This morning (03/07) we found a female beagle walking on Crooked Oak Lane with a new collar but no id tags. She seems to be well taken care of and very sweet. We walked her around to the homes that are around us but no one seems to know who she belongs to.
Does anyone know this little girl ? She is so sweet and would like to find her owner.
Please contact 443-735-1810 if anyone has any information.
Thank you
My Husband an I saw her. Another dog like her was also with her. So somewhere is her friend , maybe still lost . It was on Nanticoke Rd.on Friday 3-5 in between The Country Store An Crooked Oak.Hope she finds her way back to her Friend an Family.
Cute, she looks sad.
Thank you so much for your comment. Any information is appeciated. We have gone door to door in the Crooked Oak Estates area but maybe she is from closer to the Country Store area. Thank you .
These little beagles loveeeeee to run. They pick up a scent and off they go.
Looks like a dog owned by Richard Bealls....he was living on his boat in Nanticoke last I heard.
Could be a hunting dog. They like to wander off. She may not even live near you. I'm sure someone is missing her and looking for her.
Owner found lives in Hunters Mill; Candy wandered about 5 miles away from home this morning. I'm not sure if it was this blog or the sign at the Country Store gas station on Nanticoke rd but Candy was missing for 12 hours. She spent all afternoon in my husband's lap watching golf, what a precious little dog.....
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