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Sunday, November 07, 2010

Blacks Struggle With 72 Percent Unwed Mothers Rate

One recent day at Dr. Natalie Carroll's OB-GYN practice, located inside a low-income apartment complex tucked between a gas station and a freeway, 12 pregnant black women come for consultations. Some bring their children or their mothers. Only one brings a husband.

Things move slowly here. Women sit shoulder-to-shoulder in the narrow waiting room, sometimes for more than an hour. Carroll does not rush her mothers in and out. She wants her babies born as healthy as possible, so Carroll spends time talking to the mothers about how they should care for themselves, what she expects them to do — and why they need to get married.

Seventy-two percent of black babies are born to unmarried mothers today, according to government statistics. This number is inseparable from the work of Carroll, an obstetrician who has dedicated her 40-year career to helping black women.

"The girls don't think they have to get married. I tell them children deserve a mama and a daddy. They really do," Carroll says from behind the desk of her office, which has cushioned pink-and-green armchairs, bars on the windows, and a wooden "LOVE" carving between two African figurines. Diamonds circle Carroll's ring finger.

As the issue of black unwed parenthood inches into public discourse, Carroll is among the few speaking boldly about it. And as a black woman who has brought thousands of babies into the world, who has sacrificed income to serve Houston's poor, Carroll is among the few whom black women will actually listen to.

"A mama can't give it all. And neither can a daddy, not by themselves," Carroll says. "Part of the reason is because you can only give that which you have. A mother cannot give all that a man can give. A truly involved father figure offers more fullness to a child's life."

Statistics show just what that fullness means. Children of unmarried mothers of any race are more likely to perform poorly in school, go to prison, use drugs, be poor as adults, and have their own children out of wedlock.

The black community's 72 percent rate eclipses that of most other groups: 17 percent of Asians, 29 percent of whites, 53 percent of Hispanics and 66 percent of Native Americans were born to unwed mothers in 2008, the most recent year for which government figures are available. The rate for the overall U.S. population was 41 percent.

This issue entered the public consciousness in 1965, when a now famous government report by future senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan described a "tangle of pathology" among blacks that fed a 24 percent black "illegitimacy" rate. The white rate then was 4 percent.

Many accused Moynihan, who was white, of "blaming the victim:" of saying that black behavior, not racism, was the main cause of black problems. That dynamic persists. Most talk about the 72 percent has come from conservative circles; when influential blacks like Bill Cosby have spoken out about it, they have been all but shouted down by liberals saying that a lack of equal education and opportunity are the true root of the problem.

Even in black churches, "nobody talks about it," Carroll says. "It's like some big secret." But there are signs of change, of discussion and debate within and outside the black community on how to address the growing problem.

Research has increased into links between behavior and poverty, scholars say. Historically black Hampton University recently launched a National Center on African American Marriages and Parenting. There is a Marry Your Baby Daddy Day, founded by a black woman who was left at the altar, and a Black Marriage Day, which aims "to make healthy marriages the norm rather than the exception."

In September, Princeton University and the liberal Brookings Institution released a collection of "Fragile Families" reports on unwed parents. And an online movement called "No Wedding No Womb" ignited a fierce debate that included strong opposition from many black women.

"There are a lot of sides to this," Carroll says. "Part of our community has lost its way."

There are simple arguments for why so many black women have children without marriage.   
Read on>>


Anonymous said...

This % is staggering.....and speaks volumes in what has slowly progressed to a huge problem for society. I guess politically speaking about this issue is a landmine and no one has the guts to address these type problems.

Anonymous said...

