This is the scene at the N. Salisbury Wal-Mart this Saturday evening. Okay you figure that it is the night before the Superbowl and people need supplies or maybe people who shop on Sundays are doing it tonight so they can watch the game. Strange thing is, these carts weren't filled with a lot of grocery items, but larger items. Nonetheless, whatever happened to if there are more than 3 people in line we will open another register? The cashier that I talked to said the schedule was full of blank spots. This means that management knew it would be short handed on a busy shopping night. By the way, this was at 10:30 pm! I guess this shows how much they care about their customers!
The carts would have probably had more in them but they were OUT OF EVERYTHING! Week after week they continue to NOT stock enough of some things. I have called the store and complained. I have written emails to corporate. It usually improves for a week or 2 and back to being out of the same things week after week. So to the cashier that said for us to turn off the tv and shop at night... what is your excuse now?
They were out of a lot of stuff in Fruitland too. It was also hard to find anyone on the floor to ask for help.
Hope they don't have plans to further cut staff. A store that huge should not be out of so many things. If you are going to run a business to provide so many items, they should have them on the shelf!
This is pretty characteristic of the Fruitland Walmart, too....have to wait in line no matter how many items you have......also, I think the Fruitland Wal-mart scrapped the bottom of the barrel when they hired some of their staff.......there is an obese African American woman who works there who stocks the deli items. every time I go in there she has gum in her mouth and is cracking it so loud u can hear it as u enter the store......why should customers have to put up with irritating habits of the workers at Wal-Mart?
This is exactly why I shop for groceries at Giant. There are never more than a couple of people in line ahead of you and most of their lines are open. Everyone tells me Giant is more expensive than everywhere else. Well, it depends what you buy. I have found prices higher at Super Fresh & Food Lion. Can't stand Food Lion either. Never more than 2 lines open and there is always a wait.
Joe, I went in there around 6:30 last night and it was the same way. I left my cart in the middle of an aisle and just left the place. There were to many foriegners in there and the lines were to long. My cart was also very noisey as it had broken wheels. I think every cart in there has bad wheels.
They used to have a policy that they would open another register if so many people were in line. I guess they did away with that.
This is why they have everyday low prices. If you want better service, go to Giant.
I ONLY shop at Giant and really, when you think about it, I very rarely have to wait in the checkout line. I like the self checkout (except when I have to weigh something) but the staff is VERY friendly at GIANT along with its CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN. When I shop at WAL MART, I feel like everything needs scrubbed, especially the carts and hand bins. Super Fresh is also very clean, but sometimes they only have a few lines open.
I try to shop monthly, sometimes I don't go to the store for 2 to 3 months. When I do go, you don't want to be behind me in line, I always have a basket full. The only place I never have to wait in line is Giant. I don't know if it's because I shop on the off days or time it just right or if they just have enough people working. Whatever the reason I appreciate it.
For those of you that wait for the Wednesday sale paper, no need. All of our local grocery stores have their flyers online at their respective websites.
Walmart you can forget on any weekend at any time. You'll wait.
Nice first walmart comes in and puts the mom and pops out of business..and now when the mom and pop workers come to work for walmart they are getting laid off..walmart sucks..always has always will ALWAYS
I.C.E. needs to set up a satellite office at Walmart after a couple of weeks I bet there would be no wait.
I wish I could shop somewhere else, but Walmart truely does have the lowest prices. The best time to go is like 7am after the shelves have been stocked and there are less people. However, the carts do suck, even the new ones are messed up already. The stores aren't clean, and I have been buzzed by birds flying around in the store. I shop at Giant only for the things that are on sale and it is a much better experience.
You have all the power, just stop shopping there. Their Capitalistic Corporate Power Deviles, they think were all little stupid ants.
That's the great thing about capitalism we have a choice but not for long with The Shiek Obama forcing Socialism on us.
Quit complaining. If you don't like shopping there, then shop elsewhere. Vote with your feet. Nobody is forcing you to endure this.
There are many times of the day/week that I won't go there because of the madhouse atmosphere.
As others have pointed out, Giant has better service. But better service comes with a price.
They are bare-bones because they want to skimp on paying alot of inventory tax-they do not care how much the customer is inconvenienced,its all about THEM saving money....
And for the last time....why do people buy meats and deli from Walmart?Those items are higher there than anywhere else,yet they have no meat cutters on site.Hmmmm.....
Maybe if the Government didn't over tax businesses they could staff better. Oh well Obama will save us all! NOT!
Weather also play a big factor in the distribution network. The winter storms over the last week sometimes prohibit deliveries from being made. Even though the storm might not have happened in your area, it still impacts truck traffic across the country. Not defending walmart cause i don't shop there, but sometimes corporate greed isn't a factor.
Far From Home
Simple solution.
I can't believe people have nerve enough to complain about this. Hello People! Wake Up.
Somebody needs a foot in their azz and it isn't walmart. It's the people who think they should walk into walmart and walk right out. Aint gonna happen people. Don't blame management. The fault lies with you people who constantly flood the place.
Hey, it's a recession people. Stay the heck home and you won't have to worry about the lines!
OK, I'm going to chime in on this one.
While the stock prices are down with so many companies nation wide, Wal-Mart stock is still doing extremely well.
This is one company that is not going to feel the pain others will experience, simply because they're publicly held.
That being said, shouldn't the Wal-Marts of the world have even more staff on the floor rising above and beyond any competition?
