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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Is This The Perfect Déjà Vu?

Is this the perfect déjà vu?

This amazing cartoon was in the Chicago Tribune in 1934. Look carefully at the plan
of action. Remember the adage, "Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it."


Anonymous said...

If you hadn't put the date down I'd say it was from today.

Anonymous said...

And what did FDR's government actually do? Successfully defeated the most monstrous regime in the history of the world, overcame the depression, and ushered in an era of unprecedented American wealth. That author was the Sean Hannity of his day. In other words, a pea-brained wingnut who didn't have a clue.

Anonymous said...

Just to put the cartoon in context it was critiquing the economic programs of the "New Deal" which many credit with hastening our recovery from the Great Depression of the late 1920's and 1930's. While controversial at the time, the program (in hindsight) was generally deemed to be a success in propelling economic recovery and putting people back to work.

I'm not sure this cartoon says what you think it says. In the context of historical hindsight the cartoon is an object of sport for its dire, melodramatic warnings about a collection of programs that proved to be very useful to the US.

Anonymous said...

The same families who controlled our government then, still control it today. Of course we are repeating their history - it is the same exact playbook. By the way, it is not at all clear that the spending helped to end the depression. Most likely, it was the WORLD WAR that ended the depression. Perhaps that part of the play book is about to be used again also?

Anonymous said...

9;20 & 10:02 FDR's programs did not lift this country out of the great depression. While it may have put people in government "make work" programs, it was WWII that got our factories and industrialized might cranked up again. Roosevelt knew his programs were anemic and pushed the country towards war by his econonic policy towards Japan. He knew that war would revive our productivity and wanted to get involved in the European conflict. However the mood in the Congress and quite frankly the nation was to stay out of it, believing it was not their fight, that they had had their fill of war. Roosevelt adopted a stranglehold on trade with Japan knowing they would look to Europe (read Germany) for more favorable trade partners. When the Axis Alliance was formed it would be just a matter time before the country was forced into war. The rest, as they say, is history.

Anonymous said...

FDR did not cause economic recovery, in fact his policies (same as Obama's) prolonged the suffering. Obama is repeating the same stupid mistakes because Obama is not making the decisions, his "Team of 200 advisors" are making the decisions. The advisors decide, then program it into the teleprompter, and Obama reads it and it becomes policy.
The difference between then and now is that Unions, and the Democrats have systematicaly destroyed the industrial base in this country. There is no bailing out. Obama claims he will create many new "Green technology" jobs, but almost every expert agrees that for every green job created, 3 traditional jobs are lost and the green jobs are mostely temporary anyway.
You Obamabots voted for the destruction of this country. Are you sorry yet?

Anonymous said...

Um, did it not work the last time. Must have or there would not have been a this time.

Anonymous said...

So 11:46 FDR deliberately and diabolically manipulated the US into war with Japan to put America back to work? Fascinating! Bats**t crazy but fascinating! What other conspiracy theories do you have on tap for us today? Wait.. let me guess...umm... "9-11 an inside job"?

Chimera said...

WPA and CCC camps would not work now under Obamas "rule".Back then there was no "welfare" and "food stamps" to fall back on so the unemployed were grateful for these programs that put them to work.Same concept would not work today,nobody would show up to apply for those jobs when they get everything for doing zip.
FDR had some good ideas but overall it WAS the war that brought the country back from depression.