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Saturday, January 09, 2010

Parker Family Fire Information Update

Thank you for your response. The family is over whelmed with the outpouring from the community. At the present time they have more than enough clothes. What they need right now are gift cards (Wal-Mart, Kohls, Target, Dicks, Gander Mountain, Connection or any grocery store in Salisbury).

If you want to make a money donation you can make the check payable to Trinity United Methodist Church and in the Memo put "Parker Family Fire Fund" (this will be a taxable donation for you).

Trinity address: 112 High St., Salisbury, MD 21801

Any gift cards can be mailed to Parker Family, c/o Sandcastle Mtg, PO Box 4672, Ocean City, MD 21843.

Thank you so much for your help.



Anonymous said...

Why would these burned out persons need a gift card to Gander Mountain, Kohls, Dicks Sports etc.?
Just wondering

Anonymous said...

I am all about helping people i do it on a reg basic. butttt i have a ?

With a family in need that lost everything why would they need gift cards to Dicks? Gander Mountian? Connection? And Kohls can be pricey and as well as Target. I can see the grocery store

But The other are not a MUST need item store???

Anonymous said...

I have no problem in helping people in this type of situation. This post appears to be nothing more than begging now. What has Dicks, Gander Mountain, Connection etc. have to do with neccessities? I can't even shop at these places now. How is the money donations tax deductible, since the Church is only the middle person? The definitely has the appearence of a scam now and the receiving party wants everyone to give them everything they lost or wanted with out working for it. I hope this is not the case and the Family is just happy that no one was hurt and they have the neccessities to live day to day.

Anonymous said...

Enough is enough!! My god we have people living in the cold and having to beg for food and the Parker family wants gift cards to Dicks, Gander Mt? Does everything people give you have to be name brand? I mean be happy that someone is willing to help you out in this day and age. The Parkers lived in a up scale area of town in a house that was atleast $275,000. Thats not bad at all.

Anonymous said...

If they have "more than enough clothes" why do they need gift cards to Connection? Wheels for skateboards? Wax for surfboards? Uggs? I can see maybe Kohl's if they are going to use it for small appliances or linens. Perhaps people should just start sending groceries to them. I donated clothes the very next day and that is all I could afford to do.

Anonymous said...

Why do you people have to be jerks? Let this happen to you and see how you handle it. So what if they want those stores? To answer your question, you give money to the church so you can write it off on your taxes. This is not a scam. I can't believe you would even write something like that.

Anonymous said...

All im saying is that other people need it more! Think about the people that have nothing all year long!

JP said...

What is wrong with you people?!?! Obviously you have never been in their situation, as someone who has personally lost almost everything in a house fire- being able to replace your lost possessions with ones you actually want is a small but very comforting thing so HOW DARE you judge these people?! And seriously, the first 4-5 commentators here need professional help or at least a big bite of humility. What have YOU done to help?!?!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the other posters - why the gift cards to stores like Dick's and Gander Mountain? I would assume that the family had insurance so that most of the items lost in the fire (not family pictures, etc) could be replaced; although maybe not right away. I am thankful that they and the firefighters are okay.

Unknown said...

I don't know about you, but if I was burned out of my house and home and had nothing, NOTHING, left to show for the years of work, commitment and dedication that had been put into building my home, our home, the memories, photographs, old report cards, marriage license, childrens artwork, my favorite mug, legal documents, clothes, I would like to think I would be very appreciative of whatever was provided to me by my neighbors, community members and strangers. There is no pricetag we can place on what was lost in a fire. We should be thankful that no one was injured; everyone is alive, they were not hurt and they can go on living, and breathing.

I wouldn't even know where to begin. Trying to rebuild our home, our dignity and our pride, from nothing but each others love.

Why is it then that we assume these people are just out trying to scam everyone. So what if they want a gift card from Gander Mountain, or Connection, or Target or Kohls. Big deal. Have you been to these stores lately? There are some awesome deals to be had, you just have to look for them. Shoes, pots and pans, foam plates to eat off of until permanent plates can be purchased. What about food and condiments. A cooler for perishible food, sleeping bags, a pot to boil water to make a cup of coffee. Reusable plastic containers to put leftovers in. Pain relievers, personal sanitary items, etc, the list goes on and on...

I am sure I, just as you, if placed in this horrible situation, would use whatever means were provided TO YOUR BEST ADVANTAGE to rebuild your family and home.

