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Sunday, February 15, 2009

More Salisbury Crime Updates From Last Night

I'm told it was absolutely mayhem all night last night for the SPD & SFD.

There was a hit and run last night right outside the Hospital when they were taking Ted Shea into PRMC. The guy smashed into a vehicle at Vine & Rt. 13 and SPD was able to finally catch up with the guy on Eastern Shore Drive. I'm told he was allegedly drunk as a skunk. I didn't know skunks drank.

There were overdoses last night like there was no tomorrow as well.

Finally, there was an Attempted Robbery or a Robbery at the 7-11 at Rt. 50 and Isabella Street. The Robber had a knife. Apparently, (I'm told) that two guys tried to apprehend the Robber and were hit with the butt end of the knife. I would think they would have video of this guy as well because they're loaded with cameras in that joint.

When I received the call about this information my Source said, yeah Joe, crime is way down in the City, being very sarcastic. Once again, I'm sure Chief Webster was sitting back in his recliner or out at the local Pub in the Crisfield area enjoying the peace and quiet living they provide down there. I mean, think about it. If you had your choice, wouldn't you prefer to work here and live elsewhere if you could get the right kind of money for your home?

If you want the same old crap, vote for Gary Comegys so he can keep Chief Webster in Office running the Police Department. Then you can also depend on Gordy spending all the Fire Department money and having no accountability for allegedly just giving things away that belong to the City Taxpayers.



Anonymous said...

Who needs a source. All you need is a scanner and you can get information real time, last night. I work as a night watchman and hear this stuff every night. Salisbury ain't safe.

Anonymous said...

All of the crime that happens in Salisbury and you get `just a couple of press releases a week. Isnt Capt Tyler in charge of issueing the press releases what are his responsibilites who will get the Chiefs coffee in the morning? Every case should be reported to the public. We want to know. Get on the ball before you are replaced.

Anonymous said...

pretty sad when you have to read blogs to find out what is really going on in salisbury! go joe!

Tidewaterbound said...

That's exactly why if you knock on my door, especially after dark, the door is answered, but with protection in hand at the ready.

We've had ONE incident out here in podunkville, it used to be even MORE rural, and I lament that.

Woe be to the B&E attempt here, the last one was very lucky, he fell asleep in the garage, right after he carted out stuff into the back yard for his co-hort to pick up.

Hubby kept watch while the cops arrived, had it been me, well, being such a 'frightened female,' I'd likely have simply shot him, lots of times. It's like sneezing, trigger reflex.

Anonymous said...

These are the stories that Webster and Tilghman dont want you to hear. They happen every day and unless you came here, you would never know it. Its not a safe place anymore. Ted Shea is a public figure. What do you think he has to say this morning. I'll bet Barrie has worried him endlessly to keep quiet. Its a different story when a public figure get smoked by these thugs.

Anonymous said...

I know your sources take alot of heat from people here, but I'm thankful for them. You dont hear this news on television or the newspaper. If you do its too late and you might be in harms way. I dont care how you get the news just keep it coming. We're all better being in the know.

Anonymous said...

Barrie better not be bugging Ted Shea to be quiet or about anything else.

Let the man recover. It's not like the whole world doesn't know what happened.

Gary = Barrie, just more of the same old "everything is fine, crime is down" b.s. we've been hearing.

Let us pray he fails in his bid for mayor. The wife and I have talked and if he's in, we're out. There will be no hope for recovery for this town. We had hopes in the last election, but that liar Louise Smith crushed those hopes. We can't take one more disappointment.

Joe, thanks for calling it what it is where that oaf is concerned.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
These are the stories that Webster and Tilghman dont want you to hear. They happen every day and unless you came here, you would never know it. Its not a safe place anymore.
7:01 PM

I woke up to AM 1320 this morning with the alarm clock and what did I hear, Barrie Tilghman's sappy taped show with Loray Chamberpot. They were talking about how great the city is with the renewal of great areas such as the west side and the new fire station. The mare said that a citizen told her there were drug dealers on the street and she said yeah, how do you know that. The citizen responded by saying there were people walking on the sidewalks. She went on to belittle that citizen by saying Salisbury has great sidewalks and the people are out walking because we have a beautiful city. That show was sickening. I can't wait till this election is over and mare dinglebarrie takes Jon Prick and Loray Chamberpot with her.

