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Sunday, February 01, 2009

Deputy Fire Chief Gordy, All Smoke & Mirrors

The vehicle you see above, well, it was in fact being towed because it simply had a flat tire! Look, some Salisbury Firefighters tend to get all in my face about my exposing things here on Salisbury News but let me assure you one thing Ladies & Gentlemen, when you're done reading this article you're going to be pissed! Not only that, you're going to start questioning if in fact many of the comments in the past on such articles wasn't Chief See, Deputy Chief Gordy and Hoppes because what I'm about to tell you is just unbelievable, but true.

That new Ladder Truck they just got. That thing is so huge, most Firefighters have absolutely NO CLUE how they're going to maneuver that thing around Salisbury, that's how big it is. Gordy and See had to purchase the biggest one made and they may have just screwed themselves and ultimately you because there's a good chance that vehicle isn't going to make it to you in a timely fashion.

Moving on, Gordy and See are flat our draining the Volunteers Bank Accounts like there's no tomorrow as well. Engine II is a 2,000 gallon tanker that was manufactured in 1997. This vehicle is in almost perfect condition yet Gordy claims due to ISO Standards they want to get rid of it and purchase another brand new 4,000 gallon tanker that will cost, (I'm told) several hundred thousand dollars. Apparently they're tag teaming with Berlin to purchase some vehicles together but I don't see where they're getting any kind of real deal.

OK, if you think that's bad, let me move on because Gordy is scared out of his pants that I'd get a hold of this information but there's lots more to share and he's NOT going to be a happy camper today!

Once the brand new Fire Trucks come in that they had ordered, (actually they're in, just not in service yet) they'll be sending TWO Fire Trucks back to Pierce to have them retrofitted with a brand new paint job to match the brand new vehicles they just got in. They'll be adding new light packages in as well as decorative rope lighting throughout. They're spending money like there's no tomorrow and the Volunteers aren't happy at all! Oh, if you think this is bad, wait till you hear this. The two vehicles they'll be sending back, they got them in April of 2006 and Gordy is trying to claim they're not up to standard and that's why they're being retrofitted! The Volunteers are being forced to spend every penny they have and See & Gordy are bleeding them completely dry.

So most would think this is enough, right? NOPE! One of Gordy's biggest fears is what I'm about to tell you right now. You remember how the City just paid out all that money to put a brand new engine in Gordy's vehicle? He just ordered another brand new vehicle for himself but he's trying to make it look as if the vehicle is actually for Hoppes. But wait a minute, didn't Hoppes just get a brand new vehicle just over a year ago? YES! He most certainly did. Gordy thinks the Citizens won't know the difference and he'll slip into that vehicle allegedly without anyone knowing. Gordy allegedly said, it's all smoke and mirrors and no one will know the car is for me.

I'm told they have so many spare vehicles behind the new Fire Station it's like a used car lot back there. Gordy and See must have everything new and the best of everything available. ALL of the other local Fire Departments around, Pittsville, Willards, Parsonsburg etc. are begging to get their hands on many of the so called surplus vehicles at bargain prices and allegedly even open the sealed bids to help some Fire Departments get in the highest bid so they can be assured they'll get those vehicles. Yet think about this Folks, why aren't these other Towns worried about ISO ratings? My bet is because Salisbury runs everything they do this way, just like the AZA and the Salisbury Zoo. They join these organizations and get accredited and the next thing you know you're walking into Council Meeting stating you HAVE to have these things or else.

It's all a load of crap and before Salisbury News came along they got away with it. NO MORE! You taxpayers must fight these guys and stop them from spending all this money! YOU need to ask these Candidates hard questions about what they're going to do about this overspending at the Zoo, the Fire Department and elsewhere.

Gordy, See, You've Been Blogged once again! My guess will be that the comments that follow, should they attack me, will be Gordy, See & Hoppes and perhaps their children. They're out of control Folks!

UPDATE!!!!!!! I forgot to add the following. I was also told that Gordy has added a $10,000.00 lighting package to the new vehicle they have ordered. They did not put this in the budget so they are making the Volunteers fork up an additional $10,000.00 for this light package. Yeah, Hoppes will be driving this vehicle for good, my butt!


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Michael said...

"Michael, WTF do you think you are telling this lie to?? None of what you said is true."

"By the way sign your name so we can call you a liar to your face."

"Michael, what kind of meds do you take???"

"All of your post is a lie. You have no clue what you are talking about so why are you spewing your drivel??"

"75% is not gossis, 95% is fact."

"Get a life bozo."

Hey Joe,,, why do you let haughty name callers spew obcenities on your "ENLIGHTENING POSTS"??? I was wrong on this anon, 'cuz only a liberated, athiest, educated, fat female, from a dysfunctional family, would comment in such an ignorant and offensive manner.

