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Saturday, January 23, 2010

March On Annapolis Highlights

January 13, 2010, 3,000 Marylanders march on Annapolis in splendid solidarity.

Our movement is growing.

Our movement is being felt.

Our movement is making a difference.

You count.

You are important.

You are Tea Party - The Second Revolution

If we can change Massachusetts from blue to Red,

Then why not change Maryland from blue to RED.

If we can change Maryland from blue to RED.

Then why not change Washington from blue to RED

We are Millions

We are invincible


For God and Country......


Anonymous said...

good stuff,keep it comin.

Anonymous said...

Anybody who is against the socialists who have hijacked the democrat party and who are infiltrating the republican party should join the tea party movement it's not about your party affiliation it's about government infiltration along with our public school system the media and Hollywood ! TAKE BACK AMERICA NOW !

Anonymous said...

Yeh man!

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen any of the unions, acorns, or progressives rallying like this.

We have to keep fighting!

Anonymous said...

Maybe they will come forth with the saying WE SIT IN THE PEOPLES SEATS period! Then ask what can we do for you THE PEOPLE??

Anonymous said...

10:42, did you sleep through the 2008 election? Obama was bringing crowds like that 4 or 5 times a day. "For The Beast of Revelation shall speak with forked and gilded tongue and nations shall heed and be led astray. And then shall these and many others tremble and behold with mighty terror the wrath of the Lord God who shall reign o'er apocalypse with horrible wrath and suffering for those who heed AntiChrist (OBAMA).
And when he who hath heeded the word of him the deceiver shall look upon the death and tremble with fear, then shall he ask the Lord,"300,000 individuals have been transformed into drones. Should they be congratulated as well?", and the Lord shall respond "They should be, for they have left behind their trivial, selfish lives, and they have been reborn with a greater purpose. I have delivered them from chaos into order."

Anonymous said...

How is a state with an all Democratic House delegation, one Democratic Senator, A Democratic Statehouse, and a Democratic Governor considered Red? I think someone needs to do some math before they open their mouth.