Isn't it just possible that a lot of Walmart employees have themselves wangled the day off precisely BECAUSE it is Super Bowl Sunday? Wouldn't surprise me either if one or two decided to call in sick.
Modern checkout equipment moves items through a lot faster than the old stuff did and waiting in line behind two other carts can often cost you all of five minutes.
Why is everyone in a hurry? Use your phone or text someone. 5 Minutes in line ain't no big deal. Hope everyone that don't like Walmart goes to Giant then the line for me at Walmart will go down. Are all you guys union or work at Food Lion?
I shop at Giant now because of the poor service I have received at Walmart. They have a better selection and you can get checked out without a long wait. I rather pay a little more for better service and better selection! Checkout people have always been friendly. I wish there were was a Wegman's. They are a great place to shop as well when I travel!
The LAST thing any company needs is I.C.E!!!!!!!!!
Hello 10:15 AM Anonymous. You better get used to letting Obama relatives doing their thing. I know who you are talking about. I don't like her scratching under her arms and handling her greasy hair either and then handling the food products. I don't care if they are sealed. We wash the outside of all our packaged stuff before putting them in the refrigerator.
Some of you people really get me. You are always in a big hurry to go nowhere. I have always waited in lines and always will have to. Everybody wants to be catered to. I guess you want to be greeted, "yes mam, come right up front of the line so we can get you on your way. I know your favorite TV program starts in 20 minutes:. Bullcrap!!I bet these same people leave 10 minutes late for an appointment and speed to get there fussing with every car in front of them. Some of you need to learn patience and also how to budget your time. Everybody has 24 hours every day. We are very fair about this.Oh well, life goes on.
Folks, wake up. We are in a recession and heading into a depression for most of us. Staff will be cut, prices will rise and supplies will be slower coming. You better get used to some bare shelves and getting by with less. Many of our lifestyles will be changing. I feel fortunate to still have a job. The future does not look good.
If Giant Food has more than two people in line they are calling everyone who knows how to run a register including the manager. And you better come quick too. They know who pays their salary and they aim to please the people who make them a good living. They are also very friendly.
A Walmart cashier told me once that they didn't have enough workers because people can't pass the required drug test and background check.
To the Anti Albero Blogger acting like he was in the photo, Bite Me!
You're welcome to contact me directly at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com and we can discuss your problem further.
In the mean time, allow me to answer some of your Idiotic questions. First of all, Wal-Mart is a publicly held company, not a private store, as you suggested. Secondly, they have security cameras on you 24/7, get over it.
The lines at Wal-Mart take far more than 5 minutes. On the rare occasion I have gone to Wal-Mart, it has taken closer to 20 minutes to check out- even with just two carts in front of me. It's because the checkers move slow, or are too busy flapping their gums (I'm not interested in their tales of woe about their long days, blah, blah, blah). And don't let something go wrong with the cash register or credit machine while you are in line- it's often almost impossible to find a manager or get one to respond. I've witnessed that more than once.
We do sometimes shop at Sam's, but we don't have a lot of storage space, so I don't need 8 cans of stringbeans. The produce there is much fresher than at Wal-Mart, though, and the meats seem to be decent.
I am busy- I work full time, and I have a family- I don't need to spend half my evening in a store(just trying to navigate the aisles of the store is a pain). And, like I said, it's much more than 5 minutes. And someone else said they have to wash the outside of the packages of food that they get from Wal-Mart because the stock person in that department is nasty- I definitely don't have time for that.
Anon 12:03- Wal-Mart isn't as cheap as you think. I find that when I go there, we spend a whole lot more, and I still don't have meats or produce. I can spend $75 a week at Giant (enough to feed my family) and we actually buy a lot of organic products.
For non-grocery items, we go to Target. The lines aren't typically long, and I have seen them open up new registers if the open lines get more than a few people in them. It just makes for a more pleasant shopping experience. Oh- and their items are typically the exact same price as Wal-Mart.
Anon 7:54
EVERY time I have been to Kmart, they have had only ONE register open (with the exception of right before Christmas and then they had 3).
Kmart is closer to my workplace and it would be nice to be able to run in there quickly during my lunch break, but there is not quickly in there and hasn't been for quite some time.
As far as Walmart, we were in there Friday evening and we got right through with only 1 person in line ahead of us. I would guess they probably had 8 or 9 registers open.
I think like someone said that a few people called out causing a staffing shortage.
I can't believe anyone really cares.
You pay for what you get.
I can't believe people would call to Walmart and complain about what they stock before they would just go shop somewhere else.
Walmart sucks and you get what you pay for. How did you not realize this years ago?
Where was manager Muir Bota? He should have jumped behind a cash register to provide better customer service.
Is this the kind of service we can expect of him as a council person? Huh, that's not my job?
How's this your business? Don't shop there if you don't like it!
No problem I won't shop there again, don't blame me for future cutbacks
Good Christian theology there Muir
The Mayor carry's a bible too, as you can clearly see, it doesn't help until you actually except God into your life.
Muir Boda is not the manager!!Lets not demoralize someone because we had to wait in line at the grocery store. He does not control the store nor does he work that shift. Joe you really opened a can of worms with this one. How did it get twisted from waiting in line at Walmart to Muir Boda as City Council? It is sad the way people are today... quick to throw daggers any chance they get.
I don't think think this should be a bash Muir post either.
However just for the record on his website reads:
Employer: Walmart
Position: Department Manager
I like the fact he's a libratarian, however older people won't understand what a libratarian stands for and may hurt him in that regard. Good luck to Mr. Bota
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