Allow me to start this Post off by thanking Leighton Moore, (Owner of Seacrets) for allowing the Mulford Family such a Grand Facility, (Marley Hall) to Host such a Fundraiser.
I'd like to thank ALL of the people who attended this event as well as those who contributed in so many different ways. The volunteers who put this whole thing together, sat at tables registering people to get in, selling Tee Shirts/Sweat Shirts and ALL of the people who advertised this event to make it such a huge success. No, this wasn't my party to be the one giving thanks, I just felt these people needed to be recognized because they're behind the scenes and putting off such an event with such a grand success was very impressive.
I have been told there were more than 800 tickets sold and as you can see from the photos above, that main entertainment room at Seacrets was absolutely packed. Little Brooke would have been blown away if only she could be there in person. However, I hope these photos reach her and she sees for herself just how big a Celebrity she has become.
To the Mulford Family, you are ALL in our thoughts and prayers daily and I'm so grateful the prayers are working. I sat in a chair watching the slide show on the Plasma TV's and I have to be honest with you, it took everything in my powers not to start crying in front of a thousand people. A healthy child's life is so precious but to have a child going through such difficult times, I just don't know how you do it every day.
That being said Folks, give your kids a big hug and let them know just how special they are each and every day. Educate them on children like Brooke and teach them to give their support every opportunity they can because life can sometimes shock us with the unexpected and even as adults we all of a sudden have to swallow pride like we've never experienced before and drop everything we had just to come to the rescue of a priceless life.
Brooke is not the only child locally going through these difficult times and as I stated in the beginning of this year on this Blog, this year is about Giving Back. It's about never forgetting where we came from. It's about giving back to those less fortunate and I can't say enough about this Eastern Shore and just how wonderful ALL of you are by supporting such events.
We've seen the Salvation Army come back strong. We've watched the Wicomico Humane Society actually running out of animals. We've watched Women Supporting Women fight Breast Cancer like we've never seen before. Now we're watching Fundraisers for Brooke Mulford and other local children experience huge success because of YOU!
So Thank You for all of that support and I'm convinced together we're going to make the Eastern Shore a place many will want to live and be a part of because we give back like no other place on earth.
I have a question. These benefits in Brooke's name, are all the proceeds only going to Brooke and her family or is there some sort of distribution among the other local children and their families going through this terrible disease?
It may be just me, but I feel like all the other children that don't have parents and friends of influence in the area are being overlooked.
I don't mean to seem like I'm against these efforts for Brooke and her family, quite the opposite. I just don't want other families to be forgotten who are suffering both emotionally and financially.
Look, even Chief Jack and Coke was lost at Seacrets. For once that shiney bald head didn't stick out, that FLAMING yellow sweater did. I wonder if he even knew the event was going on. Even so... Anyway I thank the idiot for being there. I hope he contributed to the cause.
What a wonderful example of people coming together for a good cause!
Our children are our future and this proves that sometimes, even the meanest person you may know even has a heart! God Bless Miss Brooke and her family! I wanted to go but opted to spend the afternoon with my daughter, son-in-law and my grandson. A special thank you to their friend Joe for giving me a slice of Smith Island cake! Was my first time tasting it!
Cindy Whetzel
I say give Webster credit for showing up.
responding to "9:20 AM Anonymous"
I think your post was ignorant the Mulfords have a lot of friends who came together to give a helping hand so that Brooks parents can spend precious time with her they don't owe anyone and their not being selfish if it was my child that would be my only focus.Why don't you stop complaining and have a fund raiser yourself.
anonymous 9:20,
Does it look like Salisbury News has forgotten ANY CHILD in need of help or support?
If there has been a child out there in need of anything, we have promoted it.
Embrace what is being done and see the positive in it. I think your comment is selfish and uncalled for. However Folks, we reject a ton of comments from the Anti Albero Bloggers. This is how they now sweeten up their stupid comments in order to get them through. Punch and run, I call it. We allowed this one so others could straighten them out. So have at it.
To the person who posted the comments at 9:20.
People like Brooke's family bring community together. If you don't have nothing to say, you should keep your mouth shut.
Anon 9:20
It's not about people who have money or friends of influence. My daughters friends who have children of their own, and some who don't, and are by no means rich...they raised close to $200.00 or more just to help them pay for gas and an affordable room. This is about coming together for Miss Brooke! This is about opening your heart to any who need need even prayers! Everytime I am in a store that has a jar for donations, no matter who it is, I put my change in there. I don't have to actually know them. It just makes my heart feel good.
And by the way, my grandson was in John's Hopkins for close to 7 months. That $200.00 was gone real quick but to those who helped, they will be truly blessed. He has not been able to stay here at home for a full month yet so the money problem won't go away until he is more stable. And I am reading between the lines here so refuse to bash you because I saw where you said that you are not against these efforts. Just keep all families in need in your prayers.
Miss are a true HERO! You are in a battle and it looks like you are going to win! I pray that you are the WINNER!