Penis envy.....AWWWWWWW!
Where does one get a "life bozo"?
Gossis...What is gossis?

Know it all...GUARANTEED,,, you would flounder if requested to put a spark plug in a weed eater...An enabled HELP MEET, full of bunk... Look it up if your schooling didn't share this info with you. Someone complained about how all of the housecleaning and laborious tasks are being contracted out. They learned this tactic from enabled lazy women. Same reason why nurses wear pajamas to work, pass responsibility, act important, abuse patients, get fat, claim fame, and demand special treatment. Or, the teachers, who now don't teach, pass blame, promote secularism, expect immunity, demand gifts and trinkets of appreciation.

Then you try to impress us with your higher learning using a word like drivel....Kudos!

I missed the mark...I amened...A mouthy, college educated, enabled, fatty, nurse at Pennisula Regional, who drives a Toyota, has fifteen cats, and is lonlier than I am...Bingo!!!

You know nothing more about the "flat tire" than me, so how can you disprove or prove anything in reference to...

You, like everyone else that had the opportunity, would set up camp outside of the Toyota Fire Truck Plant for a week in advance just to worship the first Yoder Pumper, because television has more power over your thoughts than you do.

You should know that a fire equipment restoration facility used to be on route 50 outside of Easton...But, only men pay attention to such things...

You believe wealthy people squander their gold???

You deny Delmarva is starving...What meds are you on?

You would know that "boys" spend money, 'cause they learn the habit from mommy. Of course, it would seem that you would have trouble finding someone to procreate with...Except for Kenites...

Sorry Joe!!!

Michael said...

I again amend...An overbearing nurse who WAS attatched to a fireman!!! Why don't you tell us who you are?

My name is M I C H A E L an Anglo Saxon, white, heterosexual, man's man, who owns neither Toyota or Honda vehicles....Oh my, that must set you in a fit Ms. Help Meet!!!

Michael said...

When is the last time you saw a teacher pick up some trash in their own classroom...They don't even make the kids keep their desks in order.

Same goes for the nurses...God forbid if they didn't do anything more than bang on the keyboard, and take false vitals, so they can get back to texting their BFF.

Working twenty four hour shifts is a fair trade off, because the job involves hard work without notice.

When did the term nurse become so sanctified??? The job description reflects that which woman was designed to do in everyday life.

...But then again, even breast feeding has become an "option"...


...Then the techno enablement and college education...Seeems to be working really well.

Our Adversary plays she for the bigger fool, and it has worked for him since day one.

Anonymous said...

Michael...what do you have against women?

Anonymous said...

back to ginger.i know of 1 married man in the dept she was with and they we separated at the time, so i dont think you know much

Michael said...

"back to ginger.i know of 1 married man in the dept she was with and they we separated at the time, so i dont think you know much"----WHAT?

The issue IS women are trying to dominate man's world, but yet it is still off limits to punch them in the mouth. They expect chivalry, love, and honor, all the while undermining man's purpose and existence. Bucking God's Order.

Penis envy is a tool of the adversary, the deceiver, the father of the lie...The goal is to destroy mankind, using every undermining tactic imaginable.

Women have the most important of roles in the family, responsible for instilling love, charity, security, and etiquette into the hearts of children...All Children. Not just "ME AND MY THREE".

They were supposed to carry 'em, hatch 'em, nurse 'em, wean 'em, feed 'em, teach 'em, influence 'em, and love 'em...

Instead it has become a competition to see how far the she-devils can smear God's perfect order and plan...Artificial insemination, embryo transfers, C-sections, "lactose intolerance" (unwillingness to nurse their own infants), using canned artificial milk from a greed driven free market system, single parenting, seeds of defiance, inability to LOVE, false understanding of LOVE, materialism, poor diet, labeling, haughtiness, selfishness, gender bending, spiritual indifference, secularism, atheism...CAN YOU SEE ANY OF THIS???

Man has always been man, a little too soft at times, from being a mamma's boy, all part of the plan of the adversary, who wants the entire family unit to be destroyed. Pretty much IS ain't it?

Anyway, I see anon "she" hasn't punched me back yet??? Must be true this time.

No women, or men that act like women, or men that are controlled by their woman, should be in any part of the Fire Department...NONE!!!!!

As well as the military, except for the medical components. They simply screw it all up and create chaos, disorder, and stupidism.

Men often do think with their wrong head, more are whoremongers than not, constantly distracted by sluts at work, creating liability issues in every aspect.