Anonymous said...

crime and gangs are not in salisbury yea right just like last weekend at the cactus club there was a massive massive fight police all over that no info from that story but it was all over the Brookes Harmon story the fight was so bad police used mace to clear crowd on bouncer was taken to PRMC to get 30 staples in his head and the same kind of gang fight happened Dec 13 were police came up in the club and shut it down and ppl taken to hospital ..SPD arent being honest anywhere as far as gang and crime down yea right...

Anonymous said...

Bubba = Barrie = Scary

Anonymous said...

Is the SECU shooter still on the loose? Can Webster actually solve any of the crimes????

Anonymous said...

Yup I'm just like you if I'm going to shoot I might as well unload the whole clip. Put a knife in his hand if I have to.

Anonymous said...

Armed Robbery just occured and relayed to MSP from SPD. Wendy's Autumn Court off Rt. 50 near K-Mart todays date 2030 hours Feb. 15. Looking for 2 Number 1 males with 1032's(Guns). There aint no stinkin crime in salsbarrie!!

Anonymous said...

Now it's not safe to eat at a fast food restaurant like Wendy's. WTF is going on in this town??

Anonymous said...

Ted works for the county, my money is that the Sheriff's department will solve this crime. My money is on Mike Lewis and staff.

I'd bet the house that Mike won't get any sleep until this scumbag get cuffed.

Anonymous said...

I'll bet money Barrie is on the phone to Rick Pollitt asking him to do what he can to keep Shea quiet. She claims she and Rick are such good friends. I got news for Barrie Parsons Tilghman, she ain't got no friends...none. Once she is out of control she'll see how lonely her life will be with no one kissing her azz

Anonymous said...

Please wake people, tomorrow may be to late to act.

Anonymous said...

Overdosed on what? heroin? pills?

Anonymous said...

This is the eastern shore where the only way to make this place look good is by being an apologist. If ppl actually knew all that happened here they wouldnt be able to claim "best community" or "best city". Keeping ppl ignorant is a requirement. No jobs, businesses are leaving yet the locals keep telling us how great it is here. Awards are fabricated to help aid in the lie. This place is a dead end and I cant wait to leave.

Anonymous said...

vote for Jim Ireton

Anonymous said...

There was also a gang fight at the mall Friday night near The Gap. About 20 gang members with knives were involved, but it took "security" so long to get there on their Segways, the thugs had taken off. It's not safe anywhere is it Mr. Webster!!!

Anonymous said...

With all due respect to Sheriff Mike Lewis..more police will not stop all of this crime. We have enough of them. Does he think we need an officer at every ATM, Retail Store, Restaurant, etc.? It is not going to happen. How many officers do we have now? I see many of them all over the city and county, some within yards of one another. What are they doing? Why not utilize them? They don't need back up for every call they have for god sake. How many cops does this town need? If they would concentrate on real crime maybe they would make a difference. They can send the pictures of people throwing cigarette butts out the window to you and you can humiliate the hell out of those kind of offenders. What does he want another bailout? Let us carry guns and they wouldn't be looking for that jerk who shot Ted. He would be laying on the sidewalk.

Anonymous said...

My hubby and I went to NYC this weekend and felt safer there than we do in Salisbury. How that is possible, I have no idea? These crimes continue to happen, because there is no punishment for criminal activity. They judges let these people off, for everything with a little slap on the wrist. It all makes me sick.

Anonymous said...

That is why people want Lewis to take over, he focuses on major crime. Just the other night, WCSO arrested a guy with a handgun and crack in the heart of the city. Someone called the WCSO to do it, why you ask. Because the county supervisor went along with three deputies and approached them from ever angle, not giving the bad guy an escape route. SPD would have only sent one maybe two officers and they would not been able to catch the bad guy that way. This is not SPD officers fault, it is their leadership. If they went with that many, they would get yelled at for being out of their area.

Wicomico county actually has some tough judges, their sentences are higher than most. The problem is the jails are so full they are only doing barely half the time. Plus the jails are so plush, they get more in jail then they do on the street and do not have to do anything to get all the things that jail provides them.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1:12 You say Wicomico has some tough judges...please name them so we can have a good laugh.