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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

National Click It Or Ticket Campaign

Law Enforcement from the Eastern Shore Support National Click it or Ticket Campaign

On May 27 at 10 a.m. at Arthur W. Perdue Stadium, representatives from Law Enforcement Agencies from across Delmarva will gather to support the National Click it or Ticket Campaign to increase seat belt usage. 17 Agencies from the Eastern Shore of Maryland will show their support for saving lives.

Speakers for the event include Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis who is nationally recognized for his traffic enforcement expertise. Also speaking will be Chief Bernadette DiPino from Ocean City Police Department who is also currently the President of the Maryland Chief’s of Police.

Statistics prove that the most effective way to reduce deaths and injuries on our Nation’s highways is to increase seat belt use in the daytime as well as at night. As a matter of fact, an estimated 15,383 lives were saved last year simply by buckling up.

Unfortunately, too many motorists still need a tough reminder. That’s why the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is encouraging all States and local law enforcement agencies and highway safety officials to join the annual Click It or Ticket mobilization campaign which runs from May 1 - June 6th. The campaign will renew its emphasis on day and night enforcement as well as young drivers.

What’s so alarming is that motor vehicle crashes continue to be the leading cause of death for 15- to 20-year-olds in America. In fact, of the total fatalities in 2006, 5,130 were passenger vehicle occupants between the ages of 15 and 20, and 64 percent of those killed were NOT wearing their seat belts at the time of the fatal crash. That’s why law enforcement officers will be working overtime to crack down on all young drivers who are not buckling up.

Research shows that high-visibility enforcement campaigns work. This year, the campaign across the Eastern Shore, will step-up law enforcement activities and will have officers out on the streets around the clock to enforce seat belt laws and save lives.

When worn correctly, seat belts have proven to reduce the risk of fatal injury to front-seat passenger car occupants by 45 percent – and by 60 percent in pickup trucks, SUVs, and minivans.

So unless you want to risk a ticket, or worse – your life, please remember to buckle up day and night – Click It or Ticket.

For more information, please visit


Anonymous said...

Otherwise known as National Police State day.

Anonymous said...

I feel this is an invasion of peoples rights. Adults should have a choice about seat belt use. I do feel children belt use should be mandatory but with adults it is definite invasion of personal choice. The only person at risk is the person who chooses not to wear them.

Anonymous said...

anonymous 7:55 your absolutely right. you have the absolute right to nominate yourself for a darwin award. It would be a privelege to mop and sponge your body parts from all over the road and points beyond, to put them in a bucket and send them to the morgue after you've gone through the windshield and diced yourself into a million pieces. nice legacy for your kids, while bruised, are safely belted in the back. ALIVE! But your right, gov't has no right to tell you how to protect yourself-legislating common sense is never a good idea. GOOD LUCK!

Anonymous said...

Yeah anon 0755...I agree, if someone chooses to use drugs thats ok too because its a personal choice and they are only hurting their own body right...IDIOT!

Anonymous said...

hahaha. 7:55. darwinism at work. go ahead and keep your seat belt unhooked.

Anonymous said...

Ahh it's so good to see the police department so concerned about our seatbelt safety. I wonder if they would give a rat's ass if they only could ask people to buckle up instead of make money from it.
But then what would they spend their time doing if they couldn't be random toll collectors.

Anonymous said...

darwinism, yeah whatever

look, I am sick of helmet laws and seatbelt laws. The sheep like 830 are too stupid to see that this is about one thing and one thing only, revenue generation.

AKA taxation.

Hey State of Maryland, I don't want seatbelt laws, I don't want helmet laws, and I DON'T want speed cameras. Do I wear my helmet? Of course, but I am sick of laws for laws sake.

Oh look, here come the bleeting sheep!


"If it saves just one life."

How many americans fall down the stairs?
We need to STOP building two story homes.
How many people die in pools each year?
Outlaw them or say that that they can't be more than two feet deep.

The problem is the sheeple like 830are too stupid to see this crap for what it is.

it's another form of taxation.

Anonymous said...

The gov doesn't need to be so concerned about the folks. There are 6 billion people on this earth and that is the biggest problem of all. If a few get killed from not wearing a seat belt, so what. The gov at all levels needs to get off the peoples backs. Fact is we have to many police now, being funding by grants from Washington and they obviously have nothing else to do except harrass the citizens that are just trying to get to work or school.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:18,8:27,8:30,
Did I say I did not wear my seatbelt? NO. I CHOOSE to wear my seatbelt but maybe open your narrow little minds that there may be extrememly claustraphobic people who feel trapped while wearing the belt as well as those who through personal choice do not wish to wear them. You idiots can't get the fact that it is about personal rights and revenue for the state.
I guess it would be ok with you if the government mandated that you could only wear flourescent colored clothing when walking so you can been seen. If not you will be given a ticket.
Your attitudes are the reason our personal right of choice is going away in this country comrades.

Anonymous said...

This campaign and the seat belt law itself is a bunch of bull@#$% it's nothing more than a way for the state to get more of your money under the guise of safety. These cops need to be going after the bad guy instead of a guy that had a bad day and forgot to click it. Oh yeah the bad guys don't pay up to the Kings pirates !

Anonymous said...

Webster is a no show?!?!

Anonymous said...

Seems like most agree that the seat belt law has more to do with fund raising than saftey. To bad that so many believe anything that the gov says.

Anonymous said...

If the law says I need to wear the belt then I will wear it. If the law says I need to give 40% of my income to the government, then I will give it. If the law says I should bend over, then, well you know -

Anonymous said...

But what if you don't kill yourself. Then they life flight you to the hospital. Rush you into surgery, work on you for 6 hours to try and put you back together. In a couple months you will need more surgery. Gee guess what you also made the "choice" not to buy health insurance. How are all those people that worked to save you going to get paid?
You will just go bankrupt, only got a doublewide and a truck and you get to keep both of those.