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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Obama Defends Health Care Overhaul

WASHINGTON (July 18) - President Barack Obama said Saturday his health care overhaul is financially sound, but a new analysis by congressional budget experts of emerging House legislation said it would increase deficits by $239 billion over a decade.

It was the sixth consecutive day Obama sought to keep the focus on his chief domestic priority in the face of mounting resistance on Capitol Hill, including conservative Democrats. Republicans also renewed their criticism.

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

Obama was not ready to lead and he proves it everyday what a failure !

Concerned Retiree said...

Political hypocracy at its best. The Country has to have Universal Health Care for all. I believe in it so much that I am not going to switch from my present coverage to this fantastic program I am pushing to be passed. I never heard him state that nor his Cabinet nor any Politian pushing for this ridiculous Bill . Sounds like a salesman that does not believe in the product he / she is selling. This Country will not take of our Senior Citizens that deserve it. So why should the American public have to sacrifice to a greater degree to allow illegals to recieve free health care, since they are at least 25%of the uninsured.

Anonymous said...

It surprises me we get more comments on Allen Jacksons house
than what is going on with the down fall of the country

Anonymous said...

"Obama says that overhauling health care is vital to the United States' long-term economic recovery."

Here's a novel idea, why don't we force the lazy a$$ welfare mongers into getting a job. That is what is vital to the long term economic recovery. And while we are at it close the borders and deport ALL of the illegals and their children born here.

Anonymous said...

This country has health care for all. It's the way that it's paid for that Washington is messing with and trying to screw up.

Anonymous said...

no, i'm giving your town dollars so that those already employed by your town can plant some trees we don't need in the median strips & along the nice streets we don't have anymore 'cause they're worn out.
of course we could make those who don't work work to get the entitlement to which they are entitled. then there are the prisoners who deserve waaay better than they're getting.
More jobs, like I said... now better health care, like i said. gotta get it NOW.
aka sb (spoiled brat)

Anonymous said...

promises, promises.
we saw where there is a clause that REQUIRES you to switch to this PUBLIC plan.
if they would have kept their fingers out of the till that is medicare & social security, it wouldn't be going broke. remember? slick willy & bore did that cause we needed it now.

Anonymous said...

Obama 2012