need to be demonstrating on a regular basis on the job if they cannot show the initiative to study for the qualifying exams? What kind of employees are they going to be if they cannot prepare? It would be the same thing if I, as a professional, went to an interview wearing jeans and showing up late, but still trying to make the argument that I represent the level of professionalism that the employer is searching for in a potential employee.
Next, what message does this send to our children? This mentality says, "Don't worry if you can't pass a test the standards will just be lowered for you to compete with the students who actually did try." I understand that not all individuals are very good test takers but potential applicants for police and fire departments also have the opportunity to show their merit through letters of recommendation, physical fitness tests, and previous work histories. Where is the integrity in the profession if society allows the standards to be low enough that the candidates don't even have to score more that 60 percent to qualify?

Anonymous said...

Talk about a slap in the face to Law enforcement in general! That's just what they need a group of DUMB cops on their streets.It will take years to get rid of them because they'll have too many rights just because they are DUMB.

Anonymous said...

If your stupid I don't want you protecting me. When I was a kid the test was a lot harder then it is now plus officers had to be in shape and at least 6 feet tall.

Anonymous said...

Imagine what the local prosecutors will have to go through trying these cases--
People who can't even pass the basic test probably won't be able to handle an arrest without destroying the case.

Anonymous said...

Wow the solution to fighting crime has been on the nose of our face the whole time. Lower the standards. Are felons eligable? Just bring the Afghan police force here to train them Hahahaha

lmclain said...

I know its only been about 50 YEARS since the Civils Rights Act was passed, but it seems to me that just about everyone has the same access to education (reading, writing, etc.). So how is it that anyone can complain that the "test is too hard" for certain groups? And PLEASE don't tell me tat some groups (as a whole) have an aversion to, have an inherent inability, to "take a test". Wouldn't THAT be "stereotyping"? This, to me, shows exactly why we are in such a sorry condition here in the USA. Instaed of having high standards, we just keep lowering the bar so people can feel good about themselves. I would love to see the investigative report done by one of these "you're picking on me" candidates. Probably looks like it was written by a third grader.. They should be ashamed. The other sorry thing about this travesty is that as soon as its criticized, the first scream is "RACISM!!"

Anonymous said...


Next, they will only need to know 1/2 the law, because they are a particular race. Must be nice to only get 50% correct and 'pass'.

Then read the rest of the article. Next step is background and drug test. How much do you want to bet we will soon hear those are being dropped, because a certain 'race' can't pass those either.

Anonymous said...

This is doubly bad-- Obama's Justice Dept under Eric Holder insisted on lowering the scores, and Dayton did it.
Since when can Obama dictate to Dayton what a passing score on their test is?

Jack K Richards said...

Duh....what is that saying. I can vividly remember years ago when the MSP was more or less forced to accept minorities and when they were in the academy they did as they pleased and did not keep up with standards. At graduation, several were allegedly issued blank diplomas and told they were going to have a closely watched period of time to see if they could "cut the mustard" Then years later there were promotions given to troopers with lower test scores. This action is so unfair. Everyone has the opportunity for education should they choose to acquire it and if their "gray matter" is sub par, find an occupation that is fitted to them.

Anonymous said...

WOW for once I agree with every comment on here so far. I cant say anything that some one else hasnt already said. Its disgusting that the standardsare lowered. Hell its disgusting when you have 1600 applicants and can only get 60 qualified to put in an academy and then not all of them will "cut the mustard". Society is Lazy, and laid back they just have "the government will give it to me if I cant get it myself" attitude.

Anonymous said...

Completely ridiculous!! 66% is a D and isn't passing in my book and a 72% is barely passing so whats the problem? Apparently, they need more intelligent people taking the tests. Lowering the passing requirement is only going to hurt the department.

Anonymous said...

their language/grammar probably leaves a lot to be desired as well