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Saturday, January 30, 2010

The $1,500,000.00 Civic Center Parking Lot?


I'm sorry your schedule prohibited our meeting. I hope the following provides the information you're seeking:

Questions from Allen Perdue
Besides the outrageous asking price for this run down parking area how much more is going to be needed from the Tax Payer for the County to make this land a feasible parking area?
100% of the purchase price will be paid from Maryland’s Program Open Space fund; The grant and the appraisals were approved by the State Board of Public Works last March. The purchase price was determined by two independent appraisals

I ask this because the drainage system may not be up to date for the watershed to pass standard requirements?
The parking lot was designed by Parker and Assoc. and is compliment with new storm water management laws to be enacted in 2 months. The property will yield 500 parking spaces, thereby increasing our onsite parking by over 50%

There is no lighting which needs to be replaced / updated.
What is this cost? This area will have to be repaved. The present blacktop is in terrible condition and will be a mistake to resurface over the old. The base will have to be reconditioned after removing the old blacktop and before this area is resurfaced with new blacktop.

The parking lot was designed to include storm water management measures, re-paving and new lights. The estimate is $1,100,000. $720,000 will be paid from Maryland’s Program Open Space fund. The grant was approved by the State Board of Public Works last May. The balance will come from general obligation bonds to be paid by Wicomico County.

Are these concerns being addressed in the appraisal that is being used and deducted from the asking price? If not why?
The appraised value is the value of the property’s best and highest use… commercial or residential.

You (Rick) say the appraisals were done some time ago. If that is so why has there not been a more recent appraisal done by the State, in which the State Highway Administration conducts not a Realtors?
Four reasons:
· By law POS projects require independent appraisals performed by certified MAI appraiser.
· Because the State’s paying the bill and accepted the current appraisals
· There are no recent comparable sales
· The owners don’t have to sell and accepted this value;
· The state may withdraw the POS grant to fund its deficit and taking more time exposes Wicomico taxpayers to this risk

As for as charging for the usage of the area for parking, what is the legality of being charged when it is not being used without a written contract or is there a contract which is not being revealed?
· Unless purchased by the county, this is private property and the county has no right to use without express permission. The landowner has every right to require whatever rent they deem appropriate or deny us usage altogether absent agreement.

Who made such an agreement and on who's authority since this would be considered a County expense? Does the individual have the legal authority for this type of decision/agreement?
There is no agreement…but absent a purchase the owner will require rent or deny us use of the property.

What account is this expense being withdrawn from?
The land purchase and parking lot development payment tactics were previously addressed.

Who sets the cost for this parking area usage and is the cost comparable to other parking cost in Salisbury?
County elected officials… the Executive and County Council...IF the County purchases this property.

Gary W. Mackes, Director Wicomico Recreation, Parks & Tourism Wicomico Youth & Civic Center 500 Glen Avenue Salisbury, MD 21804 (410)548-4900, ext. 106


Anonymous said...

When the civic center was built did we not have ample parking for the number of seats/etc. What happened? Did we sell some of those spaces? It is a terrible wase of money even if it comes from the state...IT IS OUR MONEY.. the state did not have a yard sale and raise the money. It came from us, the tax payer. STOP SPENDING MY MONEY on something we dont need!

Anonymous said...

We were told 1.5 million. Now Mackes says 1.1 million. So what is it? Sounds like some more fuzzy math. We were told it was coming from Project Open Space, but it appears the County is paying $720,000. Are all the improvements needed included in this price, which it sounds like? That means no added expense after the purchase, if approved, for the area to be used with proper lighting and a new paved surface. Why has there not been a more recent appraisal? Eminent Domain sounds like the way to go especially for the Tax Payer. This would be used against any other land owner since it is stated such a urgent need for a Governmental Agency. So what is the holdup with proceeding with Eminate Domain? Government should be held accountable now or all of us will the next one.

Anonymous said...

Those appraisals probably are "what amount do you want" specials. They put the mall up for auction a few years back and got no bids. The part of the mall site that Pollitt wants to buy is not worth much for commercial because it's not on a heavily travelled road, and not much for residential because it's across the street from the Civic Center.

Anonymous said...

What I don't understand is when the economy improves why can't we build a new Civic Center? Put the Civic Center right in the middle of the parking lot. Then you can sell beer and have better events, etc. It would make more sense to do that then continue to patch the old one. Then tear the old Civic Center down and make a park out of it. If you are going to spend that much for that small amount of land, you guys are freaking idiots!!! Buy the entire property and build it there. It just makes more fiscal sense. If you don't get a new appraisal, then you guys are stupid. GET A NEW APPRAISAL. DON"T BE AN IDIOT!!

Anonymous said...

Mackes always gets what he wants , it's either for the children or for their needed recreation. Again , we need to stop this insane adventure. maybe we need to investigate Gary and his croonies.
He has wasted our money for years!

Anonymous said...

12:18 - Nice way to end what should be an intelligent discussion. Nothing like calling people "stupid" and "idiot" to take things downhill. In case you didn't read the comment from Mr. Mackes, the appraisal was made, the offer was extended, and the sellers accepted it. They don't have to accept any changes to the original contract! And by the way, POS money does not come from Maryland's general fund. It is funded entirely from real estate transfer taxes. There are restrictions on how/where it can be used.
Meanwhile, it sure would be nice to see some constructive commenting on this blog(as well as others) without the need to spew invectives.

Anonymous said...

Your government at work, Not mine.

Anonymous said...

The County has all the civic center it needs, a new one is not needed. For those that think we need a new building, invest YOUR money and feel free to rent it out.

Anonymous said...

Mackes made a deal with the Mall TIF boys?

That speaks for itself! That price is payback for the county council withdrawing that stupid subsidy for the old mall.

Anonymous said...

some seem to be missing the point here. the civic center is in poor condtion. big "stars" are going to delaware. if the county had a decent place they would come here. and then.... the economy of the county picks up. hotel's and restaurants first the spreading to the rest of the county. in 10 years the county economy is booming creating more tax revinue. and by the way eminate domain is the way to go to get the good price.

Anonymous said...

2:48 I'm not convinced. Let the stars go to Delaware, I don't see my tax dollars going to build a multi million dollar building for your entertainment. The origional intent of the civic center was for the youth, which it is no longer. For those of us way out in the county, we don't see anything spreading but higher taxes.

Justin Case said...

11:45am Read it again. Your numbers are wrong.

Anonymous said...

there is no need for a bigger civic center, when was the last time anything sold out at the one we have?

Anonymous said...

How many mouthpieces does Pollitt need. First it's Fineran, and now Mackes - WTF?

This deal stinks and now we know why.

Anonymous said...

Justin Case you are right the County will only be liable for approx $380,000. Money the County does not have. That is why COunty Executive and his croonies are trying to repel the so called Tax Cap. Also was the Maryland's Open Space Fund not created to preserve land not build on the land purchased with this money?

Anonymous said...

buy the property to build a new civic center on and park at the old one so we can have adult drinks at real attractions. This way the county liquor board can makes zillions..why spend all of the money to park there when the current civic center is a "has been"? The times dictate better attractions, adult drinks can not be sold at the current civic center and all we get to see is big trucks, country music (which sucks) and dog shows, that crap sucks. The best thing at the civic center has been the fights and they would have been better with a cold one or two! Wake up people the old Civic Center served its purpose and its time has expired!

Anonymous said...

6:11 and 2:48 you are exatly right

Anonymous said...

6:11 and 2:48 should pool THEIR money and build a new facility and lease it out. Look at the profit they would make.