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Sunday, April 05, 2009

How Many People Are Boycotting The Shorebirds This Year

There's been a lot of talk about people not going to the Shorebirds Games this year because of the additional $3.00 impact fee for parking. This would be the perfect place to send your message to the Shorebirds to let them know that you either understand they have to charge something in order to pay for the new blacktop paving or you're simply not going to go to the games at all.


Anonymous said...

I'm not going. $1.00 may have been acceptable, but $3.00 is too much to park in this economy. Family entertainment should be affordable and the extra $3.00 takes it out of that range. Not to mention the traffic backups from collecting money and giving change to every car. They are one of the lowest levels of the Minors, not AAA.

BigEastFireDog said...

Ya know im not sure exactly how much tickets are there this year, i havn't realy even looked yet. But still even with a 3dollar increase it's still not a all that of an expensive way to enjoy a night out with the family. So I will still be going to the games this year with my wife and kids maybe not as much but still going

Anonymous said...

went to about 40 games last year. that's $120.00 extra dollars. or 20 games.

i'm fed up with shorebirds playing us as fools with high concessions, way to loud speakers, every half inning some joke of a contest. i just want a balgame.
i'll be listening on the radio this year. i won't pay that kind've money for the poor quality entertainment provided.
i'm out.

Orsonwells said...

Traffic is always heavy and slow, and stopping it to collect parking money will be too much of a hassle. I'd rather see the fee paid at the ticket booth.

Anonymous said...

not going at all this year. This is single A, not AAA or the majors. three dollars to park my *ss!!

Anonymous said...

Big marketing mistake by the Shorebirds. Consumers are a funny bunch. If you tell them something costs $10, they'll buy it. If you tell the same customer it's $7 plus some associated fee of $3 bringing the amount to the same $10 total, they'll balk at making the purchase. When a business tacks on a bunch of surcharges, and shows those surcharges to the consumer, the business gives the consumer a multitude of reasons to complain. A prime example is the local trash company that advertises a $45 a quarter rate, then adds a $9 fuel surcharge on top of that. Customers complain about the fuel surcharge, especially when they know the price of gas went down but the fuel surchage didn't, but wouldn't wimper a word if the company simply advertised their price as $54 per quarter.

The Shorebirds should have simply added an extra buck to the price of tickets to cover the parking fee. They wouldn't have received the backlash and they probably would have taken in more money that the current $3 per vehicle parking fee.

bayboy said...

Us retired people on fixed incomes are struggling right now. Can't justify the added expense!! If we come we might have to skip some meals that week. Don't think so!!

Anonymous said...

Guess you'd be happy to pay $3 more for the tickets and get free parking?!

Stop crying... it's STILL cheap family entertainment!!

Jedadiah Cross said...

I would be more than willing to pay a dollar extra on the price of my ticket. I will not however pay $3 to park there. I realize it cost more to operate, but this is Minor Leagure baseball. Its one thing to pay to park in Baltimore and another in this small town. I guess the Shorebird management will get the message when the gate receipts are significantly lower than previous years.

Anonymous said...

whooo more beer for me

Anonymous said...

what a cheap bunch

Anonymous said...


if you went to that many games last year, why don't you just buy yourself season tickets or some sort of half-season or something?? You guys do realize that you get free parking or discounted parking if you buy bulk tickets...

besides, why are you complaining when you spend 6 bucks on a hamburger combo meal when you only get a back of chips and the smallest soda size ever?!?!? There are certainly more expansive things at the stadium. Stop being such whiners

Anonymous said...

Maybe the Baptist church across the street could charge $1.00 a car to park and folks could walk in. Every church needs more cash, so maybe they'll consider this.

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for the staff who have to deal with the angry public because of some bone-headed greedy upper management decision.

Lynn said...

This amazes me!! This is good, clean local fun for goodness sake. With some of the best fire works any where. Here, where going to the movies for a family of four, you have to take out a small loan. Movie tickets are unbelievable. Then to add on drinks, popcorn, and candy...forget about it!!! I am sure there are other things worth complaining about!!! We will continue to go this year, and support our local team.

Mardela said...

When the cost of going to see a single A team rises by fifty percent, that is outrageous. Yes it's only a small fee, $3, but when you look at the percentage of increase.....

Plus they have a monopoly. Are they going to allow shuttle vans or busses to drop off people without charging them?

If they want to raise more money, field a team that's exciting and wins more games. Let's see some long ball hitters. That will bring the fans.

Anonymous said...

I work in the higher up level. I am not happy with this. I tried to change their minds but, money is everything to them. If you want to raise heck email this ding dong