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Saturday, April 24, 2010

GOP Sez: Prove It!!

Republicans are beginning to attack the financial regulatory reform bill by attacking the Democrats pitching it as simply not believable.

“Just think about some of the things Americans have been told,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, said on Thursday. “As a senator, the current President railed against deficits and debt. He said America has a debt problem and that it was a failure of leadership not to address it. Yet last year his administration released a budget that doubles the debt in five years and triples it in 10. The debt has increased over $2 trillion since he took office. And in February, the federal government ran the largest monthly deficit in history.”

“There’s a lot of skepticism” among the American people about what Washington is promising these days, a senior GOP leadership aide tells ABC News.

The most recent exhibit in this prosecution in the court of public opinion: analyses of the new health care reform law from the Medicare Actuaries at the Department of Health and Human Services. The studies, issued Thursday night, conclude that the law will mean 34 million Americans currently uninsured will be covered.

But the report by Richard Foster, chief actuary for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, forecasts a rocky and uncertain path to that end.

Increased demand for services from so many new patients is expected to tax “existing providers resources and could lead to price increases, cost-shifting, and/or changes in providers’ willingness to treat patients with low-reimbursement health coverage.” And provisions in the law meant to get federal health spending into the black would be “outweighed by the increased costs” until beyond 2020.

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Anonymous said...

Now the Republicans want to pretend that they are conservative. Real conservative people are totally unrepresented in American Government.

We have been sold out by our own party.

Anonymous said...

Compared to any Dumbocrat the Republicans are very conservative.
This financial regulatory reform bill is just another Obama takeover!
Can't wait til November

Anonymous said...

Forget the labels vote out anyone who is not fiscally conservative !

Anonymous said...

What is their solution? More of the same? Oh let guess lower taxes, their answer for all problems.

IslandSTAR said...

I just watched the documentary by Michael Moore. Capitalism A LOVE STORY. I challenge every American to watch this documentary and see the real reasons America is BROKEN and our end is more visable now than ever. Find out about the bailout to all the Big Banks, Mortgage companies. It will make every true blooded American sick. Sick enough to be happy there is CHANGE in America and sick enough to know without continued change America is FINISHED. God will not allow the l% percent of America to own more than the other 95% dies altogether........

Anonymous said...

1% of America owns more than the other 95% does all together and that l% is represented by the Republican Party. Tell me what chance do you think the other 95% has of survival in a GOP America? Keep OBAMA he is the only chance we have of change in America