"Michael...what do you have against women?"-- A reaction to what women have against men. The Anglo Saxon, heterosexual, blue collar, traditionalist, Fundamentalist, God fearin' man IS getting duped every second of the day...It gets old...Especially if you weigh the results on MANkind.

Anonymous said...

o-k-a-y "Michael" slowlyyyyy move over to your xanex, open bottle, place one tablet in mouth and call your therapist for an emergency visit....sounds like u could use it....geez...where do these people come from? LOL

Michael said...

"o-k-a-y "Michael" slowlyyyyy move over to your xanex, open bottle, place one tablet in mouth and call your therapist for an emergency visit....sounds like u could use it....geez...where do these people come from? LOL"

First, you sound just like one of the THOUSANDS of "teachers" who tell you to reach over and wedge some Ritalin or Adderall in a first grader's mouth, 'cause they themselves cannot teach...The children are not the problem, it is the TEACHERS, who are PRIMARILY WOMEN!!! In an institution that is being dismantled by women.

Just like the "troublesome" kid's (six year olds) homes being flipped over by the innocent movement of haughty women. IT IS WHAT IT IS!!!

Second,,, I AM blue collar, making just enough income to make my entire family of six ineligible for local government sponsored health care insurance. My boss even allowed me to agree or disagree to the particular raise that I was afforded which disqualified my family...STUPID MOVE ON MY PART!!!

How many teachers or nurses don't have health care??? EXACTLY!!! Do they have a cap on income???

My employer cannot afford us insurance, understandably so. Back in the day, I myself employed seven people, and health care was out of question.

It has to be expensive in order to keep all of the "professional" leaches "covered".

Today's post on Pills is a flaming example of how pathetic health care has become. The craziest part is the fact that the DOCTORS themselves are being crushed by liability/malpractice insurance.
The most critical component is being attacked, while everything else is in excess.

And they are PROTECTED...Do you know how hard it is to fire a schoolteacher or a nurse??? They basically have hang themselves, and even then a defense is in order. Meanwhile Doctors are getting popped for millions of dollars for stupidness. Held completely accountable...

This is (was) a post on waste within the SFD, but, put it alongside the medical world...It isn't even on the chart!!!

...And why??? It doesn't readily benefit many mommys, 'cept ole Ginger!!! God forbid if the old firehouse caved in while she was fornicating with a fireman, or two, or three...All they do is sleep right....Might be on to something here ladies!!! Sleep for twenty four hours with a bunch of brawny firemen!!! Something else you can destroy, sneaky snakes.

"....geez...where do these people come from? LOL">>>>>...I say we make a special post to see EXACTLY who these people are...My name IS Michael. An anglo saxon, heterosexual, married man who is sick of the lies and deception. The kids are the victims, and they grow up to be afflicted...I am not.

You are a female nurse, protected and enabled, with a big mouth. Prove me wrong...And clean out that litter box, them cats smell like you know what.

Anonymous said...

Michael. So why is it that you believe females should not be in the fire department? Can a female save a life as well as a male paramedic? Is that what you believe?
As far as the housecleaning at Sta 16, the career staff cleans the bathrooms, vacuums, sweeps and mops floors. They handle ALL of the cleaning duty. The only thing that is contracted out is the Administrative side, once again, something the firefighters had no control over.
Also as far as sleeping at the firehouse. The career staff is not permitted to lay down or get any rest whatsoever during the day, until 10pm. We are handling calls, cleaning, training, etc. However remember this, while we have not slept all day, when you are cozy in your bed, we are awake on calls and protecting the public, not having had any sleep. You are right, there are some nights we do not have any calls, and are able to get some sleep. There are reasons we have to work 2 and 3 jobs. The city is funneling the money that should be for raises and benefits and putting it towards useless things. Once again, WE DO NOT HAVE A CHOICE! Take any profession and tell me one of them that could go to their boss and say "nope I am not moving into that new building because you are wasting taxpayers money". They will say, expect your last paycheck in the mail.
As far as meals, of course we eat three meals a day at the firehouse. We are here for 24 hours. You are able to eat lunch at your office, the exception is you actually get a 1 hour break. We do not, if we get a call, we must leave our food and get to it when we get back.

A little off topic but,
I ask of you Michael:
you say you are a family of six, I am assuming you have children. You say females are "smearing God's perfect order and plan", in reference to C-sections. If it were your wife that was forced to deliver a child by C-section because of a complication, would you say no because it "smears God's perfect order and plan?" Or would you be okay with it if it saved the life of your wife and child?
I will agree with you that around half of all C-sections performed today are unnecessary, however there are those that are emergencies that need to be performed to save life of mother and child. And since when are you an expert on breast-feeding? That I would like to know.

