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Friday, July 31, 2009

Change Is In The Wind

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Anonymous said...

Off topic but the crescent picture reminded me--has anyone followed the controversial memorial to the 9/11 vicitms of th eplane that went down in the field? The memorial proposed is a crescent and star pointing to MECCA!! A freaking tribute to MUSLIMS, you know the ONES THAT BLEW UP THE TRADE CENTERS!!!

Anonymous said...

A majority of Republ. doubt Obama's citizenship (despite the evidence). A large number of Republ. believe Saddam plotted the 9/11 attacks (despite the evidence). Many Replubl. also believe the president is a muslim. It's no wonder you guys call Beck, Malkin, and Rush real journalist. While I don't agree with Dems. alot, why the hell do I want a party like Repl. running things? You guys believe any goofball that prints something online or appears on your tv screen, just as long as he stroked your ego by saying "US is the best" and "we're a country of hard-working blue collar white people"

Anonymous said...

Keep it up, this crap just makes the center run from the once great Republican Party.

Anonymous said...

More of this, please. Keep talking about Obama, and putting up pictures of the Soviet flag. It really lets people know how knowledgeable you are, and it definitely doesn't make people think you are batsh!t crazy loons. Keep on tea baggin'!

Anonymous said...

9:47 You are right on the money! They just don't get it. We, the self thinking members of society, are very frustrated with what this type of behavior creates. This is the best example of the "dumbing down of America" out there. The masses will repeat whatever they hear as the gospel truth! Good Lord!

Anonymous said...

What I'm about to say is the ABSOULUTE TRUTH. It is the answer to this government problem we are facing, period. After I say this only people unwilling to believe and understand will still worry or be angry and upset.

with GOD on our side, WHO can be AGAINST US?

Just answer that question. Please tell me who. No one! and you can take that to the bank JACK!

Anonymous said...

I'm not trying to be silly or anything but: Who is the GOD to whom you refer? Seriously, is it the Old Testament GOD YHWH, ALLAH, or Jesus Christ?

The answer really makes a difference.

If our GOD (America's god) is who I think it is, then we are in deep trouble. I am not so sure America (the country) is on the "right side" of things.

Anonymous said... are batsh*t crazy. How are you any different than the "radical Muslims" you hate?

Anonymous said...

**doubt Obama's citizenship (despite the evidence).-What evidence the certificate reproduced and stamped 2007? Prove it to the democrats suing him over it.
**A large number of Republ. believe Saddam plotted the 9/11 attacks (despite the evidence). -Talking point that is not true
**Many Replubl. also believe the president is a muslim.-see my first point and prove it to the Democrats suing him for his birth certificate. This is a talking point and not an actual fact
**we're a country of hard-working blue collar white people"
-You just made this about race and not ideology. Obama is a socialist and has conservatives in an uproar. If HIllary were in office, we and Hannity, Rush, Beck, etc. would be doing the same thing,

You think we're the ones brainwashed???

Anonymous said...

1:52 GOD is GOD. Whether it be through the Father, the Son, or the Holy Ghost. His spirit dwells within all.

2:38 Who said anything about Muslims or hate. I don't hate Muslims. Do you? Being that you are flying off the handle about Muslims. Talk about a Wierdo.