Ireton's speech, which ran about ten minutes in length, included a small history of the river and his personal connection to it, details of the most recent findings on it's condition, and his strategic vision for the recovery of the Wicomico River and it's relationship to Salisbury.
The good health of river is "vital to our sense of space", Ireton said. The Wicomico has always helped define Salisbury since it's earliest days but due to excessive pollution, sewage spills, and contaminated runoff, the river is no longer enjoyed and utilised like it once was. Salisbury must take ownership of this problem.
The health of the river is a key component to the revitalization (relevance) of downtown Salisbury as well. It's no wonder the condos on the river haven't sold when you can't even jump in the water for fear of bacterial infection. Forget about the fishing and crabbing that once took place there.
In closing, Ireton pointed out that Barrie Tilghman and Gary Comegeys claim a record of environmentalism, yet they have not held themselves to the same standard the preach. The 72" Waverly drainpipe is a perfect example. When the opportunity arose to do the right thing where the river is concerned, they chose not to, hoping you wouldn't notice. Well, we did.
How can Tilghman reconcile this and the proposed pipes to run down Isabella St against any plan to revitalize the North Prong? I fail to see how making this water even more polluted will attract and encourage business and consumers to relocate there.
Thanks, but NO THANKS,
Be sure to read Comegys' "Press Release" on the Waverly Drive Project. He talks about all the projects he supported while on the council, just read 'higher taxes and hot air.' What we can look forward to if he is elected is a further erosion of the business tax base and increased taxes on those who are left.
I second that notion--anyone but Comegys!
I used to pull 14" catfish out of the river right across from the fire station in Salisbury. The fish are coated in a 1/16" layer of yellow slime. I guess it's something they do to protect them from the pollution, as I have never caught a cat with this stuff on him before in my 54 years. Usually fish are clean and look edible. Not here. They are still there, but they need a better environment to live in. When are the sewage spills supposed to stop? Is there any progress on this? And, likewise, I am for adding a filter to the new drainage system. The City required it when Car Care added on, and it was a great cost, but Brad Watkins did it for the betterment of the river. If the City required on his project, they should require it on their own projects. Plain and Simple
No filtration. If you recall, Campbell took lots of heat because she wouldn't support it due to the lack of filtration and the refusal of Comegys and the council majority to put a cap on change orders to protect the taxpayers. Ill vote for Campbell again and Ireton too.
Ireton's a good man.
Bubba's a blowhard when it comes to the environment. Just another pet project that Barrie hands out to her pet puppets on the council. She was always doing that with Dunn and Comegys, now with Smith and Comegys.
Dunn and Comegys just said, "Take our power, oh Queen!" And she'd throw them an assignment to make it look like they actually did something.
Now we know why Bubba keeps deferring things as the "mayor's job." He helped push that power that way so "when I, Bubba, become mayor," he could have it.
Sickening, just sickening. Bubba is the perfect example of a sickening politician.
Bubba should hold an event to toot his plastic kazoo in the Parsons Cemetery at his parking space there!
bob caldwell for mayor!! bob is the right choice right now, ireton can take the handoff from bob when he is done, but for now we need bob
Jim clearly cares! Debbie clearly cares! They have my vote!!
Barrie and Bubba don't care, just look at downtown, look at Rt 13, look at crime. The only thing anchoring downtown is the hospital, why move on to the North Prong project when they cannot even clean up Main Street? It's falling apart, did you all look at the pictures and articles in the Daily Times?
Could/Would someone please explain the filter system and remind us of what cost it would have added to the project then and what cost it will add to the project now? Jim???
Anonymous said...
Bubba should hold an event to toot his plastic kazoo in the Parsons Cemetery at his parking space there!
11:03 PM
Debbie fought to limit the number of change orders that will surely come through on this project limiting the amount of bid cost overruns. Gary Comegys said they couldn't afford filtration because it would cost around $250k, which is not true as has been proven by Debbie Campbell. Gary Comegys pulled this number out of the air because he never inquired about filtration or the cost. He, like the mare never does anything right the first time and neither of them ever consider the cost to the taxpayers. They'll install these drain pipes now and will have change orders that will far exceed the cost of filtration. WHY? Because Gary Comegys couldn't make a sound decision even when paid to do so.
Folks, a filtration system can be as simple as a mess grate, of course someone has to come along and clean the grate, (fat chance) however, do not let the cost or the words "filtration system" scare you. Filtration is not necessarily a filtration facility.
It would be ok with me if the pipes had "debris catchers" oh, just found a job for Barry when she is not longer mayor...
Soon to cut the ribbon on an $80,000,000.00 WWTP and just across the river we increase contaminated and polution run off into the Wicomico River, makes sense huh? Good job bubba NOT!
Here is a link to stormwater filters. A standard catch basin will cost $2,000- $3,000, and one modified to hold a filter would be a little more. Maintenance (cleaning and swapping the filter) is another added expense, and would be done a little more often than for a regular catch basin. (That's the grate at the curb and manhole in the sidewalk to clean it through)
I forgot to add... The standard ones have most likely been ordered, and some may have been made and shipped, or waiting to be. It may be too late to change them without paying for both the standard ones not used, and the newer style.
Funny, my verification word is "wayst"
BTW, the budgeted amount for overruns is $500,000. Clearly enough to install filtration.
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