Joe I have been in this world 64 years. Our government has caused the problem of females having bbies our of wedlock. These babies are a meal ticket. The baby is not wanted (is needed). The government gives the mother food stamps (which alot of them sell for other items like drugs/alcohol). They are given money to pay rent for her and the baby. Then they movve in boyfriend, momma, uncle and their kids. If they manage to get a job and the government takes out taxes at the end of the year the government gives them a refund for being a single parent. It is not a small amount. Want to go to school there again a single parent can go to school for nothing. The system is not set up for a helping hand. These people are taken care of by US the tax payers. If this money was helping the child I would have no problem. These children dont see much of the money go towards food, clothing etc. My mom and dad raised 9 of us children with fo food stamps or walfare. They worked their butts off. These girls are not going to listen to a doctor to tell them to get married. Married people get no cut for trying to do it right.
We need to overhaul the welfare program to give people a helping hand not a way of life.

Anonymous said...

"no one has the guts". ISn't this the same thing Holder said about our discussion on race here in the US and he was lambasted for it.

Unfortunately this lack of discussion in politics is sparked directly from a blind following of either party. One side would like you to think it's all the white man's fault, the other wants you to think all these women are dumb fat and lazy. As usual the truth is hidden in the middle.

Anonymous said...

It's terrible how illegitimacy has become so acceptable in society now. Don't these girls know they're setting themselves up for a life of poverty?

Anonymous said...

These girls are not set up for a life of poverty they are living off the taxpayers and we are the ones living in poverty.

Anonymous said...

Are these statistics surprizing to someone?

Anonymous said...

Our tax dollars hard at work, right. Ted Nugent for President, someone needs to end this continuing B.S. that has plagued our society for way too long....

Anonymous said...

there is no incentive for them to get married and all the incentive in the world (thanks to our gov't and the joke of a welfare system) for them to not

Anonymous said...

it's all whitey's fault!

Anonymous said...

It's not at all whitey's fault. It is a serious problem for the Black community. I work with single black women with children. And quite frankly they are pains in the butts. I would rather for them too sit at home on welfare. They are lazy. They abuse sick leave because of child care issues. Employees health insurance rates at a company is high because of their use. They are almost as bad as the plot of anchor babies. And, everytime you turn around, they are pregnamt which mean they get to sit behind a dest for nine months on the telephone. Use up the insurance. When the due date is near, they use the medical family leave vacation for a long period of time while their co worker's work double time until they return just to have another black female pregancy waiting to go through the same process. It's cheaper to keep them on welfare. The jobs they hold should be given to the men. These single mothers bring heartaches to the work force. As a hard working black women with no kids by choice, I wish they would just stay home.

Anonymous said...

Cut off the money and they will stop having babies.

Anonymous said...

I appears to me that black women only have children to get money for themselves. They get food stamps,medical and only 2 or 3 months a year to get "Earned Income Credit".If anyone has ever worked with them around tax time you understand what I am saying.It makes me very,very frustrated.

Anonymous said...

6:01pm I agree 100%

Anonymous said...

They lay, spread eagle and spit out babies. Their young with three or more kids. One women can have 5 kids with five fathers. But, they live with men who help her take care of hers kids. None of those kids are his. They make it hard for a single women to find a good man simply because you have to deal with her and drama with the kids. And, if the single women makes good money, she's helping him raised the baby mamma drama kids. These women are a disgrace. It's all about the dollar bill for them. They should be spaded/neutered.

Anonymous said...

struggle? hardly! we pay for everything and they wear it like a badge of honor! if they "struggled" so badly, you would think they would stop after 4 kids!

Anonymous said...

they strugle with everything but committing crime

Anonymous said...

7:21 - if you are looking for a 'good' man, you won't have any drama, because any man that would walk away from his kid is not a good one.

Anonymous said...

Just love the insightful and intelligent comments from all the experts up here. lol

Anonymous said...

5:29 exactly. Who would even want a man who walked away from his kids? He would do the same to you. Smart woman there.

Anonymous said...

From 7:21,
There are plenty of women who date and marry men whom walked away from their childrens. These men have lots of children with single black women. But, I assure you all, I'm not one of them. And, as I said before, I would not date a man with kids with other women. Frankly, there aren't any good black men out there.