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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Final Note On "Tea Bagging"

Here is one final note on the very humorous side of this whole thing. If you have never heard the term "teabagging" before then consider yourself lucky. I know the slang definition has been around since I was little and everytime I hear someone say it in relation to the "Tea Parties" it just conjures up some pretty silly images.

If you are a diehard "tea partyist" you might not want to follow this link because ignorance is afterall bliss. But if not, go ahead and see what the rest of us are laughing about.

Urban Dictionary Definition of "Tea Bagging"

You're welcome.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad someone else finally said it! I've been wondering when it was going to be pointed out.

Anonymous said...

I, too, was wondering when someone was going to point this out! It has been making me laugh all week.

Anonymous said...

1:13 & 1:28 & chuch
you really need to stop talking to yourself.

Anonymous said...

and all along we thought you were inserting a foot into your mouth.

For you to tag this with the patriotic act of the tea party, is in fact "two-sick"

consider yourself fired sick-o

Anonymous said...

Apparently MSNBC got the joke. Watch this and see if you can pick out all the references.

Anonymous said...

OMG if only we could be as kewel as you young genius gen-y-ers, us old fools don't know about such perverse and crude crap. We are the ones paying the tax bill so we don't get alot of time to participate in kewel drunken frat parties and stick scroutms in peoples mouths. We are too busy worrying about our future, and a little thing called the Constituion.

Anonymous said...

Get over yourself--I am a 40 something, highly educated, highly taxed person who knew what "tea bagging" meant! It is funny that none of you caught it.

Anonymous said...

"We are too busy worrying about our future, and a little thing called the Constituion."

Don't forget to add your own self-importance to that list.

Anonymous said...


that self importance would be self-earned and not handed to.

Anonymous said...

Two Sentz---- seriously; get a life.

this is low, even for you.

Anonymous said...

Tell us over 40 highly educated and highly taxed to you snicker at all inuendos of sexual perversion? The fate of our country and our freedoms is at risk, and you are quibbling over who gets a sexually deviant inference? Hope you are not in any profession that is in contact with young children.

Two Sentz said...

Why are you getting on my case? I didn't make this up. Im just trying to educate people, same as you. :)

Anonymous said...

You have it admit its a pretty damn funny coinsidence.

Anonymous said...

"The fate of our country and our freedoms is at risk"Really??? My, my, aren't we paranoid? Have fun in the rain today, protesting something you don't even understand.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
You have it admit its a pretty damn funny coinsidence.

2:49 PM
only to a libtard

Anonymous said...

While I have no problem with your sack licking fetish two-sents. I do have a problem with you associating it with the Tea Party. Perhaps someone will remove yours with a dull pair of scissors.

Anonymous said...

Two Sentz did not make this up--if you all had been paying attention (I don't know, maybe read a book or watch the news) you would have known this. People have been laughing about this for awhile now. Even FOX news made allusions to this, and if you watch the show "Prison Break," there's a reason the character is named "Tea Bag." So, as the highly educated high tax paying person who does not actually engage in tea bagging but thinks it is funny that you all didn't catch it, I say have a nice tea bag ceremony!

Two Sentz said...

"I do have a problem with you associating it with the Tea Party."

Again, I am merely pointing out the obvious which has already been pointed out several times already. If you are worried about the tag (seriously?) I will go fix that right now.

Chill out guys, it's almost tea time!!

I'll never tell said...

At the time several pounds ago I made money dancing I did in fact pay taxes on it and hated cold drink glasses. The reason I give thanks for no digital cameras in the 80s
I laughed my butt off everytime it was mentioned and so did the people I have done tea parties with

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about people with no sense of humor. It is funny. Plus, you are doing them a service by letting them know why people on the news are snickering about this.

Anonymous said...

Awww, poor Conservatives! Did you not know what tea bagging meant and now you're mad because it's too late to change the name? Maybe now you'll understand why we've been laughing at you since you started tea bagging America.

Anonymous said...

Well I dont have to wonder anymore why some companies and the BOE block this site. This one really crossed the line. This is pure NON SENTZ (sic)

Anonymous said...

The fed up citizens who are participating have never called this tea bagging, that comes from David Schuster and Rachel Maddow from you beloved MSNBC. If you were honest Two Sents you would admit that the tea bagging reference was originated by the liberal media. Just like the tingle going up Chris Matthews leg old David and Rachel have been getting their jollies with the tea bagging crap.The activity is Tea Party no bagging. GROW UP LIBTARD.

Anonymous said...

Oh how cute, male scrotum humor. If your brains were half as big as you think your scrotum is you would be out at any event that might get some notice that the citizens of the US have had enough of politics period. Be it dem or repub, lib or cons, it is no longer by the people for the people. But I forgot,you find trillion dollar deficits acceptable. I hope you can earn money with that scrotum humor when the tax axe falls on you.

Anonymous said...

Tax protesters dump tea bags into Indiana river

What's a tea party, without tea bags? And why are people sending tea bags to Congress, if it's just the crazy mainstream liberal media referencing teabags? How come you can't admit that your collective conservative nature has shielded you from this sexual tea bag reference?

It does not pass the laugh test to claim that your tea party movement has had nothing to do with tea bags. See the article below:

Associated Press

3:46 PM CDT, April 15, 2009
LAFAYETTE, Ind. - A large box of tea bags was dumped from a bridge into the Wabash River on Wednesday as part of a series of tax-day protests being held across the country.

Several hundred people cheered as the tea bags were dumped in a symbolic recreation of the Boston Tea Party.

"I am prepared to pollute today," organizer Donn Brown told the crowd, a reference to complaints from environmentalists that the tea-bag protest would trash the river.

Tea party events drew protesters to Indiana events from Evansville to Angola, where police officers directed about 100 marchers off the mound where Steuben County's Civil War monument is located.

A protest also was planned for Wednesday outside the Statehouse in downtown Indianapolis.

Jared Fagan, an organizer of the Lafayette event, said the protest was aimed at making people aware of the constitutional limits on the federal government.

"With those powers being taken from the federal government, the taxes and the overspending would take care of themselves," he said.

Rae Schnapp, who is Wabash riverkeeper for the Hoosier Environmental Council, said she had asked protest organizers to not throw tea into the river, where volunteers recently spent time cleaning trash from the banks.

"Two cases of tea are not going to make or break the river," Schnapp said. "It's a proverbial drop in the bucket. I think it's dangerous symbolism."

Two Sentz said...

For your information, I went.

See my blog for the post

Anonymous said...

Very nice- TwoSentz
I hope you are proud of yourself for joining ranks with the rest of the vulgar left media.

Chimera said...

I am soo naive....a couple of years ago I overheard the term "teabagging" on a movie and had to ask my husband what it meant!

Say What? said...

If the mayor had a set you would have to say Salisbury has been getting tea bagged for years

Two Sentz said...

Once again 8:43, I didnt make this up. I warned you not to go to the link if you are sensitive. I don't know what more you want me to do?