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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Inauguration Requirements By The WCBOE


I have heard that the WCBOE has required all elementary schools to view the inauguration this year. Surprising that when my first child was in elementary school 8 years ago, they did not watch it.

It makes me wonder if race is playing a part. Since it is not a part of the MD state standards, I wonder what would happen if parents refused.

I appreciate any insight you or your readers can give."

For what it's worth, this is a monumental event and of course it has to do with race. It's history in the making.Heck, I can remember being a kid and being forced to watch eclipse's in 3rd grade. Who knows, maybe we're going back to the "old school" way of life, which ain't a bad thing in my opinion.


Anonymous said...

How are they going to explain to the kids if there are riots or god forbid someone shoots Obama (as some fringe groups have promised to do)?

If this was a long standing tradition to do this, but I wonder if they would have done this if it had been McCain. And in 4 years when My kids are in Elementary School, I will make DAMN sure that it happens again, Especially if it is a Republican.

Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised. For the most part teachers and school systems are liberal. People get ready.... This whole election was about race. Hopefully this will end since they have someone in the highest position in the world. But if it ends that means Al & Jesse are out of a job.

Anonymous said...

anon 9:02

If McCain won they would turn all the TV's off so they wouldn't offend anyone.

Anonymous said...

I remember watching inaugurations in school. I think it's a good idea. And this is live history. What better way to encourage a child to dream of being more than what they see around here? I don't care if the president elect is purple, if people don't start paying more attention to who is running the country we will ALL suffer.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah anything to feed Obama's ego. I feel like he is being shoved down my throat everytime I turn around. I am sick of hearing about this Black man (who is actually mixed and should not be called a Black man). No they wouldn't have done this if it was McCain or any other white man. They are only breeding more and more racial resentment. Joe we need to protest this and we need your help. If anyone can guide us in the right direction you can. Obama doesn't deserve anything more than anyone else would get. Of course with his corrupt ties he will get what he wants. I am all for equality but I just haven't seen it. Come on people our rights are being taken from us and we are letting it happen again and again. You know there will be riots. Maybe we should all go to the inauguration and throw our shoes at him.

Anonymous said...

Every inauguration should be watched. I'm a Republican, but will make the trip to D.C. Also, it would be foolish not to appreciate the significant step this country has made. Regardless of his politics, the election of President-Elect Obama says something about Americans; something no other populace in this world has done before, in spite of their always criticizing us as backwards. We truly are the greatest nation on earth.

Anonymous said...

Man, some of you people are bitter! Whether you voted for the guy or not, this is an historic inauguration. Everyone should be proud about how far this country has come in the last 40 years. There is still a ways to go, but why on earth you would think it is a bad thing for school kids to watch Obama's inauguration is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:06

I honestly don't want to be offended, so I'll turn my TV off during this inauguration. Had the election turned out differently, I would have watched it.

Anonymous said...

They will need to make up this day
so it doesn't interupt their real education.

Anonymous said...

I am in agreeance with annon 943. And besides, if the students dont have to stand up for the pledge of allegiance in the morning (which I observed during American Education Week), then why should they be asked to watch the inauguration. Whats the difference? I for one will not be turned into TV that day.

Anonymous said...

I think you have to be sitting short-stacked on pocket deuces to have to play a race card here. They used to stop class and make us watch space shuttle launches too, and I have never seen a single launch pad in the ghetto. I would like to think the reason this is encouraged is because many of our schoolchildren have, in fact, been "left behind" without the ability to point to Oregon on a map let alone Afghanistan and Iran (where they may be sent one day in a few years to cover a sector with an M-16). They don't know a word of the Constitution but can sing "Gold Digger" by Kanye West word-for-word. If you want to be outraged, be outraged because they only get a REAL civics lesson like this every four years.

Anonymous said...

I believe that it's a good idea for students to see the inauguration-- all inaugurations Watching the swearing-in of a President every four years is a wonderful learning experience. I do hope that the fact that Obama is black does not affect the decision by the WCBOE.

Anonymous said...

Let's hope right after the parade he starts giving us all the free stuff he promised us during the election.

Anonymous said...

I think it would be a good experiance to have the kids watch the inauguration regardless of the race card. However, I have not heard that it is a requirement nor nothing being sent home about it. Kids need to be taught about history in the making they will do the same had it been a women taking the oath.

Anonymous said...

Whether you voted for President-Elect Obama (I didn't) or not, this inauguration is an historic event. And yes, it has everything to do with race. There was a time in our country when blacks were considered "property" and the people of this country have now made the choice to have a black man lead it. Can you not appreciate the significance of this event?

I spend quite a bit of time volunteering at a local elementary school. Many of the children there live in the "projects" and come from socio-economic circumstances that they have no control over. If watching the inauguration of our nation's first black president makes a handful of those children believe that they can work hard, have a successful future, and perhaps one day achieve greatness, where is the harm?

Surely you could find something more significant going on in our school system in which to direct your outrage?

Anonymous said...

It could be offensive to certain people. Isn't that why we have lost so many things in our school system already? This could also be offensive to certain people so it doesn't belong. If you want your child to watch the inauguration keep them home and let them watch it. Don't force it on everyone. I agree it is history in the making. A crooked muslim is going to be the first black non american president in the history of the United States of America. We do want all of our children watching this one. Forgive me if I forgot any of his many different faces.

Anonymous said...

I find some of these comments a little odd actually.

