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Sunday, November 07, 2010

A Letter To The Editor

Mr. Albero,

I am not sure if you heard about it or not, but I have a friend who is a volunteer at the Salisbury Fire Department who said the new fire chief is threatening the members of the department about posting negative comments on the internet. He apparently told them that he has a strong background in computer technology and he will hunt them down. We all know he is referring to your blog because that is what everyone reads. That is not good that this man comes to this area and makes threats to the members of the fire department using scare tactics. Has he ever heard of "Freedom of Speech?" My concern is what is he going to do when "he hunts them down?"

Please post this to warn your members and readers to watch what they say on your blog. Thanks for being there for us.


Anonymous said...

Not sure that he can prohibit you from exercising your freedom of speech. He probably can do something about it if you are doing it on the clock, however, what you do on your time is your business. As long as what you post is factual, then I say too bad for him. He could get in trouble for threatening you. Believe it or not, Salisbury FD is not the only local gov't that has basically said the same thing, and told employees to not go on there.(here)

Anonymous said...

Ireton, looks like you hired another winner here.

Anonymous said...

Another great accomplishment of Mayor Ireton, to hire a new fire chief that has moved over and over agian. Only been career for a few years himself. Cant seem to stay in one place very long, has never been a chief anywhere. Now wants to change and threaten his employees.

This guy will not last two years here, then will leave with "Chief" on his resume to somewhere else.

Well, Mr. Fire Chief find me and do what you can
about it.

Dougy .... LOL

Anonymous said...

What's he going to do, fire all commenters? I'm afraid that would leave some Chiefs without any Indians!

Comment away, one and all!

Anonymous said...

My guess is that he wants to resolve the issues that plague the fire dept within the fire dept and not in a public forum with endless bickering and bashing of other members. give the guy a chance and let's see what happens; and no i don't work for the fd, i'm not a volunteer, just adding my 2 cents.

Anonymous said...

Ok, let the games begin! Hey Chief, I bet you couldn't find me with a map tattooed to the back of your hands.......

Anonymous said...

Freedom of speach does not include undermining, and bringing such negative to an organazation that prides themselves on doing the right thing. Get on the bus, or off, your choice. BTW, there is a way to track internet activity to certain networks, so be for warned, you want to bash the Department, then do so from the outside, ie: resign, quit, or otherwise we will remove you!

Anonymous said...

I thought I would like the guy, but the idiot is still letting Bill Gordy run the fire department. Mainly because he doesn't know how to run a fire department alone.

Anonymous said...

12:55 PM

lol this type of thing brings more negativity to that dept. than any poster could. Good job.

Anonymous said...

And I dont believe he has the knowledge or the access to 'hunt any one down'. That dog just won't hunt. But I sure hope he tries that on his own time and not the cities.

Anonymous said...

Yes they can track the city owned computers if they want, however personally owned smart phones, other devices that have internet access can not be searched or tracked by SFD. Well I guess if they convince a judge to sign a search warrant for a fireman/womans phone because they hurt someone feelings maybe. NOT.. Get over Chief and whoever is upset about it. You can not stop it or control it.

Anonymous said...

The truth just scares some people. Good.

Anonymous said...

12:20 I think you gave a good piece of advice! Give the man a chance!! Negative comments stir trouble----Wait untill proof of your comments can be clarified .

Anonymous said...

Ireton in a firemans uniform

Anonymous said...

Oh, I wouldn't put too much stock in this. Just a scare tactic to get people to stop complaining. This guy think sfd is npr or something? lol

Anonymous said...

On a bit of a side note, is it common practice that when a volunteer firefighter gets married, he gets to use one of the engine trucks as a limo service from the church to the reception? Happened this weekend.

Can anyone rent the truck for this purpose?

Anonymous said...

Not a good way to start off. There are othrer ways of getting people to follow, and thats by good leadership, not Gestapo tactics. You post, and he finds you. So what. Whats he going to do, write Santa that you have been a bad boy? Most men I know do not respond to threats, and it takes a pretty small person to make them.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

12:20 I think you gave a good piece of advice! Give the man a chance!! Negative comments stir trouble----Wait untill proof of your comments can be clarified .

2:29 PM

12:20 and 2:29 please tell us why this dictator deserves a chance. He didn't get his start here. He didn't work his way through the ranks. So guess what he isn't going to get a chance from the good members of the Salisbury Fire Department. He needs to go back to where he came from.

