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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Obama's Dynasty

It seems as though the collapse of Obama's dynasty is in full swing. Sh!t always floats to the top. Recently we learned that only 2% of the "cash for clunkers" reimbursement has been made to the dealerships in Maryland that took part in the program. I heard yesterday on the radio that there isn't enough money in the budget to pay these dealers back. Now this:

You watch all of these tax credit dollars for buying a new house, doing energy saving home improvements, etc. There won't be enough money to back these promises after the citizens spent their money. The Government will give out IOU's like they did in California. The implosion will then be visable to everyone. He had better fire up those printing machines.


Anonymous said...

I love how the right's goal is to defeat Obama rather than serve the American people. I would love to hear the right's plan for improving our situation, instead all I get is Obama bashing.

Anonymous said...

@09:06 - So, when I walk in on my young son about to stick a fork in a wall outlet, instead of yelling "No!" and telling him not to do that, according to you, I should come up with plans for improving his situation...okaaaaayyyyyyyyy.

Anonymous said...

9:06, what bash and try to bring down a President, the Democrats and left wing lunatics never did that, give me a break

Anonymous said...

9:06, here's a plan -- QUIT SPENDING MONEY LIKE A DRUNKEN SAILOR! Is that clear enough for you?

Short list:

> $3.8 million for the Old Tiger Stadium Conservancy in Detroit

> $1.9 million for the Pleasure Beach water taxi service in Connecticut

> $1.8 million for swine odor and manure management research in Ames, Iowa

> $380,000 for a recreation and fairgrounds area in Kotzebue, Alaska

> $143,000 for the Greater New Haven Labor History Association in Connecticut

> $95,000 for the Canton Symphony Orchestra Association in Ohio

> $71,000 for Dance Theater Etcetera in Brooklyn for its Tolerance through Arts initiative

I could easily come up with the first $1 Trillion, but you don't really want solutions, do you?

You liberals are blind to waste, that's why we are so deep into debt. GET OUT! And when you leave, take all the RINOs with you.

Anonymous said...

4:20 We are in debt because George Bush started a war with no taxes to pay for it. Plus a senior drug program (to get him reelected)with no taxes to pay for it. Where do you think that money was coming from? He put it all on a credit card.

Anonymous said...

4:20, responding.
I'll agree it is partially GW's fault (he was more RINO than Republican -- "I knew Ronald Reagan, and you are no Ronald Reagan").

But come on, Bush ran up about $800B in deficits (way too much), but look where we are now! Trillions! The current president isn't as much to blame as the congress, but he isn't helping it any. And if all his policies get implemented then he deserves the total blame for the destruction of this once great country. I fear for my children and grandchildren.

Regardless of where the blame lies, the solution is to QUIT SPENDING. And if this congress can't do it, then we need to throw them out and replace them with those who will.