My wife and I had a blast yesterday. It was a blessing to see so many folks turn out. I'm glad we got to meet you. I have a blast on your blog and I got to meet the "man" behind the legend.
Thanks for helping bring the community together by promoting events like this. Its with your help that we find out about this kinda stuff. We got there right at 2 and you were already snapping away, staying on top of things all day. Thanks for the time and dedication you give to keep us all up to date. I'm sure we have no idea how much time you give to us the readers.
I read the comments, left my computer and returned because I feel compelled to respond, not to attack or run someone down.
I was not able to attend yesterday's event for Brooke, but have family who did. I do not know Rob personally, but have had the pleasure to have many interactions with Amy Mulford.
One of my family members expressed the same concern that 9:02 did. It wasn't that the Mulfords are not in need. I think 9:02 may have been mis-understood.
The love and support for Brooke Mulford is intense and overwhelming. She has truly been blessed by a team of go-getters and so have her parents! They are so fortunate to have friends and family who are really busting their butts to help Brooke fight this cancer. And they are so very thankful for the efforts.
What I would love to see is the family, friends and people who have/know other children who are in similar situations rally around them and take an active stance like Team Brooke! Everyone deserves the fight of their life, but it starts with the people closest to the situation. Give the public the chance to help support their cause.
Most importantly, I think people need to understand - Rob and Amy hardly have time to shower. They're running in circles between Salisbury and Philadelphia. These benefits are being completely run by other people. People who are concerned, care and love Brooke.
I, too, would love to support other children in need. I, however, do not personally know any right now. Please get your children's stories out there. Connect with someone who can help organize. You know the saying from a movie, "If you build it, they will come."
9:02, you're right. Every child deserves a chance. Every child deserves what Brooke has. If you know another child in need, please help to make it happen for them!
May God Bless Brooke Mulford and the people who aren't going to give up in her battle against cancer.
With all those people there Cheefy looks so lonely.
Chiefy had his friends Jack & Coke and Captain Morgan keeping him company all night.
Annon 4:35
Very well said!!! I agree with u 100%.
Ok Folks.....I found the time to help out in this fundrasier...I have a family member who is in Stage 4 liver cancer....yea their bills are pilling up too....but we'll figure that out later...NOW PAY ATTENTION HERE IS THE IMPORTANT THINGS: FOR EVERY TREATMENT THERE IS RESEARCH....IN ALL RESEARCH THERE IS A TREATMENT IN THE MAKING...Not all cancer is the same the cancer my family member has is not the same as Brooke's BUT IT IS CANCER ALL THE SAME. So we are actually helping directly or inderectly at hopfuly finding a day that we do find a cure for cancer. So for every dollar or dime that is given to the treatment, the help of family members, the stabilzation of a cancer patient, or foundation, it all helps
I do not really care who you donate to. Just donate.....
Always remember:
It's so great to see Christmas is over and so many people are still in the giving mode even in this economy.
Brooke is a sweetie pie!
I worked the event on Saturday and it was an amazing day....especially being able to watch Amy and Rob enjoy some time together with family and old friends, college roommates, neighbors and strangers. During the event the GM of Seacrets brought a lady in that was with a group of women having a party in another part of the restaurant...she wanted to donate $300 from their party to Brooke's Foundation. This happened because Brookes name was out there. I was speechless!! Great things are happening and not just for Brooke!!
I don't away agree with everything on here all of the time, however there is no way you can tell me that this blog is not making a difference.
Bring the attention of children in need and I bet the supporters of this blog will put their money where their mouth is, fund raisers are great thing, get invloved and tell us who needs help.
There are a lots of people on this blog that will volunteer time to help with a fund raiser if they don't have money.
Here in America people have a choice to whom they donate, and if they see a worthy cause they will contribute both time and money to anyone in need.
I remember Joe doing a post two Christmas' ago, a handicapped lady that was Christmas shopping at K-Mart and had her purse stolen with all her money meaning no Christmas. The crew sent donations. She even sent me a Chistmas card of thanks.
To 9:20 am........ All of this for Brooke started with one little meeting at a friends house with 14 of us pulling together. Some knew the Mulford's personally and some (me included) did not know the Mulford's personally. We all decided to come together as a team for Brooke.... NOT because of WHO they are!! What a strange comment. If you want to make a difference then I would suggest you get together with some friends and MAKE IT HAPPEN! As you see, it can be done and it doesn't matter who you are and how much money you have!!
It is great that so many people came together for a wonderful cause. The only thing that concerned me was that I saw Wicomico County tax dollars hard at work, downing numerous glasses of beer, more than 4, while she (Jillian Long) was on-call for the Wicomico County Health Department. As a citizen of this county I have a real problem with this. What if there was a real emergency, a child had been attacked by a dog, a restaurant caught on fire, or maybe even a potential foodborne outbreak. If she had gotten a call, she would not have been able to respond, like she is getting paid to do. How many others whom are supposed to be on-call, are drinking on duty?
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