Anonymous said...

Why do we always have an IDIOT for a fire chief?

Anonymous said...

Didn't Gordy try the same thing? Look how it worked for him.

Anonymous said...

A Supervisor that starts off his promotion with this type of statement is NO leader and will never be one. This type of comment proves they cannot take critizisim and is not a problem solver. When you accept a position in a Dept. that is in disarray and low moral you should expect negativity to be present. That should be addressed in your beliefs and your vision as top proiority. So Chiefy #2, my advice is to hold a shift meeting with all shifts ASAP and explain the above. You better set your Assist. Chiefs in their place ASAP also. Remember you have the title and responsibility not them. Reminder I assist in paying your salary through taxes. Now Chiefy #2program your Garmin or other GPS. Here I am. Come and find me.

Anonymous said...

This looks like a job for "SUPERMAYOR", Dah, da daa.

Jim Ireton flys in the firehouse and lands dramaticaly, stands firm with his hands on his hips and with a manly deep voice shaking his right index finger says,"no,no,no, bad cheify, no do dat"

What a Fearkin Joke ALL our so called leaders and elected officials are.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if they will listen to their Leader ?

Anonymous said...

That guy is trouble. He verbally attacked one of the paramedics during a meeting for no reason at all just because he didn't like the way he looked. He is a time bomb waiting to go off. Jim Ireton is going to regret bringing that idiot here.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is a TRADITION in virtually EVERY FIRE DEPARTMENT, EVERYWHERE that members and their new spouses get a ride on their wedding day, if they choose to, just as it is a TRADITION that deceased members make their LAST CALL in the back of a fire engine on the way to their grave. NO, you cannot buy this priviledge, for any amount of money. It must be EARNED. If you want it, then become a member of the fire service. And quit whining about the small tokens of appreciation that firefighters recieve.

Anonymous said...

It would have been an honor to work with the members of the City of Salisbury Fire Service,Working both in the career system for 24 years and the volunteer service I have had the unique experience to actually see the problems with Command and the disconnect of what's actually going on in the stations. I believe in the "Boots to the ground Chief" , the person that understands he has to ride the apparatus including the medic on a weekly basis to keep up with what is needed in the field,the Chief that believes in his Officers and does not take "command just because he is Chief", If the scene is progressing I would be beside you inside the
"Job" as we call it here in Balto. I had the chance to see first hand of the problems that I speak of here in Baltimore and believe that just as any department, Salisbury is a great Department that needs a little tweaking. Keep the tradition , keep up the pride,,,,, When the position opens up again I will be back,,,,be safe JPAYNE FTM-PTB

Local 4246 said...

Memo to:

Ireton, Smith, Cohen, and Campbell. We endorsed you and this is the thanks we get? You won't be getting our endorsement again!

Anonymous said...

To 4:37PM What a rotten remark,I can't believe this one was allowed to sneak through. Just another moron stirring up feces again.

Anonymous said...

BRING IT ON..My lawyer would love to get a big payday

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the tax playing public knows that their new fire chief is living at the new fire station free of charge. That's right he is mooching off the tax payers for the next several months. Most be nice to have a free car, free gas and free room and board.

Anonymous said...

Some people are just pathetic and I'm referring to many of the previous commenters!
You all read something and automatically jump on the bandwagon! Really?
Where's the proof what was in the original post is true?
But you're not questioning it, you're just spewing your venom to get noticed ANONYMOUSLY!
Get a life!

Anonymous said...

No offense Jimmy Payne, but the best decision would have been to promote within. However, we would much rather have you over him. At least you know about fire and EMS in Maryland. Because the mayor and council hired a fire chief from outside the fire department there were 5 good members that got screwed out of promotions. Way to go Salisbury.

Anonymous said...

We have a " Don't ask Don't Tell " Mayor and a Don't Tell, Don't Write Fire Chief.... Too funny, are they tight?

I figure in this city, it is who you suck up to and its a liberal society that like to live like this spending until there is no tomorrow.

Mayor, sooner or later you are going to have to pay for your mistakes, hopefully like OBAMA sooner than later.

Anonymous said...

Ireton and Comegy's " Dumb and Dumber "

Anonymous said...