Give this family a break. They've lost enough already. They don't need this senseless name-calling, finger pointing, and accusations thrown at them. Enough already. Let them attempt to rebuild what was once theirs, a home, a loving shelter to protect their family from harm.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the Parker family during this terrible time of need. May no one have to experience what you are going through right now!

Anonymous said...

I can not believe how rude and insensitive some of you people are. The Parkers are my friends and in no way would ever scam or take advantage of anyone. They are overwhelmed with and grateful for all of the generous outpouring of support from the community - both friends and strangers. They have NOTHING left. Giftcards are appreciated from any store. I'm sure the writer just mentioned some of the bigger stores. I looked into their faces, saw the tears, the fears and the horror of the fire. May none of you ever have to feel that pain and fear.

Anonymous said...

Great post onemomthatisbusy! I am glad there are some people on this post with some morals. You first five anon posters are heartless wastes of humanity.

Anonymous said...

Do they not have insurance for some of their needs? Not being mean. Just wondering. They probably need incidentals insurance doesn't cover. But some policies do cover emergency personal needs.

Tim Chaney said...

Thanks for posting this Joe. I graduated with Alan, he's been a life long resident of Salisbury as far as I know and I trust him enough to just send him a check.

Give and thou shall receive. I just received a great feeling to help out a friend who I know has contributed to many causes here in this area. It also makes me thankful for what I have and that I can help.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the family (parents and/or kids) are involved in sports or other extracurricular acyivities that warrant gift cards from those stores. Insurance can take a while to be issued, and I can only imagine how overwhelming it feels to lose everything and to then try and replace it. I'd start with my kids, and try to rebuild some sense of normalcy- that's what kids need. A giftcard to Dick's might accomplish that. It's not my place to judge.

Target has the same basic prices as Wal-Mart. And their generic line is very high quality. And it would be virtually impossible to outfit an entire family from scratch, buying at only Wal-Mart (or even Target). There isn't a vast selection, and stores are now putting out spring items- and it's still cold out!

Oh- and I don't think Kohl's is pricey either if you shop sales- I got my LO a winter coat for $10.

Anonymous said...

hey, i'm sorry for this families tragedy. but they can shop at ollies and big lots like i do. i can't afford the places the want to go, except walmart. that's crazy. times are hard even if you haven't had a fire.

Daddio said...

I agree with 1:04. I have fire insurance and the policy has several thousands of dollars' worth of coverage for "personal effects"

I have to pay dearly to maintain sufficient insurance coverage, and if my place were to burn down, the insurance would provide plenty of money that could be spent anywhere -- even Gander Mountain if desired.

Where is their fire insurance coverage?? Even when I rented, I had renter's fire insurance.

Community support for those in dire need can be a good thing from time to to time -- such as donations of clothes, bedding, food, meals, etc.

IT seems that lately some are turning this type of safety net into a hammock, when they start asking for other things that could be considered more than basic necessities.

Anonymous said...

You people are insane! Is there no end to your selfishness?! Anon 2:18, Daddio- unless you are in the family, you DON'T KNOW THEIR ACTUAL SITUATION, so don't make baseless assumptions about their insurance policy when you really don't know. THEY LOST EVERYTHING, who cares where the aid comes from- as long as it comes...

miss stacy said...

I don't believe anyone is being rude to want validation for where THEIR money will be going. People are generous, to the people they believe need the most help at this time. As there are a lot of people in need.

I know if it traumatic to lose everything in a house fire. HOWEVER, unless the family had no mortgage on their home, they would be required to carry insurance. The house WILL be rebuilt, their possessions WILL be replaced. It will just take time.

For myself, I don't mind donating to help a family temporarily until they are able to replace lost items. However, no amount of donations can give a family who has lost items in a fire back the memories that were lost.

If the family has their necessities covered (clothing, cookware, etc.) the best donations would probably be from those who know the family and are able to provide them with copies of pictures, videos, or other items that cannot be bought in a store.

Hopefully, the family will be able to have their house rebuilt and insurance will be able to replace the contents within a short time. I wish them much luck and hope that, in time, they can make wonderful new memories in their new home.

Anonymous said...

gift cards from the mall are great because they are AmEx gift cards and can be used ANYWHERE that accepts stores, fast food, clothing stores, walmart, etc.

