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Sunday, February 15, 2009

There's A New Sheriff Bobby Jones Post Coming

There will be a new updated Post forthcoming of the Bobby Jones case. I will share this, it's not looking good for Mr. Jones. Stay tuned Folks because no one has the heads up on this story and quite frankly this belongs on 60 Minutes! That's how srewed up it is. Who knows, after you read what I'll be delivering, one of you will be calling them.


Anonymous said...

like I said before , time for change we can believe in and bobby has served well, maybe it's time to move on.

Tidewaterbound said...

Salisbury, Wicomico, Somerset, Worcester..Dorchester, Talbot, Caroline...the list goes on.


And trust me it's not just HERE on the 'Shore, this devolution is pronounced EVERYWHERE. It saddens and disgusts me over the combined avarice by the offenders and the apathy displayed by the public who accepts this and all types of deviant/abberant behavior. It's becoming the norm.

Ya'll better WATCH the Comedy Channel at 9 PM tonight. There's a little movie which will tell your future, it's called "Idiocracy" and if you haven't yet seen it, you should. It's a wake up call. It was supposed to be satire, but anymore, it's not.

If you are lazy, you can just look it up on Youtube, but I'd recommend everyone watch it. It's very telling, not just about here at home, but across this nation we were once so able to be PROUD of.

Anonymous said...

Joe I am from Somerset County the info you are receiving make sure its factual and not some bone headed Princess Anne citizens venting their grievances. Thanks P.S. added=He has some vindictive people working for him too.

joe albero said...

anonymous 5:28,

I don't just take ANY information about individuals and Post it. The delay in this particular Post is because I have two conflicting stories from two reliable sources. If the Sheriff would like to call me directly at 410-430-5349 I'd be happy to hear his side of the story. One way or the other I'll be posting but I'd really like to get his side as I'm sure he knows by now I have more than anyone else. The choice is his.

Anonymous said...

5:21, Do you believe, as I do, that this nationwide apathy and cover-up can bring this nation down?

Anonymous said...

Absolutly, I believe. The problem is, they are in charge and we can't do much about it. I also believe a revolution is in our future. They want our guns, they want our ammo, they want to stay in controll. It's very sad that we do not have leaders that will stand up for what is right, rather they will bow to political pressure.

Tidewaterbound said...

my name isn't 5:21 -- It's Tidewaterbound. I don't hide behind anonymity as so MANY posters here do.

The apathy IS nationwide. I can attest to at least DC,VA,WV,MD in my daily dealings with the public. The stupidity is RAMPANT, I cringe when I hear the public speaking, most can't, either foreign or native, and many are illiterate and calling to help them count out the cash to pay their bills, they can't READ!

Part of the apathy is FEAR, part of the apathy is absolute trust that our leaders will keep us safe -- right up until they get kicked to the curb.

The world, our world, certainly isn't the same as it was 20, 30, 40 years ago. Granted, we have lots of shiny new toys, but most are lost within the technology, ashamed to admit they don't have a clue and even more won't even try to learn. They simply drift away.

Remember your 2nd amendment, hold it dear, stock up and hunker down. If you think life is frightening now, it's going to get worse and soon. You wonder over the increasing violence, even around here?

The 'don't haves' are fighting back, the 'tax payers' are cutting back and struggling to make it, and the 'do haves' are simply riding on our backs laughing at us.

Riots in the streets over bread, beans, milk, and TP? You bet buddy.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at post 4:43pm...That is a funny statement that Bobby has served well..HE is a DRUNK...

And Tidewaterbound..I think Worcester County has about the best sheriff there is on the Eastern Shore and cares about his men and the citizens of his county...Sheriff Martin does alot both on and off duty to help anyone he can...

As for Bobby Jones..he does what he can for Bobby and doesnt care about the citizens of Somerset..

Dont cry foul now citizens of Somerset..Those of you who voted for him year after year..YOU get with You deserve!!!!

Anonymous said...

I work in law enforcement in Somerset County not corrections and the rumors are true.Theres no way this one can be covered up.Lets just say an agency outside of Somerset County will be investigating this. Lets sit back and wait to see what happens.

Anonymous said...

Hey Joe, enough of this Bobby Jones thing for awhile. He said, she said, woulda, coulda, let's move on. No one's talking about this deputy getting a DUI in Fruitland. That did happen for sure. People, what about that? I think that is disgusting. I hope he is gone. Something's wrong with that guy. On suspension already then get a DUI. This guy truely believes he is above the law. I hope the typical court system doesn't get in the way and he gets a PBJ or something. He needs to be made an example of.

Anonymous said...

Alright, Ron Howard, there's your clue.....Batter up! No more good old boy drunks.....

Anonymous said...

An agency outside of Somerset investigated the Somerset Detention Center also but what happened? Nothing. Maybe they can find an honest prosecutor in this case.

Anonymous said...

Where's the beef?

Anonymous said...

Tidewaterbound? You're not anonymous? LOL. That's funniest thing I've heard in a while!!! How long did it take your parents to name you?

Hey Joe! Maybe you could get some scoop on why Deputy Durham was on suspension in the first place? It's a fact that he got DUI in Fruitland. Inquiring minds want to know.

Keep it up Joe! Bustem up!

Anonymous said...

I live in somerset county and I know it is a mess. But you can't blame the Deputies for what the administration has created. Get rid of them and things would be better all around. Most of the Deputies are good guys who want to make a difference but with a Sheriff like Bobby there hands are tied