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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How Many Times Do Hebron Officials Have To Be Told They're Wrong?

How many agencies and governmental bodies have told Hebron that they are wrong in almost every planning methodology and proposal the town (and its two attorneys and also a paid planning consultant) have brought forth? Let's name them--: Maryland Department of Planning, County Council, Maryland Department of Environment (numerous WWTP violations), ordinary citizens and environmental groups, Circuit Court for Wicomico County--approval of Waller Landing reversed and remanded.

It's time to start connecting the dots--isn't it strange that this 400-acre project never even went before Hebron Planning when it was annexed and not one person at any of the many meetings and hearings has ever said they wanted this project in their town, but it is always approved............, as one person said at the hearing last month, the only ones who are for it are on the Town Commissioners and Planning. This is not passing the Smell Test!

Five years of this, and Hebron is still clueless. The Wilmington developers continue to pay the Hebron attorney and consultant--all the while, Hebron is becoming known far and wide as the poster-child for Dumb Growth.

This letter from MDP is strong in fully setting out the many points on which Hebron fails the test.


Anonymous said...

Freemasonry exists in Hebron.

P. Hurley said...

As the person who actually stated the fact that the only persons in favor of this is the Commisioners and their own zoning people,and of course the attorney who's paid to think that way,I reccomend that the people of Hebron show their concern at the next election.The Dailey Times reported that there were people for and against this project at the last meeting,I can assure you no one in the audience spoke in favor of Waller Landing at all.My property borders this site and I enjoy it being farmland and can put up with the chicken manure more than I can 1500 people.

Anonymous said...

Whos would buy them anyway, look everyones broke.

Anonymous said...

I know Tracey Gordy, who is a state employee, but who is John Holston?

Anonymous said...

Is it true that some developer from Delaware paid 10 Million for that land a few years ago?

OUCH, that hurts!

Anonymous said...

This is as big a debacle as the "Village at Lake Salisbury" where the old mall used to be near the Civic Center.

suthrnthunder said...

i too live in Hebron and it's funny how they keep pushing the waller landing project,but yet they can't even get people in town to clean there yards up from being alomost a junk yard and yet they wanted me to produce a permit number for my fence that was put up almost 4 years ago.And yes we had our permit

Anonymous said...

$10 mil is correct. This project is DOA. The developer will not be able to get his financing on the project without some serious presales, which is highly unlikely. Also, even if the Hebron Commissioners approve the annexation, the County Council will reject it which will force the developer to come back in five years and try again. Hebron commissioners need to wake up.

Anonymous said...

Hey, 9:55--what does it mean that Freemasony exists in Hebron??? Does it mean that the leaders are members of the Brotherhood?

Anonymous said...


Holston is the bozo planning director in Hebron.

Anonymous said...

there are only a handful of people that DONT want waller. they come knocking on doors like jehovahs witnesses trying to 'beat the truth' into you. well, its their truth. these same people are 'terroristic' in nature. i dont go to these meetings any more because these people are scary.
most of the town could care less - which isnt necessarily a good thing. the funny thing about most of the people that disapprove dont even live in town limits.
try surveying the actual town folks before assuming everyone else doesnt want it.