To 7:17,

I totally understand your reasoning in reference to the promotions being lost from within. We have dealt with the issue here in Balto. It is a Hiring process that is here to stay and is happening through out the country. The key is to have a good Chief that will work with all parties involved to ensure that a system is in place to assist promoting from within as positions open, What also seems to be most needed is a system that has equal qualifications across the board for all members and a fair discipline system as well J Payne FTM-PTB

Anonymous said...

6:37, you are an idiot. people didn't like the last one because he lived outside the city, now you have a chief that lives at the station and you want to complain?! how much gas does it take to drive to work when he is already there! people can be so stupid!

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:14 it is true. Many of us were there and heard it come out of his lips. It was all we could do to not tell that creep to pack sand. He definitely has a his job cut out for him.

Anonymous said...

7:14 PM
So do you so hush and go sit in a corner.

Anonymous said...

5:47, stop blaming Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen. This is just like with the police chief. Ireton didn't advance anyone you wanted and wasn't going to. The council can only vote on who the mayor puts forward. And today, Ireton threw Cohen under the bus for his screw up.

I thought I wanted my vote back with Louise Smith. I want my Ireton vote back too!

Anonymous said...

And that jerk also told the volunteers and career members that seniority doesn't matter. How ironic is that coming from a fire chief who has no seniority. That is a slap in the face to the long time employees who have worked hard through out their long careers.

Anonymous said...

I havent heard the new chief say this yet. Personel computers brought to work can be searched by the company. It has been done before at other places and stands up in court. From what I have scene morale is higher now that we have a chief. With any luck he will see though the bs of gordy and the pirate. you all bitched when we didnt have a permant chief, now that we do you need to give him a chance to do his job before you start bashing him on here.

Anonymous said...

I know fireman aren't always the brightest bulbs in God's kingdom, but you would have to be a special kind of stupid to post or email to a blog using a city PC or city owned smartphone.

If you do this he's right that finding you would be trivially easy.

Why is it always the firemen that gossip like catty little girls? You rarely see the police doing this.

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm , fire dept. guys are just a bunch of old ladie gossips . Talk about nothing to do!!!
What is Joe going to do , he's not the chief!
You guys a civil servants !!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I know fireman aren't always the brightest bulbs in God's kingdom, but you would have to be a special kind of stupid to post or email to a blog using a city PC or city owned smartphone.

If you do this he's right that finding you would be trivially easy.

Why is it always the firemen that gossip like catty little girls? You rarely see the police doing this.

1:07 AM

Catty? This sounds just like the term Ireton has used before about the "firemen."

Jim, how soon it is that you forget who got you elected!

Anonymous said...

" My concern is what is he going to do when "he hunts them down?"

Hunts them down for what? He say, she say......

Anonymous said...

Amen, post 7:14 !!

Anonymous said...

Someone stated in response to my post at 7:14 with "it's true, many of us we're there and heard it".
If you were there, and you heard it, and there are this many (supposedly) upset about it then why didn't you all stand up as a group and say something right then, instead of one of you posting this on Joe's blog? Are you not man or woman enough to say something to someone's face? You have to go and say it on a blog?

Give me a break! Like I said before - you're PATHETIC!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Someone stated in response to my post at 7:14 with "it's true, many of us we're there and heard it".
If you were there, and you heard it, and there are this many (supposedly) upset about it then why didn't you all stand up as a group and say something right then, instead of one of you posting this on Joe's blog? Are you not man or woman enough to say something to someone's face? You have to go and say it on a blog?

Give me a break! Like I said before - you're PATHETIC!

10:12 AM

I would say they "didn't stand up" because they were scared. Why would someone put their position or job on the line and say something that might jeopardize their careers. This guy made the threats and there is nothing that can be done about it. Jim Ireton just hired this moron with the confirmation of the 5 council members so who are they going to defend? A lowly paid employee or volunteer? No! that was already proven when a firefighter/paramedic and a firefighter/EMT with great work history was fired by Acting Chief Rick Hoppes out of retaliation for not supporting him for the chiefs position. They were fired without just cause, spent thousands of dollars in attorney fees and then to have Jim Ireton fully endorse the decision of Rick Hoppes. Jim Ireton lied to the Career Firefighters who endorsed him and supported him throughout the election. Retaliation is alive and well in the Salisbury Fire Department and Jim Ireton and the 5 city council members are well aware of it and allow it to happen.

Prove me wrong!

Anonymous said...

To the Salisbury F.D. stay strong, do the right thing , Above all remember you are a part of a much larger family, always keep that in mind.....

And you guys were upset about a few tattoos,,,