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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Maryland Becomes Second State To Offer Federally Funded Abortions Under Obamacare

Maryland will join Pennsylvania as the second state to use federal tax dollars to pay for abortions under the new health care law signed by President Barack Obama in March, according to information released by Maryland’s State Health Insurance Plan.

Maryland will receive $85 million in federal funds for its federally mandated high-risk insurance pool, which will cover abortions. As reported on July 14, Pennsylvania will receive $160 million in federal funds for its high-risk insurance pool, which will also cover abortions.

During the debate over the health-care bill, President Obama delivered a speech to a joint session of Congress, saying: “Under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions.”

The day the House voted to pass that bill, President Obama also signed an executive order purporting to prevent federal funding of abortions in the programs it created.

Rep. Mike Pence (R.-Ind.), the chairman of the House Republican Conference, said Friday that the fact that Maryland will now use federal dollars to fund abortions under a program mandated by the health-care law signed by President Obama represents a “broken promise.

"This is one more example of a broken promise in ObamaCare,” said Pence. “It is morally wrong to end an unborn human life and it is reprehensible to take taxpayer dollars from millions of pro-life Americans and use them to pay for abortions.”

More here


Anonymous said...

I am so ashamed of the decisions our president and country are making. Saddens my heart.

Anonymous said...

Once again, Obama is a liar. How much better can it be said?

Anonymous said...

how can you tell he's lying? his mouth is moving.....

Anonymous said...

I would not worry about too many abortions being done here. After all, the more kids you have, the more welfare you get.

Anonymous said...

REMEMBER: Mr. President you are A [LIAR].

Anonymous said...

Not only is Obama a liar everyone that voted for health care reform is a liar as well !

Anonymous said...

This is so sickening to me, it hurts to think that anyone would have an abortion in the first place. So many families want a baby and can not have them so they then turn to adoption. But why do that when you have a president who will pay for you to just in no better way just do away with the fetus. This subject has so much controversy, BUT IT WAS NOT YESTERDAY THAT WE FIGURED OUT WHAT CAUSES BABIES!!! IF YOU DON'T WANT THE RESPONSIBLITY CLOSE YOUR LEGS OR TAKE PRECAUTION!!!

Anonymous said...

Even tho I am pro life, I think the majority of people receiving those federally funded abortions will be leftist/dems and therefore will be aborting future leftist/dem, social service sucking leeches. Sometimes you just have to look harder for the silver lining in life.
Hopefully they will abort themselves out of existence.

Anonymous said...

as a pro-choicer, I'm glad. pro-lifers can go to hell for all I care.

Anonymous said...

So...2:19. You're going for "better dead than Democrat?"


Anonymous said...

I certainly hope that they put a limit on each woman getting one. I say use federal funds to remove her ovaries after the second one. If you don't learn from the first one, then its being used as a form of birth control.

Anonymous said...

We will pay for these children who are produced to provide monthly income for their parents all of their lives. Abortion is fine and will lower money spent on welfare, school programs, Section 8 housing, police departments, drug agents and jails. We should pay a maximum amount of welfare money for 2 kids, but after the 2nd child there will be no increases in monthly allotments. The rest have less money to spend on each child when we have more kids so it's time the ones who don't work learned that important lesson. Stop having children for the rest of us to pay for.

Anonymous said...

How are abortions mandated under the plan? Is it the "in cases of emergency" type (mother's life at risk) or undemand abortions?

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many of these bloggers that are for this have ever had an abortion ???? Birthcontrol is not you know what it feels like to know that you have ended a human you even know the pain and suffering that person goes thru after making this horrible decision....I used to be pro choice...and I have suffered horribly for over 30 years but a very very stupid decision. I in no way want my tax dollars to support unnessary abortions unless it is to save the mothers life....

Anonymous said...

Obama has done NOTHING good for this country!

4:33 and 6:55 I definitely agree with you on no welfare after two kids or simply . People want to pop out kids, but have no responsibility for them. Ruining their own lives and their childrens'lives.

1:01 I actually had an abortion 10 years ago, and it forever changed my life. I was once pro choice but could argue a million reasons why you should not have one.


Anonymous said...

this is sick!!!! Obama ,,, should we have paid for you to be aborted?????