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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Wicomico County Sheriff's Office Press Release

Incident: DUI Checkpoint
Date of Incident: 17 March 2009
Location: College Avenue at Spring Avenue, Salisbury, MD

Narrative: On 17 March 2009
from 7-9:00 PM, deputies from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office conducted a Sobriety Checkpoint on College Avenue in Salisbury, MD. During the hours the checkpoint was in operation, 391 vehicles passed through with no drivers detected to be under the influence of alcohol. Other deputies assigned to patrol vicinity of the checkpoint conducted traffic enforcement, stopping an additional 32 vehicles. During these stops, one individual was discovered to be driving with a suspended MD driver’s license. Also participating in the checkpoint was an officer from the Maryland Natural Resources Police.

The Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office reminds everyone to please think before getting behind the wheel after consuming alcohol.


Dave C said...

7-9:00 PM? Come on now! The only people you are going to catch during those times are people with a slight buzz off of happy hour. Bump it back to 12-2:00 AM and then you'll catch some folks! Mike Lewis, does an excellent job; however this check point and its efforts could have been much better at a later time. I am all about getting drunk drivers off the road and putting them behind bars, but I would also want to maximize my efforts. Is there a reason why 7-9:00 was chosen instead of a later time?

Anonymous said...

Dave C , what makes you the expert
on drinking times.Sounds like you have a lot of experience.You are right about one thing , Mike Lewis does an excellent job!!

Anonymous said...

It all goes back the our Mr. Lewis's Mission Statement.

Service: Serving the public safety needs of our community.
Honesty: HONESTY above all.
Equality: Equality in the performance of duties.
Reliability: Reliability in commitment to our citizens of the community.
Integrity: Integrity in pursuing our goals.
Faithful: Faithful to the TRUTH.
Fairness: FAIRNESS to all in the application of the law.

The Wicomico County Sheriff's Department, is Honest, trustworthy, and Fair.

Anonymous said...

I think people who drink alot and then drive are probably not the type to leave a party between 7 and 9. The ones who have sense enough to leave early are probably not the major offenders.

Anonymous said...

The truth is, there is no better time then another for accidents. With the economy being the way it is, a couple of friends who have lost there jobs on any given day or time, can go out drinking and then driving. So with that been stated, anytime of the day is a good time for a check point.

Anonymous said...

They should make the check points from 11- until 230 ...thats when most people are leaving the bars... alot of people don't even go to the bars until 9-10 anyway.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 10:19 AM,
I didn't know bars were opened that late in Salisbury. Actually, the only business' I believed was open late was Walmart and Wawa..HAHAHA

Anonymous said...

The only problem I saw with the checkpoint when I went by was that the lights could be seen from a mile away. Anyone with any alcohol had plenty of opportunity to pull off into one of the side streets instead.

Anonymous said...

Hundreds of cars searched, hundreds of people harassed, dozens of man hours wasted. Meanwhile muggings, murders, and crack is being sold to kids. SPD, why don't you take your "business" (isn't that how's it is run?) over to the North side of town and find some "customer's" there.

SPD - to Protect (themselves) and "Serve".

Anonymous said...

Wake up people, its not like this was just an average Tuesday and the cops had nothing better to do. It was St. Patrick's Day, among the top 3 drinking holidays of the year. Many people go straight to happy hour after work and get bombed, or take an early lunch and start drinking, or just flat out drink all day. To have to checkpoint from 7-9 on this very day is not a crazy notion. Most people assume they are safe if they leave the bar early and drive home, no matter how plowed they are. Maybe, this will make them think twice next time.

Not to mention, many of the "who's who" of Salisbury enjoyed a few green beers and irish car bombs at Market St for happy hour that day and I bet they all drove home with a BAC over .08.

Rob S

Anonymous said...

Funny thing to add, I went to Market St that night to celebrate the holiday. Did the responsible thing and took a cab home after the bar closed. When I came back early the next day to get my car at 9:10 AM, I already received a parking ticket in the downtown city lot adjacent to MSI. Ya know, how dare I hog up a spot in their 1/4 full parking lot? Not like this is a big deal in the big scheme of life, but how about a few hours grace period on the day after St Patty's?

Rob S

Anonymous said...

I know one local Irishman who better have not been at Market Street or Anywhere else drinking and driving. The time od the check point is a valid question anytime of the day or night is a great time. I would agree with david C on the fact most fatals/w alcohol involving juveniles or young adults is later at night they party later.

I think the check points are great and the more the better.

The rest of you are not getting promoted. Soooo stop sucking Soooo hard. The Sheriff's Office has a young staff. There is no more room on the West Wing. Get back to Work.

Anonymous said...

I think changing things up a little bit is a good idea. People expect to see a checkpoint being run late at night, but if you had been drinking most of the day all ready and left early because you were all ready pickled - surprise! Also, seeing a checkpoint early in the night like that may have been a deterrent for people that were just starting to head out to the bars.

Anonymous said...

Kudos to all wicomico residents displaying good sense!

Anonymous said...

Yes 12:26
At least if anyone at the time was able to text a friend....that was ONE text that was NOT a