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Sunday, February 01, 2009

A Comment Worthy Of A Post

"I got a copy of the DT newspaper today because I asked my neighbor for a newspaper to use under the kitty litter, since I was in the process of changing it. It was the daily times today's edition, I said, hey this is today's newspaper, she said, read it in 2 minutes, nothin in it.
Thanks, so I skimmed through, stopped on the editorial page, and saw the nasty comment about the "Bloggers" and what do you think came to mind?

I have watched that newspaper for a few years, it stinks, it does not report any news except what the mare wants them to print.

They have allowed the mare to make deleterious comments about people days before the elections, (which honor and integrity says is a no no in most newspaper circles)
I have read lies by the mare printed in the paper, I have not seen any fair reporting, at all. It is awful. The person on the blog accusing, or so it sounded. certain folks for supporting the blogs.

Lord have mercy, the blogs are the only place we can get the news here, perhaps public radio, bill reddish, but that is it. Accusing the local folks of "something bad" by reading and promoting the blogs. NOT, Joe Albero has uncovered so much that the DT has hidden, and misrepresented that he should have a "citizen of the year award" perhaps share it a bit with Delmarva Dealings; of course there are other wanna be's that are mean spirited and nasty (I presume paid for by the Mayor herself, or Bubba,) those will fail, because they are filled with the same lies as the DT, you can tell from the tone they are all interconnected.

There is a new blog, I forget the name, it is great, not the same citizen advocate stuff like Joe,but good, reports the news.

So, whomever is putting people up to downing the blogs and the bloggers, is not only ill advised and obviously does not want to hear the truth, just wants to continue the lies and bigotry that has crowned this administration for many years.
We are about to be freed from the mare and perhaps even the newspaper. Thank you Bloggers. Thank you so very much."


Anonymous said...

I don't agree with what they are doing either because they are just upset that people now have other venues for getting the real news.

However Joe, it seems to me that it is pretty good advertising don't ya think?

I know, you're gonna tell me, but nobody reads it. Apparently some do still read it but before long, I think they will be here.

Anonymous said...

The success of your blog is because you do uncover facts that are hidden or missed and you do give people a chance to be heard.You have tapped into a vein of discontent that runs throughout America. It seems like those who try to do right are getting it from all sidesOn one end of the spectrum you havethe crime and violence that come from people who selfishly seek pleasure from drugs and quite frankly are too lazy to do right. On the other end we are ruled by businessmen and politicians who live in their own world and quite frankly think they are too good to follow rules and pay the consequences for their wrongdoings or even mistakes. John Thain spending 1.22million on his office while running Merrill Lynch in the ground, the Salisbury fiedepartment spending millions on uneeded equipment and Tim Geitner becoming Treasury Secretary and IRS head while not paying taxes because he was so indispensable are just 3 examples.People are very angry,as angry as I ever remember. People are tired of being treated as idiots and being fed only partial self serving info by the press,politcians and businesses. Will someone please tell the truth no matter how bad it is or how bad someone supposedly looks.Thank you Joe but more importantly thank you to all the bloggers who participate. Here on the Upper Shore we are trying to find out whether an important business Bob Smith Automotive was sezed by GM this week but no word of course from official channels. The beat goes on.

Anonymous said...

Has amyone noticed that they have a picture of Osama on the front page almost every day. Give it a rest already.

Moon Willow said...

9:52, I assume that by "Osama," you mean your pet name for our President. THAT'S where we need to "Give it a rest already." Quit being so childish because your side lost and "give it a rest already." The last thing this country needs is to be more divisive.

And to anonymous 9:46 am, Amen!

Anonymous said...


Your right our side lost and now the rest of the nation is going to have to pay. Change at least three lobbyist after saying no lobbyist , at least two tax cheats, the treasury sec Geithner and the CIA cheif Daschle ,and many more crooks to come. CHANGE YOU CAN BELIEVE IN

Anonymous said...

LOL. Do you mean the "mayor" when the post says "mare"........

Anonymous said...

Finding it astounding that "puff" Daschle will be CIA chief.
What a nutless, gutless wonder, and a tax cheat to boot. CIA needs someone like Rambo, definitely NOT a cream puff who has no more cejones than Pelosi.