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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Deer Hunting After The Obama Gun Ban


Anonymous said...

What Obama gun ban?

Anonymous said...

The one that he supported as a senator.

Anonymous said...

yea, what is the gun abn. I do not remember this one. If you are saying he is against us killing each other, what is wrong with that?

thomas augustus littleton said...

I believe it is beyond of the scope of presidential powers to ban citizen ownership of guns; that would take a constitutional amendment overturning the existing amendment protecting the right to keep and bear arms. Of course, an un-American president and misguided legislature could severely infringe on the constitutional rights of Americans without downright overturning them. For this reason, our founding fathers encouraged future generations to watch their government closely for abuse and infringemt on the constitution, and to denounce and correct any such infringement in the most preemptory & defiant terms possible.

Never forget that the sole legitimate purpose of government is to protect the rights of the governed. When government usurps power and no longer does the will of the governed, "it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government and to provide new guards for their future security."
(Declaration of Independence)

The way to accomplish this is to let our representatives know, in no uncertain terms, that if he or she won't protect and defend the U.S. Constitution and our rights guaranteed therein, they WILL be replaced with patriots who will!

Moon Willow said...

Juswt remember, when the writers of the Constitution included the right to bear arms, they were thinking more about muskets than AK-47's.

hubbsangel said...

The writers of the Constitution were thinking of our rights to DEFEND ourselves... not what kind of guns we have. What freedom do we have if we do not have the right to defend ourselves against those who oppress???

Jim said...

Thomas is correct. I cancelled my membership with the NRA after they sent me propaganda about Al Gore that he was going to take our guns away. Complete lies and I will not belong to an organization that lies to advance the republican agenda of winning even if it means lying to the American people. I do not know of any hunter that uses an AK47 with a 30 round clip to hunt wild game. These weapons are made to hunt HUMANS. You do not need an AK 47 to defend yourself, However: If you plan on killing a lot of american people, then this would be your weapon of choice. We have seen this time and time again.

Unknown said...

In 1776 muskets were state of the art military firearms, They were the most sofisticated, advance weaponry of their day. Jim uses demagoguery to link an entire movement to his simpleton unverified statement, for which he offers no reference. At any rate the NRA probably is not for you. It is an organization of law abiding citizens (not criminals), that protects the 2nd amendment from irrational people who blame societies problems on the NRA instead on the more probable inequities of our economic system. Frankly, the hug-a-crook policies of the same kind of citizen that rally so furiously against gun owners, are IMO the greater evil.

Ironone1 said...

You may want to do your research before commenting. Just don't start saying stuff to hear yourself talk. Nobody who has commenting clearly has ever hunted in their life, thus know nothing about the weapons most citizens consume.

If you do a substantial amount of research you'll find our president is a muslim. Muslim religion is to kill American's. Muslims do not do anything outlandishly crazy, like come into a country in masses shooting up the place and calling out the American military. They aren't stupid. They ease into something and take it over, over time. Look around you. Look at your convenient stores, neighborhoods, call a 1800 customer service line. ALL MUSLIM PEOPLE. They are here for a reason. This is why the gun ban came into notion. If Obama can weaken the American people by taking weapons away, it will make it easier for Muslim culture to take us over. They alreay have 8.6 children to Americans most current poll 1.6. In 50 years they will be the majority and can vote in another Muslim president in which can have Muslim offials. And next thing we know we're a muslim country. If you can't see this..DO YOUR RESEARCH.. There are islam centers going up everywhere. This country was built on Christianity and we've let the complete opposite of Christianity take over our country. Prepare yourselves...our children are going to see some dark days ahead. You better get right with God if you're not, we need him now, and will need him in the future!

Anonymous said...

If Obama signs the IATA (Intenational Arms Trade Agreement) with the U.N. on Mrach 14 2013 it will allow the United Nations, the most powerful anti-gun organization on Earth to legislate changes in U.S. citizen arms ownership. Because it is an international treaty it bypasses any Constitutuional Law within the United States. In order for the IATA to be signed by the United States it requires a 2/3 majority off the U.S. Senate only ( the House does not vote of treaties ). SEND LETTERS TO EACH OF YOUR STATE SENATORS AND TELL THEM THAT THEIR CONSTITUENTS (YOU) WILL BAND TOGETHER TO VOTE THEM OUT OF OFFICE IF THEY VOTE IN FAVOR OF THE IATA. What happens first is the U.N. will impose their will to have all U.S. citizens to reigster their weapons. Those who do not will be committing a Federal felony offense. Once guns are registered the reinstitution of the Federal Black gun ban (semi-auto rifles) will go into effect. It is the beginning of a slippery slope that could lead to the banning of all weapons held by citizens. Don't believe this? Look at what happened to Australia when they signed similar legislation.