Okay, so I see the story on your website about Sarah Foxwell's grave being vandalized. So I thought I would contact the local t.v. stations so we can get the word out ASAP so we can catch this individual. So I contact WMDT first. Their response was great. They said they would look into it so that they could get it on the news.
So then I decided to call WBOC. So I said that I was on your website I saw this news story and felt that it was important to get the word out. I was told that they have not received an official news release from WCSO yet. I said well there are pictures on the website of the grave. This response really pissed me off. We can't use those pictures from that website and those photos could be photo shopped. WHAT!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I couldn't believe it. It was like someone spit in my face. I'm sorry I even called that worthless bunch. All I wanted to do was help the WCSO get some tips and hopefully catch the a$$hole that did this.
It's the only time I've ever called them and I can assure you it will be the last. I know they hate you because you get the word out fast, but really wouldn't you think it would something you would at least call the WCSO and ask. So thanks Delmarva's Rude Leader, you've just been blogged.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Beth, I just got off the phone with WMDT as they kindly asked if they could use my photos on this evening's Broadcast. Of course I said absolutely, yes. They will CREDIT SBYNews.com, (as they always do) and there's absolutely NO REASON WBOC couldn't do the very same thing.
The point behind Salisbury News is to bring out all of the news, even if it means giving others what we have, (with permission). Clearly WBOC wants nothing to do with giving us credit, so they simply follow our Blog and USE us for daily stories they otherwise wouldn't have had. I know this to be a FACT because all too often, (after we put up a story) someone from WBOC will call our source and say, I just saw this on Salisbury News, can you tell us what happened.
WBOC doesn't play fair ball and will use and abuse ANYONE so they can achieve, (in their own minds) being Delmarva's News Leader.
Well, we ALL know who the news leader around here is and it has nothing to do with MSM. Thanks for this message. I'll add, funny how when the Sarah Foxwell thing was hot, they were all over Jennifer Foxwell for information. I was with her when they'd call in Annapolis. They wanted the story BEFORE we arrived back home those evenings and Jennifer thought, you know what, they don't care enough to be here in Annapolis, they'll get a return call in the morning and I can't blame her. But boy, they were begging like there was no tomorrow and ringing her phone literally off the hook.
wboc is worthless. they are the reason that the salisbury DMA is the only DMA not carried on dishnetwork now, there are 210 broadcast areas now, and every station has stepped up but them.
i called them about my customers setting four WORLD records and 6 State records in car stereo competition... now I know some people really could care less, that's the way everything is... but... they seemed to care less, but said something about a local baseball team winning a state championship (also newsworthy)and that they lost regionals.
uh... we set WORLD records... guess that means nothing to anyone.
We were proud of it.
While I agree , there are a few people who are at WBOC that do care and have been close to this case, one of them is Elizabeth Harrington, I'm sure she would love to cover the story if allowed to do so.
WBOC does not investigate. Unless they are given a press release, they do not carry a story. I don't blame the anchors or most of the worker bees there. Do you know how much they are paid? If so, you'd understand why they don't anything above and beyond. You can call them with a tip and they will TELL you that they just read the releases that are sent to them. (And then maybe get someone to comment on camera.) The end.
Very FIRST story on WMDT news at 6
It is unbelievable that Salisbury is the only market that has not come to an agreement with Dish Network. They proudly state that they offer local channels in every market. WBOC is greedy and wants too much money even though they play that damn commercial with "charlie" talking about free tv...what a bunch of hypocrites. Joe can you get to the bottom of why wboc is the only market in the country not on dish??
They ran it on the 7:00 broadcast. No credit to sbynews. Claimed they talked to Jennifer about the story. Joe, we all know your heart has been in this story since the very beginning. Thats why your the real #1 news source for Delmarva and many other areas due to how your popst grew from the Dirty Dozen to many many more.
They used Joes picture of the grave stone , but gave him no credit.
Keep up the good work, Joe! You are truy an asset to this community.
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