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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Tea Parties

Tax Day Tea Party
Fannie and Freddie Also Paying Bonuses
Posted: 18 Mar 2009 09:45 PM PDT

According to USA Today AIG isn’t the only bailed-out company giving out bonuses. Will Fannie or Freddie be subjected to the same inquisition that AIG is experiencing? Or will Barney run interference for them? We will see.

Tea Parties? Or should they be called “Pink Slip Parties”?
Posted: 18 Mar 2009 04:13 PM PDT

There’s a lot of Tea Party on Twitter commentary saying that we should mail pink slips to Congress. Good sign idea. Imagine a crowd of people on April 15 all waving pink slips.

Orlando Tea Party: Ssturday, March 21
Posted: 18 Mar 2009 11:42 AM PDT
There is a Tea Party happening this Saturday, March 21st from 12-2pm at Lake Eola Amphitheater in downtown Orlando.

Video footage from last Saturday’s Tea Party in Arkansas
Posted: 18 Mar 2009 11:35 AM PDT

Arkansas Tea Party video footage from last Saturday.

More details on Lexington’s Tea Party
Posted: 18 Mar 2009 11:18 AM PDT
The Tea Party in Lexington, Kentucky is scheduled for Saturday, March 21, 2009 from 12:00 (Noon) to 2:00 PM, at the new Court House grounds downtown Lexington.
WLAP 630 AM radio is one of the main sponsors (organizers) of this Tea Party.

Tea Party leadership: Going from whistleblower to muscle
Posted: 18 Mar 2009 10:26 AM PDT
In the David Vickers column I linked to below, Vickers says:
What must happen for the American tea party movement to harness all its force, aggression, and overall good intentions for America’s future, and be taken seriously by the power brokers in Washington, D.C., by the mainstream media, and by Main Street?
And how will the movement grow its numbers and influence?

I think it’s past time to start asking, and answering, these questions. Otherwise, I fear the American Tea Party movement’s sweetness — that is to say its genuinely American qualities — will quietly dilute in a tide of bitter change that many Americans simply cannot swallow.
Let me lay the groundwork for answering this question.First, the Tea Party movement came into being as a massive “whistleblowing” organization. What do whistleblowers do, when the company or government agency they work for has become corrupt? Well, they tell other people…people they assume and trust will do something beneficial with the information the whisteblower is giving them.

As whistleblowers, what Tea Partiers are doing is saying, “There’s something very wrong here and you need to pay attention to that.” Most whistleblowers never do more than draw attention to the problem; it is not their expectation that they should solve it, just that they should draw attention to it.

Second, that leads to the question, “Who do Tea Partiers expect to solve the problem to which we are drawing attention?”

I can’t answer that question for anyone else, so I’ll answer it for myself: I believe that entirely new leaders will have to develop out of this movement. This new generation of leaders will include humble people you’ve never heard of before who five years from now will point back to how they got started in politics as the time they organized a Tea Party in their city.
As a Tea Partier, I am protesting the disastrous, dangerous, extreme and divisive Special Interest Budget & Bailout of the Barack Obama administration and his enablers in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.

But at the same time I can’t help but notice that our movement came from nowhere. And what that means is that the “leaders” of the conservative movement or the Republican party…any group we might have expected to take the lead in protesting the Obama Disaster were pretty much missing-in-action.

They were collectively missing-in-action around the time that the February 27 Tea Parties were organized. I mean, come on…the first Tea Party was organized in Seattle, Washington by a 29-year-old blogger no one ever heard of before.
But more to the point, one main reason why the Obama administration has a chokehold on American governance and the economy right now is because most of the people who currently run the Republican party and the conservative movement failed to provide attractive compelling leadership. Why would we imagine that those same people are now going to provide the leadership we need?
Leaders and leadership will emerge out of the Tea Party movement when enough of its humble, local organizers come to the sad but necessary conclusion that they are the leaders who will provide the leadership that the entire fiscal conservative movement in the country is missing.
If you’re one of those people and you’re thinking, “You have to be kidding. I have no leadership qualities or experience”, my response is: “Who do you think does? The people that got us here?”
The Tea Party movement: What’s it all about?
Posted: 18 Mar 2009 09:44 AM PDT
What’s brewing next?
The American tea party movement bears more resemblance to a rolling block party than a unified organized movement or cause. And that’s precisely why I love it. These people are nice. They’re smart. They come from all walks of life. And they’re sincere. I’ve met hard-hat wearing construction managers, accountants, school teachers, the unemployed, retirees, even the nicest anarchist couple who are worried about their kids’ futures.
And the numbers of protests and protesters continue to stagger, from the consistent low hundreds to the thousands — in all types of political and meteorological climates.
But I’m wondering what’s next for this two-month-old movement, born of outrage and concern at what is arguably a very sudden and very abrupt left turn in America’s moral and economic direction.
Before discussing the future of the movement, we have to make an attempt to understand and demystify it.
It makes my heart go pitter-pat to be understood and de-mystified.
Dealing with the media: A Guide for Tea Party organizers
Posted: 18 Mar 2009 09:39 AM PDT
Later today I’ll be posting a guide here on dealing with the media. If you have anything of wisdom to contribute, please put it in the comments here or send me an email at
Also, here at “Fresh Tea Daily” we’ve been publishing a series of “How-To” posts. If you want to access all of them in one fell swoop, you can do that here.
Some Tea Party bloggers are posting that “how-to” link on their blogs/websites to give their readers and fellow organizers quick access to it.
There are lots of other places that Tax Day Tea Partiers are providing information to each other. If you’re new and don’t know how to find those places leave a note in the comments.
Make War Veterans Pay for their Injuries? Are They Nuts?
Posted: 18 Mar 2009 09:38 AM PDT
From, read this story
Minute by minute, it gets crazier and crazier in DC. Is there a “Stupidest Idea Contest” going on?
The Tea Party on Twitter
Posted: 18 Mar 2009 09:33 AM PDT
Just a reminder: You don’t have to be registered with Twitter to Follow the Tea Party on Twitter.


