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Friday, July 16, 2010

Ehrlich Supports Arizona Law

Our very own Liberal Progressive:

"Governor O'Malley doesn't support Arizona or the Arizona law, because it puts immigration reform at the state level when it should be handled at the federal level", O'Malley's spokesman, Shaun Adamec, said.

Republican Robert Ehrlich,

"O'Malley's opponent in Maryland's governor's race, said he supports Arizona's law, because the federal government has repeatedly failed to address the issue, forcing Arizona to take action on its own."

"It's an issue that both parties have failed to remedy at the federal level," Ehrlich said in a telephone interview.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bob you just got my vote

tedh said...

Got my vote

Anonymous said...

So if Erlich wants to do something on immigration such as this, then why didn't he do anything like this when he was Governor before?
More political b/s.
I don't live in Maryland, thank God but if I did, it would take more than just a statement like this to get my vote.
People need to take a look at his record in office the first time instead of just listening to the b/s he's pumping now just to get elected.
This not only goes for Erlich, it goes for ALL candidates running for office! I only chose Erlich because that is who the post was about.

Anonymous said...

Hey Moron 3:50 PM I am a Democrat and this is more than enough reason for me to voter for Ehrlich. You can have Owe'Malley, OweBama and Liarton!!

Anonymous said...

Ditto to 3:50. I am a conservative (registered Republican because they are the lesser of the two evils), and I will vote for Ehrlich just to try and overthrow O'Malley, but I don't believe anything ANY politician says. They are all nothing more that professional liars. The government was origionally set up on the idea of local people being elected to represent their peers, but that system has been hijacked by power hungry career generational politicians who will say whatever they think will get them elected.

Anonymous said...

what actions will mr ehrlich take on the immigration problem in maryland, if he becomes gov. and how long after he gets in office.

Anonymous said...

Why would O'Malley support Arizona when he allows MD to be a sanctuary State. They get drivers license without speaking english, loans and free college or in state tution to name a few perks given to them by O'Malley. I would like to know how much tax payers are paying for their medical, education, housing and other living expense (unemployment) when they deny me unemployment when my contract ran out.

Anonymous said...

Bob had my vote before this statement. He still does.