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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Niger Innis: NAACP Betrays Its Mission By Attacking Tea Partiers

This morning I had the opportunity to listen to a NAACP conference call that was organized to release its report highlighting alleged (yet unproven) Tea Party ties to racist groups. This conference call, report and website reminded me very much of the quote from Shakespeare’s Macbeth, “A Tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing”

What was reiterated on the call by the NAACP and it’s minion of “progressive” allies was the same old, unproven, nonsensical charges against the strongest modern grass-roots movement in decades:

“The Tea Party used the N word against a Black congressmen during the Healthcare Debate.”

Indeed Ben Jealous, CEO of the NAACP had the audacity to reload this charge in spite of Andrew Breitbart’s $100,000.00 challenge to anybody that could document the occurrence and in spite of the Tea Party Federation’s unanswered challenge to the Congressional Black Caucus to have a joint investigation of the phony incident.

The most illuminating part of the call came when “progressive” ally, Larry Cohen of the Communication Workers of America revealed the real agenda of the attacks on the Tea Party by the Left: “We disagree with the agenda of the Tea party Movement…. They advocate slavery” and this classic gem, “We don’t need 19th century capitalism.”

What this potpourri of “progressive” groups are really trying to do is inspire an uninspired liberal base of voters, days before the predicted November election bloodletting.

Over the past month, President Obama has also been putting a full-court press on African Americans to turn out to vote in this mid-term election.  Not surprisingly, mainstream media writers are puzzled by the muffled response from what is viewed as the president’s core constituency.

The answer can be found in one number, 49%.  That is the unemployment rate for black teens.

It is one thing to talk about empowerment, and quite another to deliver it.  And the legacy of the Reid/Pelosi leadership in Congress which has been embraced by Obama is that young black people have virtually no hope of finding work.

Parents know that when their kids can't find an honest job, all too often the temptation is to make money with one that is not as honest.  That is nothing but the furthering of the cycle of poverty, which continues to plague the African American community in our nation.

Reid, Pelosi and Obama cannot shift the blame for the painful fact that half of all young African Americans who want a job cannot find one.  It is their policy decision to increase the minimum wage which is directly responsible for it.

Even former Clinton pollster Doug Schoen identifies the Pelosi/Reid minimum wage law as causing dangerously high unemployment among African American teens in a recent column in the Huffington Post.
Read the rest here

(Niger Innis currently serves as the National Spokesman for the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), which inaugurated the Freedom Rides of the modern Civil Rights movement.)


Anonymous said...

When the revolt starts , this guy will hide behind any rock he can find , along with the rest of the NAACP. It's just around the corner.

lmclain said...

What do you think would be happening today if 49% of WHITE kids couldn't find work? What do you think WHITE people would do if a GOVERNOR of a state in this country had the police arrest thousands of INNOCENT white men and then refused to expunge the arrest record or apologize for doing it? The revolution (and there WILL be one -- its an historical inevitability) would have already started. Soon, enough people will have lost their homes, their jobs, their savings, their stocks and bonds, their health care, their safety and security, their hope for the future (all the while being promised by rich politicians that everything is ROSY) and then there will be CHANGE. Continue to think that everything is just fine...unemployment at 10% (double it for the REAL number)...100,000 foreclosures A MONTH...the Gulf region economically destroyed....a 2.3 TRILLION dollar deficit..wages stagnant while prices rise...things are getting a bit scary, huh?

Anonymous said...

With all that said, tell me exactly what the NAACP will do or have ever done for the black community. Absolutely Nothing. And, this is said by a 53 year black born female citizen who remember how young black teenage children and kids marched for our freedom and civil rights. Ask those children where their parents were when they were beaten down by white police officers with their dogs. This country hasn't change and will never change because of hate.
The bottom line is, no matter who is in the U. S. Government; Black or White representative, these people in high places with tons of money don't care about the average hard working families. Every government from John F. Kennedy have failed the people with greed and wars. So what you are saying isn't new.
This country is moving forward as if their butts don't stink towards a major disaster. And, the people that will suffer the most due to our governments lack of compassion for their people is Black Americans and the middleclass/poor whites.
I personally don't trust our federal government nor the people in charge. This country is so corrupted and full of lies and deceit. Unfortunately, President Obama has inherited this mess. The people of this country and other nations throughout the world want to blame all their woes on this man. But, you have to place your faith above all of the wicked and greedy decisions that were made by these men that caused this problem in the first place. I'm placing myself in GOD's hand. Not man.

smitty240 said...

Joseph Goebbels quotes:
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

lmclain said...

10:15...EVERY issue in this country is complicated, with no clear and incisive answer, especially when it come to race and how it relates to politics. My point was that black people don't have the political power or the committment to action that white people do (for a number of reasons), or even more specific, tha ABILITY to accomplish political goals. You DID get my larger point, which I continue to hammer with my posts, that is, our government and its agents, mainly the police (in all forms -- local state and federal agents, "ESPECIALLY FEDERAL police, but other agencies too, i.e. the IRS and Homeland Security can, very effectively and deliberately, diminish our freedom. Your distrust and dissatisfaction with our government is shared by millions. We ARE approaching what I term "the critical mass" of distrust and dissatisfaction. Too many people have lost everything and more continue to lose everyday. When a large, maybe majority, of people have nothing left to give, they will begin to TAKE. The government knows it, and so do WE. And its coming...

Anonymous said...

I agree. Thank you.