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Friday, July 10, 2009

New Reality Show Contestant?


Anonymous said...

WOW. Is this the only topic that you deem important Two Sentz? Meanwhile our economy and national security are a trainwreck.

Anonymous said...

This is right out of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Rule 13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.
Rule 5. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon.

This is the playbook for the American Left. They know that they cannot win on logic and common sense.
Now that Bush is slowly moving beyond the reach of their blame, Palin is the next easy target, as well as the greatest threat.

Alex said...

Anon 8:07. No one is blaming Palin for anything other than probably costing McCain his election and even that is not really her fault since McCain and his staff weren't smart enough to vet her properly. Even an average person can understand that Palin is a total idiot - how come your maverick McCain did not? Palin does not help your beloved GOP - she only hurts it. You will see that in the long run she will cash in on her celebrity and will be out of politics. May be she will get a TV show...
Even Fox news has reported that only 53% of Republicans would vote for her and that is without an opponent! So if she ran unopposed only half of Republicans would support her. I can guarantee that Romney or even that religious nut Huckabee would be way ahead of Palin in the polls if they were running now.

Anonymous said...

Finally! Someone who "gets it"!!
Two Sentz sees through the Republican bases' fog and recognizes....fluff.
Keep speaking for me, Two Sentz.
You're doing a fantastic job.

Anonymous said...

I hope your "mental" obssession isn't terminal Two sentz...

Anonymous said...

What else can the left talk about? They don't have nothing positive to say about Obama so they attack the right...

Two Sentz - Instead of the attacking Palin with every post, please post something positive that Obama is doing. Good luck with that..

Anonymous said...

I didn't say that anyone was "blaming" Palin for anything. I said that she was the easiest target and the left's greatest threat.
As for the rest of your comments, I refer you back to Saul's rules #5 & 13. You are providing a good example of the use of these rules.

joealbero said...

I thought it was funny!

Anonymous said...

You are right, 8:33! Two Sentz should quit attacking Palin. It isn't like you people on the right are obsessed with criticizing people on the left. Like, say, continuing nonsensical charges about birth certificates.

Anonymous said...

No matter what, we should be grateful that the other presidential candidate didn't win...if a smart, educated guy like Obama is struggling with our current issues, then the old guy, who admitted he's weak on the economy, would have truly been clueless as to what to do.
Meanwhile his vp would have wanted to quit, 'cause it would be too hard of a problem.
Saviour? No. Best chance? Yes indeed.

Anonymous said...

Think about it people, how did the government finally put a huge dent in the mafia? They had agents infiltrate it and destroy it from the inside. What's the easiest way to bring down a government? The exact same way!!

Now we have a foreigner LEADING our government and you gotta admit, he's doing a pretty good job of bringing it to it's knees so far. Just think of what he can do with 3 more years?? Think about it.

Now I know you bleeding heart, Obama nut-hugging liberals will whine about this the above post said, name ONE good, honest thing he's done since January. Just ONE!! If you can't do that you have no response so sit down and shut up!!!

Anonymous said...

8:58 We can talk about Obama. He is our president and his decisions will make an impact on our future. Palin has no effect what so ever on our future. And no she will never be a president. I do however think the post was funny and it makes sense but it gets old after a while. The last 4 out of 5 post from 2C have been something stupid about Palin. Joe will post negative pictures about Obama but he also post negative articles including facts. If you want to be a contributor to the website please post something like Why You Love Obama So Much including your reasonings and supporting material every once in a while.

Anonymous said...

8:19 In a national Rasmussen survey, taken by telephone on Monday, 76 percent of those surveyed voiced a favorable opinion of the 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee, and 61 percent predicted she will seek the presidency.

Anonymous said...

Restored funding for stem-cell research so my father might have a chance to beat Alzhiemer's. So there. YOU shut up!

Anonymous said...

The libs need something other then the failing Administration to talk about and had the idea lets attack women and children. Palin is the American dream sought make make a difference for her kids and went for it and was wildly successful and now under attack by the liberals because she is a woman.

Anonymous said...

10:11 can you please explain your reasoning why it would be good to kill another life for RESEARCH to save another? FYI my grandfather has Alzhiemer's.

Alex said...

10:17 you are wrong to think that liberals attack Palin because she is a woman. As you know there many women holding high positions and enjoying liberal support - Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, soon to be Supreme Cour Justice Sonya Sotomayor, etc. Being a woman has nothing to do with it. Being stupid does.
Yeah, she is an American dream. Having her 17 y/o daughter get pregnant, married to a secessionist, unable to put 2 words together and quitting her elected office. Keep supporting her!

Anonymous said...

The left's obsession with Palin is really quite amusing to me.If there is a woman in politics we should be worried about it sure isn't Palin. Might I suggest that Nancy Pelosi is far more damaging to the country and to each and every one of us than Sarah Palin.
You all might want to sonsider spending as much time focused on Pelosi as you do on Palin....or it that prospect simply too frightening?????

Anonymous said...

Two Sentz you are my new hero !! Keep it up- nothing is more funny than a riled up republican trying to tell you "your mean" for picking on the delicate Sarah Palin... if she can't handle the pressures of being in the spotlight as Gov. of Alaska then how in the hell can she handle being President of the USA !!! Would she have quit as VP if Mc Cain had won and was getting the same crap that Obama has had slung at him... HMMMMMM makes ya think !!

Anonymous said...