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for this "Michael" guy's wife...he sounds like a real "pregnant/barefoot in kitchen" type of guy. No..I am not a nurse. In fact, I am probally your "perfect image of a woman" i stay home and take care of the kids. You have some serious anger. Getting angry at the firemen and paramedics doesn't do anything. They are just doing the job they are trained and hired to do. You must have been turned down for a position maybe? Did Ginger not sleep with you?

Michael said...

"No..I am not a nurse. In fact, I am probally your "perfect image of a woman" i stay home and take care of the kids" >>>>

God bless you for taking care of your kids at home. Women get duped for living such a "meaningless" existence. What A TREMENDOUS LIE THAT IS!

You though, are not the woman who duped me for a fool...Immediately it is apparent, unless you are attempting a deceptive make over.

This IS NOT about anger...It IS about the haughtiness of the enabled, liberated, deceived, American female...Who also happen to be wives, mothers, teachers and nurses. Their importance in God's Plan is key, and with regards to children, it is monumental and demands sanctity.

monumental: (adj)
A)colossal, epic, immense, massive, enormous, huge, mammoth, vast, titanic, prodigious
antonym: small
B)historic, classic, significant, important, epic, towering, overwhelming
antonym: minor

1. sacredness: the condition of being considered sacred or holy, and therefore entitled to respect and reverence
2. holy thing: something considered holy or sacred (formal)synonym:holiness, sacredness, blessedness, inviolability, purity, sacrosanctity
antonym: profanity

Is it not written in Genesis how Eve was beguiled by the devil?
BEGUILE: be·guile (v)
1. charm somebody: to win and hold somebody's attention, interest, or devotion
2. deceive somebody: to mislead or deceive somebody (literary)
3. cheat somebody: to rob somebody of something, or cheat somebody out of something (literary)

Enabled women are being cheated out of their own purpose. Just as greedy men stay BUSY (being under Satan's yoke), chasing the mighty dollar. Not to mention what the children are being cheated out of. Both at home, and at school.

God's Plan is Perfect...Sin tainted our World, and it continues to plague mankind. The agent of sin is man's adversary, the devil. He was jealous of US, and his envy cost him his life. He blames us...And is attempting to bring us down in retaliation.

How often do you see this with ourselves?

A man is supposed to love and submit to God and his wife. A woman is supposed to love and submit to God and her husband. The children are supposed to love and submit to God and their parents.
Keep in mind that parents are children themselves, and under the same rule.

Why is this so hard to accept???The devil's deception!!! He is a liar!!! He is good at it!!! And yep, the devil does make me angry. His demise is impending, Praise God!!!

This is why Christ covers his church and expects man to cover his family...To look out for them, to love them, to protect them from the adversary.

God's pure love is perfectly exemplified with the divine gift of free will. In addition to our Saviour and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Immanuel- God with us!!!

Michael said...

Now to embrace anon 2:05...
"So why is it that you believe females should not be in the fire department?" >>>>
Women mixed with men at work produces sexual tensions that compromise the job. Life or death decision making, in addition to twenty-four hour shifts, real danger, intense physical demands, and chain of command, shouldn't be diluted with men and women preoccupied with sexcapades.

It should be OK to consider it a man's job. Trying to obsure the masculine values of men is destructive. How is it for women to gain from it??? How far must it go???

"Can a female save a life as well as a male paramedic?" >>>>>>

"Is that what you believe?" >>>>>
Why must it be proven...Why must a woman have to drag the injured and dead out of collapsed burning buildings or smashed up vehicles???
Cannot the masculine male gender simply be allowed to be responsible for these jobs? Geez!

Housecleaning: It was not I who had any form of a beef with this...I simply re-posted comments from other bloggers. I have neither complaint about any members of the SFD except the sneaky snakes who bed down in a man's profession. It has already been proven, right here, by others besides myself, that a female career staffer, named Ginger, has defiled the job...I have no first hand knowledge of such, but I'm sure it is true...Whether it be her or some other female in a man's profession. If that offends you, then you are part of the problem without question...Sorry.

I repeat:
Men often do think with their wrong head, more are whoremongers than not, constantly distracted by sluts at work, creating liability issues in every aspect.

If it makes you feel better, it is MAN'S fault that women should be excluded from this career.

"Take any profession and tell me one of them that could go to their boss and say "nope I am not moving into that new building because you are wasting taxpayers money". They will say, expect your last paycheck in the mail." >>>>>
A firehouse is infrastructure, good for the citizens of Salisbury. No beef here. None previously posted.

I repeat:
Working twenty four hour shifts is a fair trade off, because the job involves hard work without notice.

That is an endorsement by me...Reacting to the 12 hour shift nurse, who thinks she knows the truth.

Stand by for the "off topic response"...My kids are calling.

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