I have a concern that I feel should be addressed. During the summer months
we concentrate most of our attention to the usage of crosswalks by pedestrians
in Ocean City. Shouldn't we address the same amount of concern here in
Salisbury? Ever since the origination of the Shore Transit, I have been involved
in several "near misses" at the bus stop near the intersection of Main St. and
Rt. 13. Pedestrians are constantly playing a dangerous game of tag with daily
commuters and so far I have yet to see ANY police involvement.
Now I have noticed a new dangerous situation, PRMC. Wednesday morning at
approximately 8:30am I had to brake abruptly TWICE in the same block, dodging
employees crossing Rt. 13 between Carroll St. and Vine St. You would think that
these would be the last people to not only violate the law, but take this
dangerous risk. These are people that see first hand the dangers of "jay
walking" by treating patients struck by vehicles. Now, I don't know about anyone
else, but if I saw, on a daily basis, people coming in to my office severely
injured and watch some die, I would take that into strong consideration before I
would cross a major highway especially during rush hour.
I know there is no actual crosswalk at the Vine St. intersection, but there
is no reason why the employees cannot at least cross at that intersection with
light. There are some 50 to 100 vehicles in that parking lot for the employees
of the hospital. It really bothers me to think that there are that many people,
who know first hand the dangers, making this irresponsible decision. I'm sure
that not all of the employees are doing this, but so far I have yet to see
ANYONE crossing this road properly. To all those involved, please make the right
decision and be careful. Thank you.
many months ago I informed the hospital administration of that.. because I am a doctor and almost hit complete morons crossing 13 at 4:00 shirt change....
Great headline.. Doctor hits nurse... I wonder who would get blamed
Speaking of Crosswalks, I used to live on East College Avenue and I have always wondered why there are no signalized cross walks on College Ave for Bennett High and Bennett Middle Students. I drove down that rode every morning, Monday through Friday for 4 years and I have seen some pretty dangerous sights! When I have brought this up to folks in the past they all say..."Well, they have crossing guards, they don't need signals." I know for a FACT that a crossing guard shows up in the morning MAYBE 20% of the time! These young children (particularly Bennett Middle Students) are crossing the business morning traffic in Salisbury during the School year and have hardly any protection!
Now we have all of this new construction and re-alignment of College Ave for the new high school, do you all think that it is about time they address the crossing issue before somebody gets KILLED!? Keep in mind that this is a City street and the city's responsibility to provided signalization for crossing.
There is a crosswalk at vine st on the Gas station side of Vine st. The people don't use it because it wouldn't be quicker. I'm sick and tired of these a holes running across the road and then looking at you with this look of disgust when you almost hit them. Or the ones that purposely walk slow as if to say I dare you to hit me. Something has to be done plain and simple. It seems someone or several people have to die before anything changes.
Some of them almost dare you to hit them so they can sue you.
I've seen that "dare you" person. I was horrified at how deliberately slow he walked, all the time glaring at me. I had, by then, come to a complete stop on Rt. 13. People are really stupid sometimes.
Well people are going to cross the street to get where they need to go. If you had to do it every day you would do it to. As for the one's who walk purposefully slow - here's what I do. I rev up my engine put my head out the window and yell "GET OUT OF THE ROAD YOU PHUCKING MORONS". It actually works. Now I bet you would be afraid to say this to a black person (who else walks slowly across the street and sneers at you but black people?) but I assure you it will surprise them and actually earn you some respect.
The people at the hospital think
they are better than others and
can do what they want. Of course Webster wouldn't think of cracking down on jay-walkers.
What do you want:
1} Rock-scissors paper reference {car/truck always beats ambulatory dillweeed on cellphone}.
2} Charles Darwin...Red Courtesy phone..Charles Darwin.
3} Barbara Billingsley-"Chump don't want the help-chump don't get the help...
For the record, just because someone works at a hospital {even if their name ends in M.D.//R.N.} doesn't mean they have a lick of common sense...and never seek medical treatment east of the Bay Bridge. The paramedics of the area appear more compassionate/competent than many/most of the physicians.
The area by Transit is downright lethal to drivers.I say to drivers because the pedestrians running out in traffic,sometimes with babies in strollers are complete morons who do not care about their own safety or their kids.Are they trying to be hit so they can sue someone?Honestly?
And yes black or white I will yell at those dumbazzes that just walk into traffic and then glare at you like YOU are breaking the law.Stupid has no color!
I cross the highway from time to time by the transit myself. The light at Main and 13 really does ot give you a chance to cross, When it says cross then the light to turn left turns green and while you are trying to cross you almost get hit. During the day it is nearly impossible to cross, it begins with 13 having the green, no cross , then the rightturns from the park area n cross, then the left turns from downtown, no cross, then back to 13 traffic, Untill they actuallygive some time o cross the street then people will always run across the highway, At least in that part you can run to the middle and stop, before going the rest of the way.
Some of you will say well the pedestrian light says go and you should use that, I can walk across all i want when it says go and i still wont stop a car when it runs across me, There is no complete stops for vehicles ever at the crossing.
And as for the one who says only blacks walk across slowly and glare
you are a a##. I drive in this area as well so I see the issue from both sides.
Maybe they should build a overpass like john hopkins has so they can walk over the traffic.
Just pretend you are reading something and dont make eye contact. It works every time.I even have my mother using this tactic.
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