Reconciled1 said...

All roads to and from Fannie and Freddie lead to Barney Frank

Anonymous said...

Do not forget about Chris Dodd. he continues to mess things up. They both are in bed with Fannie and Freddie, and I understand they are planning to expand the community reinvestment act to give more people homes who cannot afford them.

Anonymous said...

Wake up you dimwits! The culprets are not named Frank and Dodd. The culprets are Bush and the Republican rubber stamp Congress who prayed at the alter of wall street greed for 8 years. You should really check your facts before you make idiotic statements.

Anonymous said...

Bush actually tried to fix Freddie and Fannie, Frank and Dodd have a ton of sound bytes where they said nothing was wrong. they also got a lot of money from thos two organizations.

You are the ignorant one here, should be ashamed of yourself for knowing so little about what goes on in DC.

Anonymous said...

Dodd and the Banking Queen continue to mes everything up.
Now Congress is creating a bill to take aways someones money because they do not think they should have it. This is going to bring about terrible things in the future, they could then tax away any persons money who they do not agree with.

Anonymous said...

10:57 "Bush actually tried to fix Freddie and Fannie"

No he didn't. That's laughable.

What really happens in DC is that Wall Street donates $$$billions to politicians with the hopes of enacting favorable rules and regulations (or lack of regulations if you prefer). Much of this is done at the expense of the American people.

Then you come here and pick on Frank and Dodd. These are major players who are minor recipients of Wall Street money. Frank always seemed to me as the honest broker who's been treated dishonestly (e.g. Fox news coverage has been shameful at best).

If you want to know who's really scr**ing the system, just follow the money (both where it's coming from, and where it's going).

Obama needs to fire Geithner and another dozen or so of the same ilk. The AIG bailout fiasco is exposing some true colors...

Before you start to throw stink bombs, you should take some time to learn who the real enemy is. Learn who is actually stealing large amounts of your tax dollars.

Anonymous said...

The systems in place right now are not perfect but they are not broken - I don't think we need more regulations and another office in the VA to take money away from CARE to support the billing of third parties or an office to oversee that 3rd parties are billed, it's ridiculous. ANYmouse

Anonymous said...

The republicans did try, Frank and Dodd put a stop to anything happening. That is where all the sounds bites come from. You know, where Barney says he does not see any problems.....

No wonder so many are upset and protesting what is going, and it is no wonder how we got here.

Anonymous said...

Didn't McCain leade the charge agaisnt the corrupt Freddie and Frannie? Did the democrats not defend these two useless organizations?

Anonymous said...

11:37am-Are you kidding??? Follow the money??? Do a little research yourself and you will find the biggest Fannie & Freddie donors gave to Obama & Dodd...why Frank didn't cash in is because his BOYFRiend was on the Board at Fannie-can you say "conflict of interest." Stop whining about the treatment of politicians and get informed. ANYmouse

Anonymous said...

Froggy 99.9 is interested in covering the Tax Day Tea Pary.

Anonymous said...

Black Diamond and Pete are interested in having food for all the peopel who show up.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing the Libs can say. The common sense Americans are on a role. They have the truth on their side and they are making it known publicly. Franks tried to quell the cautionary statements publicly. His statements are now a matter of public record. We've all seen it. The federal government has gone too far. The tea parties are preliminary and are meant to be a warning to the federal government. DON'T TREAD ON ME! Listen to what the people are saying or face the consequences. Remember what role the government was really meant to play. It is all layed out in the U.S. Constitution. We The People are sick and tired of you overstepping your boundries. Federal Government the ball is now in your court. Play it smart - our nation depends on it!

Will B. said...