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Saturday, April 03, 2010

More Evidence That ObamaCare is Socialized Medicine

I never thought of it this way before, but the National Review is dead on:

The Senate can pass only one reconciliation bill per year, which is why the Democrats—who seem to intuit that they won’t be so numerous next year—want to combine the healthcare reconciliation bill with legislation that would make the government the direct provider of most student loans. The combination is poetic: American college-loan policy offers an illustration of how the government can absorb an activity incrementally, claiming to cherish the benefits the private sector provides until the bait has worked and it’s time for the switch. Government support for student loans began in the form of subsidies for private loans, much as the Democrats’ health-care bill would succor the insurance industry by subsidizing its product while forcing people to buy it. In the 1990s,  Democrats added a “public option”—making government the direct provider of some student loans—with the Clinton administration claiming that “students and schools are served by healthy competition” between the private sector and the government. This is the same rhetoric Obama used when he tried to sell us a public option for health care. And now we see how quickly Democrats dispense with the rhetoric of competition when a government takeover seems viable: The new student-loan bill would make the public option the only option, thus completing the absorption of the activity. In a similar way, the current health-care legislation isn’t the endgame.

The left’s response will always be that the government can do it cheaper and / or better.

from Delmarva Dealings

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The government will never learn will they. They have watched citizens (and non-citizens unfortunatly) for decades upon decades but still cannot figure them out. If you give out free handouts and make it so you do not have to work for what you get they will take advantage of it. Look at the welfare system. Originally it started as the same exact concept as the health care reform. A way to make it easier for citizens who are less forunate than others. But then you have people that just flat out do not want to work for anything and expect the government to take care of them. What in the world can possibly make the government think that the health care reform will be any different. You will have your low-lifes take advantage of this system as well. Which leads to crowding of hospitals because of people going in to hospitals for minor problems just to get pain medication because they are already addicted to it, making it nearly impossible for patients with serious problems to even get into a room and get the care they really need. All I really have to say is people open up your eyes and see the government for what they really are. Unfortunatly the people who have the most substantial points and ideas will not be heard over the ranting, and raving of the communist bang wagon that is forming right in front of us. I look at all of Obama's followers as most of your yankee fans. People root for them just because they have the star players and have won numerous world series so they just jump on the bandwagon because everyone else is and not because they actually like the team. It really sickens me to see so many good americans being brainwashed by these communist practicing pigs in office as we speak. Stand up for what you really believe in and fight for you right as a citizen of this once beautiful nation and help redeem what once was ours.