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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Some Groups That Threaten Domestic Security Are ‘Anti-A bortion’ And Have ‘Christian Identity’

Erroll Southers, who President Barack Obama has nominated to head the Transportation Security Administration, described groups that were a domestic security threat as being "anti-abortion" and “Christian-identity oriented."

The TSA, an element of the Department of Homeland Security, is responsible for the security of the nation's transportation systems, including commercial air travel. Southers made the remarks in question in a 2008 video interview with the Web site.

CNSNews story..


Anonymous said...

Joe- Seems a good time to remind your readers that the 37th Annual March for Life will be held in DC this Friday, January 22nd. There are buses leaving from many area churches that morning. Get on board with the rest of us "domestic security threats" !

Anonymous said...

I hope that he was referring to "Christian Identity Movement" rather than people who identify themselves as Christians.

But I wouldn't be too sure ....

Anonymous said...

And he is correct.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah-those pro life Christian zealots are blowing up airplanes all over the world. What universe is this delusional idiot from? Am I the only one who feels insulted by statements like these? Do these people really think we are that stupid or do they just think that if they say it enough it will become truth? Unbelievable!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately there are extremists in all religious groups. I went to a so called Christian Church with an ex-girlfriend and I was waiting for the Kool-aid to be passed around. Yuk

Anonymous said...

He is correct!

We have domestic terrorists- they murder doctors, they lock families inside militia compounds and set themselves on fire, they waste their own freedom protesting how others decide to use theirs.

Once news of the American Resistance Movement leader getting arrested for two counts of FORCING SODOMY ON A CHILD this week gets to the national level, we will start to see more and more people waking up to our domestic terror problem.

Anonymous said...

you "pro-life" christian zelots DO commit acts of terrorism on US soil- how many doctors have been murdered because some insane christian thinks he "hears jesus talking to him"

Anonymous said...

If you are willing to blow up abortion clinics or commit violent acts against those that work there then "Yes, you are a threat to domestic security"!

Anonymous said...

so because a few idiots broke the law all christians are terrorists? hmmmm, then i guess all jews are rich bankers or hollywood stars, all muslims are blowing up airplanes, all blacks are lazy and uneducated, all indians scalp people. how stupid can you people be! keep believing you lyin government! fools!

Anonymous said...

This is correct. Dr. Tiller is dead because people think God gave them special permission to murder. Women entering clinics for their annual check ups were screeched at and threatened because it was assumed everyone going to the clinic was there for an abortion.

These are the same type of people that send their church people to soldiers' funerals to say they deserved to die.

Anonymous said...

I haven't blown anything up or screeched at any women. I HAVE realized the downward slope our country hasbeen on since the early sixties when unborn children went from protected life to waste, an unfortunate by-product of a society that made women just 'a warm place to put it' and told men they were no longer responsible for the 'waste' they create. Wake up.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:22, we realize that not every Christian is a violent extremist- but the are out there murdering people who are not in line with their own beliefs. The fact is that violent radical Christians do exist, that was the point of the article. People would be more receptive to your side of the argument if the extremists weren't hijacking your side of the argument.
You'll never see an Atheist murder someone in the name of a "higher power"

Anonymous said...

"so because a few idiots broke the law all christians are terrorists?"

No one stated that. The very first word of the headline is "SOME". Instead of reading the point you are attempting to build a straw man argument by LYING or at least making a misleading argument.