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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Gates Agrees To Beer With Obama, Policeman

Black Harvard scholar ‘happy to oblige’ in peace-making effort

WASHINGTON - A prominent black Harvard University scholar accepted an invitation to have a beer with President Barack Obama and the white police officer who arrested him in a racially charged case.

Professor Henry Louis Gates said Saturday he was willing to have a peace-making beer with Obama and Cambridge, Mass., police Sgt. James Crowley.

Gates was arrested last week at his home after a neighbor called police to say that a man was breaking into the house. Obama said Cambridge police had "acted stupidly," prompting an outcry from police groups and a resulting media blitz.

GO HERE to read more from MSNBC.


Orsonwells said...

Well, I can't say F**K 'em on the radio here, but there's some Obama dancin' goin' on here that shows us all that the long legged Mac Daddy is frooyin' up the hallways and makin evything smack down okey dokey.
I wish to comment that Mr. Obama's first comment gives him all away. We white folk don't dance to dat step.

Anonymous said...

They should slam some oysters rock while their at it, them chefs be working over-time if it was me. 5/star, dont come around often enough.

Anonymous said...

The NAAWP will accept no apologies
here. I think the officer should kick both their butts!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wonder if they'll be drinking some 40's from a paper bag?

Anonymous said...

If anyone acted stupidly, it was Obama and Gates, not the cop.

Less Nessman said...

Your better than your audience, of course you already know that, huh???

Anonymous said...

There you go reward that jerk for his bad behavior by inviting him to the white house. I hope the police officer tells them to eat dirt.

thomas augustus littleton said...

I think it's great as long as Gates and Obama both apologize to the officer & America for their clear racism, and don't put pressure on the police officer to apologize for simply doing his job as it is supposed to be done.

I also think the president should serve lemonade or iced tea instead of beer. Does he not remember how the "leading black scholar in America" became a raging lunatic, racist the last time he had too much to drink?

If Gates had been a white professor verbally racially assaulting a black officer, do you think he would still have his job? You know he wouldn't! (Hell, even a comedian can't lose his cool and get away with that hideous kind of racial assault,(see Michael Richards of the Seinfeld show). If the races had been reversed, the university would have fired the white professor and issued a statement saying something like, "we wish Professor White well, but we are forced to announce his dismissal in keeping with our zero tolerance for racism and race baiting policy!

Anonymous said...

Let them stinking racist choke on their rank beer

Anonymous said...

i wonder who's picking up the tab ? Hmmmmm ?

Anonymous said...

Are cops really stupid? Maybe that's Salisbury's problem and what Obama was referring to in his comment. Maybe firefighters are stupid too and that is why we see waste.

Question though: Why was Gates breaking into the house to begin with? Does anyone know? Be careful, this is not a race baiting question. It's a question to see how many people even understand what happened that day.

Anonymous said...

next oprah will have them on for ribs and chitlins

Chimera said...

This incident has spiraled into a big media event,which is exactly why thse types of situations persist.

I SEE U said...

How Bout Instead Of You All Having A Beer (This Is Great Example To Set For Our Country)Why Don't You Drink Some Kool Aid!!!!

What A Joke We Have In Office!!!!

Orsonwells said...

They are best off leaving this alone, but if Obamama man needs to make it a party, then woe be to him. BIG mistake. But, then, he's a moron with impeccable speaking abilities.

Anonymous said...

there is no such thing as an innocent cop.

Anonymous said...

If this cop is such a great fighter for civil rights and such a great negotiator, how did this spiral out of control?????????????? Is not this situation eactly what he professes to be an expert at?

Anonymous said...

May we note that Sgt. Crowley was FIRST to agree with beer with bho, since the invite was to him in the first place, call & all?

Anonymous said...

May we note that Sgt. Crowley was FIRST to agree with beer with bho, since the invite was to him in the first place, call & all?

Anonymous said...

Invite him to drink beer? Isn't the concept of drinking "beer" kind of redneck and derogatory? Don't get me wrong beer is an American staple, but in this context it seems like your president is stooping low to make amends. He is automatically assuming the officer is a low life redneck.

What we have here in America is racism at it's best. It is reverse racism and the "educated" black men are smart enough to pull out the race card to use it to their benefit. The same liberals that voted for Obama don't have the b@lls to put a stop to it. All a black man has to do is say "why because I am a black man in America" and everything is forgotten and all the charges are dropped. When I first heard this story the first thing I thought of was this professor made that comment because of who the president is. I had know idea they were friends. This country made the biggest mistake in over 300 years voting Obama into office. He is not a black man and the black people think they have one of theirs running this country.

The best thing this officer can do is sue the idiots for defamation of character and continue to serve the public. America needs to wake up.

Anonymous said...

If Gates is so interested in making police with the Cambridge Police why doesn't he just meet him in a local restaurant. Why does this incident provides the same response as a dispute between say India and Pakistan.Is Gates that important? If Obama wants to be seen as a "racial healer" why doesn't he go to the town in Texas where skinheads and blacks battle. Or to Salisbury to visit with the white families of the women Jermaine Wright has raped and murdered? What crap.

Tim Chaney said...

Just like the MJ thing all over the news for weeks, more diversion from unemployment, a dank economy and two wars.

The reality of the Vietnam war came home when the media posted the death count every single day!

Anonymous said...

I am an enlightened 26 year old who voted for Obama! I have many colored friends and also frieds from other races.
I think it is a mistake to have beer at this meeting because it is a well established fact that colored people and indians don't handel alcohol very good. The president probably would be alright because he's half white but he needs to protect Gates from getting drunk and showing his a#* again.

Anonymous said...

bring along Marion Barry, and they'll really have a party.
"bitch set me up" greatest political quote in the last 25 years.

Anonymous said...

The President is clearly a drunk and everything can be fixed by getting drunk I disagree. Anything less then a apology from both Gates and Osama won't do. These men have insulted not only all police officers but whites in general.

Anonymous said...

This is a total joke....reverse racism at its finest. How is it that blacks can say what they want and its no big deal but whites are racist in everything they say or do when dealing with blacks. This officer stood no chance in this situation. If he didn't thoroughly check out the call for service he was given and it was a true burglary then "He didn't check it out cuz it was a black mans house" He does check it out and he is a racist for doing so.
Why wasn't Gates happy that the neighbors and police were concerned about his property and wanted to make sure it was ok like a normal person would do....Oh I forgot its much easier to make it a race issue. Gimme a break.