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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Democrats Reach Deal On 'Cadillac' Health Tax

Democrats Reach Deal on 'Cadillac' Health Tax President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats scored a victory in healthcare talks on Thursday, winning labor union support for a revised tax on high-cost insurance plans and possibly clearing the way for a final agreement.

Union members, comprising 12% of the US workforce, will be exempt from the tax until 2018.

According to the White House: “we don’t know where to make up the financial shortfall”
Remember this at re-election time!


Anonymous said...

This is the most corrupt Administration this country has ever had !

Anonymous said...

Can somebody tell me what happened to "I will NOT raise your taxes"?

Anonymous said...

9:00, The same thing that happend to no more earmarks and all negotiations will be on CSPAN. Obama is a lier and no one can deny that fact.

Anonymous said...

don't tell me taxes wont be raised. When we got our new witholding tables for 2010 the amount witheld went up. $2.00 to $6.00 per person.

Helen said...

Sorry An0n 805- that award goes to the W'bush admin.

I know it upsets you that your president is a handsome black man, but you will just have to deal with it on your own


Chimera said...

Handsome?I think not!Michelle is a more handsome and manly.....LOL
Anyhow,what do unions care about this healthcare issue?Most union members already have 100% employer paid health insurance.I was a union member for 10 yrs and it never occured to me that people actually had to pay for health insurance until I started another job where I had to cover it.

Anonymous said...

11:08 I never thought Steve Erkle was handsome or maybe you should have your eye's checked . Wait I get it your fat and ugly gotcha . Bush has a higher favorability rating than Obama does. Your clown has had one disaster after another he's a one term loser and might just end up impeached or worse HAHAHA.

Anonymous said...

Great job Anon 3:54, keep trying! Next week we can work on complete sentences. I know its hard, but together we CAN make you fully literate.

Anonymous said...

3:10 Your ability to read has come under question when you can't understand basic English how can you comprehend the point ! Don't waste your time trying to debate, it will only prove frustrating with your limited ability .