Anonymous said...

the first thought that crossed my mind was also why gander mountain or dicks what could they really need from there but then i thought about it as i read the other comments and said to myself well maybe the father could be a hunter and with it being deer season now he could go and hunt for some food for his family i know that when my brothers go hunting and have killed a deer there is a plenty of meat from one that can go a long ways for some different meals so that could really help them out with food thinking that maybe they dont have much money for food -- and just like onemom said there are many different things at those places that could help them but with that being said i kinda understand what the first few comments were saying it at first sounded kinda strange naming those specific stores but i really dont sense any bad vines from this family

John Robinson said...

My wife smashed up her car dose any one wan't to by her a new corvet.

Anonymous said...

You people are insane! I know the Parker's, they are wonderful people! They have lost EVERYTHING! Obviously the people who are complaining don't know what it's like to lose everything! You people are so selfish to think that the family is asking for "high end" stores! They HAVE NOTHING! THEY ARE LOOKING TO BUY APPLIANCES FOR THEMSELVES...YOU KNOW KITCHEN STUFF AND PHOTO ALBUMS! Damn, what has this community come to since Sarah Foxwell's death? Did you not learn anything? It's time for us to stop complaining and help people in need, no matter what they are asking for! I donated clothes and other things because my mom is good friends with them! NOT FOR A TAX write off!

Anonymous said...

we are not being selfish.

but the question is do these people work? I would never want to lose everything i own. I do feel for them.

I have spent the last few months helping the homeless. clothes,blankets,personals,food, and christmas.

I am not rich so most of the stuff was donations. it was alot of work but very rewarding to see all their smiles. But when i asked a few what do u want or need. it was the simple things in life...a pillow..a nice warn sleeping bag. a good hot meal. someone to care.

well people all these things my family and I did. but now one asked for things beyond what we could do.

I was in dicks the other day. I saw these cute shoes for my daughter. They were on clearance. so i was like ohh wow..great.. 98.00 is not clearance to me.

All people are saying is that these stores a expensive. They just should have asked for visa cards, so that way they can be spent anywhere's that all people r trying to say.

alot of people that have everything cant afford to walk in these stores. instead of everyone hashing everyone else read between the lines....

Tim Chaney said...

Alan Parker has always worked hard and earned everything he has and has contributed time and money to this area his whole life. When is the last time you inventoried your house?

Even with insurance I doubt anyone can sit down and remember every last thing a family of four has gathered over such a long period of time.

As I'm sitting here all I can think is "Man I need to do a freaking inventory." I'm a family of one man and one dog and I'd still I'd never remember every last thing.

If you don't want to give just let it go! I'm going to help a friend in need, I may need the same someday.

Anonymous said...

I have a dear friend that lost everything but herself and dog in a fire a couple of years ago. Everything. And, watched her house burn to the ground. You people, some of you people, are mean, cold, heartless and hiding behind a computer to spew your hate. IF you are ever in that situation, I would love to hear what your comments would be then. Think about not having even a toothbrush, hairbrush, toilet paper. Really think about it. Having read this blog for some time, I have come to the conclusion that a lot of "reagular posters" on here just post hate filled posts to get a rise out of people or they really are that ignorant. We have become a cold, heartless society and you people and your vile remarks prove it every day on this blog. It's really a sad commentary on our world. For the ones that have sympathy and understanding, I thank you. I pray this family will start to heal and get somewhat of their lives back. Oh, and by the way, you ones that keep harping about insurance, my friend had insurance, good coverage and the insurance company wanted to argue and takes its sweet time in sending out a check. The fire was electrical, was proven right away, no question about what caused it. What to do in the meantime when you nothing at all??? There but by the Grace of God go you people and here's hoping I never find out who you are that are being so mean to the Parkers.

Anonymous said...

I'm Judy's sister and I wrote the followup to the original blog that was sent to Joe on 1/6/10. The reason I said gift cards and named some stores is because right now alot of stores are putting out Spring/Summer clothes. I have been to the stores I named and they still had some Winter clothes. No one in the Parker family named any of these stores. They appreciate anything anyone has given them.

Anonymous said...

What cold hearted and ridiculous comments posted by many! The Parkers have not asked for anything from anybody, muchless specified where it come from. Incase you haven't figured it out, they've been alittle busy! Friends are trying to organize help for them and are doing the best they can. If it seems to be a "scam" to you by all means don't help. Donate if you have an ounce of compassion or just forget about it, but leave your rude commments to yourselves. And please hope that you nver have to go through such a lifealtering event.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe this.You people just must want something to argue about.If you think they don't need to shop at those stores,just don't get a gift card from those stores.And who said that the family even asked for those stores?I just don't understand the problem here.Either you think you can help or you can't help.Help if you can and shut up,or don't help if you can't and shut up.