If you actually read up on this rather than listened to Bill O'Reilly, you would know that the embryos used for stem-cell research are already on the way to being discarded--your grandfather with Alzheimer's might be saved by stem-cell research. Not allowing stem-cell research would not turn that embryo into a baby under any circumstances. These are largely embryos created through in vitro fertilization, where many more embryos are created than can possibly be implanted. So you have a choice: toss out the embryo, or find a potential good that will save millions of people.

Moon Willow said...

Wait, let me get this straight: abortion is wrong, but harvesting stem cells from an embryo which is later destroyede is okay?

Anonymous said...

Hey 9:33, like every other nut hugger you didn't do your research on the stem cell topic nor do you realize bama's part in it.

By the way, bet you he can't even have a semi-intelligent conversation about it without a teleprompter!!


Yep,that's your president!!!

Anonymous said...

10:50 You're right, the libs don't attack Palin because she's a female, they attack her because she's a female that doesn't agree with their ideologies. Libs like to talk about tolerance, but show little tolerance for those that don't think just like them.

Anonymous said...

Yep, you conservatives are REALLY the tolerant ones. Except for gay people. And "libs." And Muslims.

chuck said...

I thought it was funny, too, Joe. Just like the birth certificate one, above.

Everyone needs to chill out and learn how to laugh a little bit.

Anonymous said...

Hope her face dosen't freeze like that! Hehehehe

Two Sentz said...

Granny, would you rather the embryo be destroyed without using it for anything? That's what fertility clinics do. I didn't hear you say you were against fertility clinics. Women have their eggs harvested. The eggs are fertilized. Some are implanted to make babies. The rest are trashed. Now, tell me again why the stem-cell shouldn't be used to develop cures to disease and instead should be thrown away.

And like Joe and Chuck said, it's funny. I see so many Obama jokes here time and again which most of you love. I put up 2 or 3 Palin jokes and everybody flips out. Get a grip y'all. You say you want both sides to come together, well maybe a little tolerance on your part is required first.

Anonymous said...

12:52 - I'm conservative and very tolerant of those you say I'm intolerant of, as well as many other groups. Why do you wish to brand every conservative with the same iron? Because we disagree on a few points?

chuck said...

3:12, um... 12:52 is on YOUR side, man.

Anonymous said...

Conservatives aren't really against stem cell research on any kind of stem cells, but this shouldn't be funded by the gov't. That's it, no moral story from this conservative. I value life but I think everyone should be responsible for the life they bring in this world and when they are of age, get a job-don't look to the gov't for support. Need help cuz you lost your job or having difficulty paying bills, seek help from charity, church, friends and family before you go to the gov't. Smaller gov't keeps people in touch with other people. I voted for Sarah Palin not because she's got a funny accent and she goes to church and stands up for babies in the womb, but she's good at economics-look at what she's done for her state. She's done more good as mayor of Wasilla than Obama, Biden and McCain have done as Senators. They left us this horrible mess of an economy. A mess that Obama inherited,yes but he volunteered-actually begged us for the job. I don't blame GWBush for the mess, I blame Congress-that would be Pelosi first, Obama, McCain & Biden second. BTW I think the post is hilarious...I'm sure Sarah Palin would get a laugh from it as well.

Anonymous said...

12:52...the left brands people whose views differ from thiers because they don't want to really debate the issues.It's so much easier to brand and villify than it is to actually justify your positions.So called liberals are only liberal when it comes to people who robotically think like they do.Otherwise, they are some of the most intolerant people on the face of the earth.

chuck said...


"So called liberals are only liberal when it comes to people who robotically think like they do.Otherwise, they are some of the most intolerant people on the face of the earth"

As opposed to all the "tolerant" Conservatives on this site who repeatedly call me an "idiot", an "a$$hole", "lousy", "Dumbocrat", et al?

Two Sentz said...

Good thing 4:37 isn't branding the left and is debating issues instead.

Anonymous said...

Well Chuck doesn't debate the issues either, I saw another thread earlier where he just kept saying What color is the sky in your land? when the other person was presenting real numbers to back his argument up.

Anonymous said...

Peggy Noonan, columnist and former Republican speechwriter said of Palin:

"In television interviews she was out of her depth in a shallow pool. She was limited in her ability to explain and defend her positions, and sometimes in knowing them. She couldn't say what she read because she didn't read anything. She was utterly unconcerned by all this and seemed in fact rather proud of it: It was evidence of her authenticity. She experienced criticism as both partisan and cruel because she could see no truth in any of it. She wasn't thoughtful enough to know she wasn't thoughtful enough. Her presentation up to the end has been scattered, illogical, manipulative and self-referential to the point of self-reverence. "I'm not wired that way," "I'm not a quitter," "I'm standing up for our values." I'm, I'm, I'm.

In another age it might not have been terrible, but here and now it was actually rather horrifying."

chuck said...


If that's how you think that argument went down, instead of the objective reality of how it really happened, then I only have one question to ask you:

What color is the sky in YOUR world?

joealbero said...

Chuck, when you get caught up on your taxes in My World, I'll answer that question. Till then, you owe me rent too. LOL

chuck said...

Whachoo talkin' 'bout, Joe? I pay my taxes and I don't owe you rent.

Two Sentz said...

Now that's a comment worthy of a post, 11:36am. Thanks!

chuck said...

OH... I'm dense. I get your point. shut up, Joe. :)