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Monday, July 12, 2010

A Letter To The Editor


Having the “public information officer” make statements to the media about conditions in the Government Office Building (“it’s hotter than hell”) is an affront to those who have been working there in recent weeks with or no air conditioning or fresh air. If Mr. Pollitt had cut the “PIO” position instead of filling it when he became the Wicomico County Executive four years ago, there would be $250,000 or more that could have been used to replace the obsolete A/C system.

Unfortunately, he probably sees the situation at the GOB as yet another reason why he needs to have a spokesperson “now more than ever.” The upcoming election, of course, has nothing to do with that need.

If Mr. Pollitt retains the current or another person as his mouthpiece for a second term, it will bring to at least one-half million dollars the taxpayers’ funds that could have been saved or used for pressing needs that have gone unmet. Please, Rick, stop blaming it on the tax revenue cap.


Anonymous said...

Excellent points my friend. Don't forget about him appointing a secretary to the position of Deputy County Adminstrator. Now tell me why Wicomico County needs a County Executive, a County Administrator, a Deputy County Administrator and a PIO! This is nothing more than a Tax and Spend Mentality of a dumbocrat.

No offense to the Deputy County Administor, but what qualifications does a "SECRETARY" have to become the third ranking administrator in Wicomico County? I think that is just as outrageous as paying for a PIO. Those positions were vacant when Pollitt took office and they should been left vacant and done away with. The county administrator, Ted Shea, should have stayed on for no more than 6 months and allowed to retire. After that the county could have hired a county administrator at a much lower salary. Wicomico County and the City of Salisbury are a joke ran by Tax and Spend Dumbocrats!!

Anonymous said...

Bartkovich, Holloway and Prettyman could have voted with John Cannon to stop this nonsense, but wimped out at the end of the budget battle.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why they didn't go to the old Bennett High and get the chicken fans we thought were ok ti keep the kids cool.

Anonymous said...

The county building smells like dirty socks and butt cheez.

Anonymous said...

Would you like some brioche or Sally Lun with that cheese? The county has started a sideline for profit business so they can continue to supply the detention center with their mahagony furniture.

Anonymous said...

The higher you go, the stronger the lindberger.

Anonymous said...

i'm a county employee and been here for 34 years. i love my job but hate the ones uptown [ corruption gang that keep a no limit on spending]. what ajoke they are, from shea ,creamer, pollitt etc.the council is a worthless bunch of jack asses also. the citizens of this county should demand a total house cleaning.uptown they all suck.

Anonymous said...

Vote Baker for County Executive...if working conditions are like this...employees go home...with pay. Anyone not in direct contact with the public can dress in shorts and a T-shirt everyday. He's been in polyester in 100 degree heat (Correctional Officer ECI)...county workers have a friend with Bake.

Anonymous said...

Why do you guy keep bitching about this....Get OUT AND VOTE THE PEOPLE OUT.....STOP ELECTING THE SAME OLD SAME OLD

Anonymous said...

I don't know why we have a COUNTY PIO anyway. It was at one time a collateral position within each department. It didn't cost the county tax payer anything. Especially that much, a Law Enforcement/Corrections Officer, Fire Fighter, doesn't make that kind of money. Can we get a reality check on what we pay people in our government? like the article about the Lt. Governor and what he gets paid for looking pretty. lol