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Saturday, October 24, 2009


Dear Joe,

Thought you and your viewers would like to know two schools that have confirmed cases of the H1N1 virus. Around 5 pm yesterday Sussex Tech called and stated that they had a confirmed case. What they don't know is, now its two confirmed cases. As of 11pm last night my girlfried called and said both her children were tested positive for the virus. One, the oldest, goes to Sussex Tech. The younger one goes to Laurel Middle. As a parent of three I would like to know.



Anonymous said...

Two children confirmed at the Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic School in Ocean Pines this week.

Joy Flanders, RN, BSN said...

They are not confirming H1N1. They are calling anybody with flu signs/symptoms at this time H1N1. The hospitals and doctors offices are not doing the extra influenza tests to confirm it, because the CDC has said seasonal flu is not in force at this time- therefore it has to be H1N1.

And it's not a problem in those with healthy immune systems. Proper hygiene, especially handwashing is the best prevention method. Please stop adding to the hype and hysteria.

Anonymous said...

RE: Joy Flanders, RN, BSN,
Can you tell the parents of the third to 1/2 of the kids with healthy immune systems that have died so far that it's not a problem please.

Anonymous said...

Pittsville school has it too.. Health Department called in. Disinfecting every classroom this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Joy Flanders is right. My two nephews and my niece went to the doctors and were advised that there are two types of flu? type "A" and type "B". This is what was explained to my brother - and any type "A" flu is being treated as H1N1 without further testing. They were given an "anti-viral" medication and sent home. I think this whole thing is being blown out of proportion. I know - over 1000 people have died already from H1N1. BUT more than 30,000 people die every year from the run of the mill flu. Let's not lose our minds here people. Wash your hands frequently, cover your mouth when you cough, and follow good hygiene practices and you will be fine.

Anonymous said...

Hospitals and doctors are most certainly performing the best friend went into Salisbury Immediate Care with flu like symptoms and was tested and found negative for H1N1. I don't know where you are working but they are obviously not following protocol for infectious disease testing and tracking.

Orsonwells said...

We instituted the saline, vitamin C & Zinc, etc. 2 weeks ago. My son 14 got a cold a week ago and it turned into the flu that the next door kid had on wed. 102 fever broke this morning and we went golfing. Hoop de do. Never went to the doctor, never getting shots. Don't know if it was Obamaflu or regular. Back to work/ school.

Anonymous said...

My granddaughter recently had H1N1 and yes it was confirmed with a test. It seems that some doctors are testing and some aren't. My granddaughter ran a fever for a couple of days but otherwise was fine. You just can't tell who is going to react badly to this or any other flu. I do agree that there seems to be a lot of hype over this bug. The media has really grabbed hold of the story and only reports on those who get very ill. There have been a lot of people for whom this is only a mild flu.

Anonymous said...

The 36,000 per year deaths number is from influenza and pneumonia, and about 95% of those deaths are in the elderly. Actually, over the past ten years or so, influenza has been listed as the cause of death on death certificates for about 1200 deaths per year... and only about 65 children die each year from influenza. To read more about this more accurate information see,

Anonymous said...

My 12 year old son was diagnosed with swine flu this morning. They took cultures to determine this... It could be that they are lying to me, but I'll stick with what the doctor told us more than comments on a blog- however well intentioned they are.

concerned parent said...

joy flanders my son is very healthy but today my son is being treated for h1n1, This is the first time all year he has been sick.
So maybe you need to take your job a little more seriously,since you think everyone is in hype and hysteria, I pray you never come across any of my children in the medical field.

Anonymous said...

I just took my swine flu shot. Good ol' Kentucky Bourbon!

Anonymous said...

ha joy i hear you too much panic and hype going around take precautions wash your hands and instead of spreading germs with your fears go lock yourself in your house

Joy Flanders RN BSN said...

Concerned parents (aka moron)... I didn't say healthy kids couldn't get H1N1, did I? Try some reading comprehension. I said that it isn't a problem in healthy folks, it won't cause long-term damage and is easily overcome. In those with impaired immune systems, then yes, they are at higher risk of death.

Again, all of you are feeding into the hype. And unless you paid extra, your doctor didn't do cultures to prove which flu it is. Sorry, try again.

Anonymous said...

Both my 4 year old child and I have risk for serious complications from influenza. I am a teacher of older children who are the ones who are "generally fine" if they get it. Many have parents telling them to "suck it up" and go to school. Administrations are pushed to keep students in school to keep attendance rates up. Those people who are not taking health risks seriously (especially H1N1) or don't avoid contact with other people if they are confirmed for any type of flu, are putting an untold amount of additional people-not to mention my child and myself in serious jeopardy. So yes, if you get it, you'll probably be fine, but the person you infect with it might not be.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, we live in a society today where parents don't always put their children first. I'm sure alot of them send them to school sick because they don't want the inconvenience of having to stay home and care for them while they are sick. They are really ignorant because they are spreading the virus around to others. These are also the kids who may end up sicker because they are forced to go to school sick and not at home being cared for properly with rest and TLC. And to the person who posted above about the 1/3 with no pre-existing health conditions who died, the CDC has said that many of them were obese, and as of now they are not classifying obesity as a pre-existing condition, however if they start doing so, that would dramatically lower that percentage rate. Come on people, lets not make this out to be worse than it really is and add to the hysteria!