Nobody complained when things started closing for Martin Luther King Day, which is in honor of a black man....

Yet, just because it is not a white man being sworn in as President of our country, some want to put a racial spin on it.

When I was in school, we watched the inaugurations. Maybe if we went back to doing some of the simple/important things in our schools we would be better off.

People need to put the racial bias aside and remember that he was elected with a majority of the American people's vote. The black community is not a majority, therefore, a number of people from other races, including white also voted for him.

Get over yourselves and start looking at how we can ALL make America a better place to live!
Everyone, and I mean everyone, needs to do their part.

If your part is constantly criticizing someone because of their race, then you, my friends, (oh damn, I sound like John McCain there)are part of the problem with this great country.

Anonymous said...

I did not vote for Obama and would never vote for him or anyone of his mindset. However, I would most certainly encourage everyone to watch the inauguration, it is history in the making. I did not vote for Bush either time nor would I vote for anyone of his mindset. However, I did take my children to D.C. for the inauguration events. They have never forgotten it, nor will they ever forget the dumbest man to hold the highest seat in the country.

Not everything is a bad thing, find some good in this and draw from it.

Anonymous said...

Martin Luther King was a genuine man looking for equality for all people. Don't tell me you can't see the difference.

Anonymous said...

This is pathetic! I will make sure my kids stay home that day. They were spoon fed Obama during the entire election and all of my kids teachers supported Obama.

Anonymous said...

Wow. How could Obama's inauguration be seen as "offensive" to some people? That really is ridiculous. Grow up--so you lost the election, big deal. If you cannot figure out how this inauguration is historic (even if you did not vote for him), then you really need to step back and evaluate how much hate has distorted your view of the world. For a whole generation of older Americans (black and white and everything else) who witnessed police chiefs sending dogs out to attack peaceful Civil Rights protestors, this is a huge deal. For children who have never seen anyone who looks like them called Mr. President, this is a huge deal. For the memory of Emmett Till, this is a huge deal. Get over your bitterness for one moment, will you? Don't ruin this for your kids or some other person's kids. Let Obama have the day, and then you can go back and criticize him if you want. Be bigger than this.

Anonymous said...

You people just don't get it. What part of Obama is Black? What part of Obama is White? Why do you ignorant morons keep referring to Obama as a black man?

Anonymous said...

What's imagery to me is, that everyone complains about the WCBOE, but never comes to there board meeting, PTA meeting, or even fun kids. Please everyone, get involved we have issues within the system, including this Inguratial. But sitting on the side lines is easy. Start coming to your schools, and yoru county (WCBOE) meetings.

Anonymous said...

I remember when the allowed us to watch the first woman/teacher to go into space and the shuttle blew up. That was horrible. How many years ago was that and I can still see it like it was yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Have you checked with WCBOE for verification?

Anonymous said...

Hey 11:13-is your comment best interpreted as shallow "hateration" or "holleration?" I want you to take a little time to close your eyes-breathe in, breathe out; breathe in, breathe out (citation proudly credited to Gavin Rossdale). I would bet my 401 K (or what is left of it), that the people who have screwed you, and your demographic, the most during the last 8 years are as white and conservative as Bob Newhart. Free your mind and your badunkadunk will follow! {BTW..I think I speak for the current high school students when I say if you are supportive of kids having the option to take a day off unexcused on apolitical whim, at least support them in April/May when the weather is better and they can "hook" their day on the sunny beach.}

Anonymous said...

922 save it i guarantee you are not a repunlican. maybe my birth. You are a true democrat. maybe no one else on the planet didnt do it for a reason. I am not going to rehash all the bull with this guy. I think the state of poltics in Ill. speaks volumes. Yes it was on the other side of the shop as well but we heard a man preaching change and a new way. He is the same old bus just a different color driver. I will support him as our President but he has a lot to prove to this die hard republican. If they watch that then prayer and the pledge needs to be brought back in the schools you cant have it both ways we will allow goverment into the class today, but if you believe in prayer or pledging alleagance to the falg it is not excepted. I find this truly insulting. This is America we need our patriots to step up and speak up about the state of civil liberties of Americans. I think the color issue has resolved itself.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Every inauguration should be watched. I'm a Republican, but will make the trip to D.C.....
9:22 AM

I doubt very seriously you are a true Republican.

A good Republican and anyone with intelligence would know that this was a fraudulent election and America made a mistake.

Anonymous said...

I think it would be a good 'education' experience for older students in Middle and High School, who followed the election and learned about it in class...but for my Kindergartner, he's not going to understand what's going on...he'd rather be coloring!

Anonymous said...

Of course watching the inauguration of the President of the U.S. is a wonderful idea. It has NEVER been REQUIRED of elementary children, however. So why now? If it isn't race-related, why didn't elementary kids have to watch either Bush inauguration or Clinton's or Carter's or anyone else's in recent memory? Of course, it's Obama's race.

Anonymous said...

12:34 PM Take it however you want. Yes we were screwed(as you put it the last 8 years). No doubt about it. I actually don't think you speak for anyone. I did not vote for Bush either. I am not a republican nor am I a jackass. I vote for the best candidate and really when have we been given one lately? You take your own deep breaths because you will need all the breath you can get when he turns this country upside down. It isn't hatred you hear it is fear of what this man is going to do to us. You people ignore all the facts. He is tied to corrupt people, He is a muslim, He is not black he is mixed. He is not an American, He does not salute the flag or does when he wants to. He does have a huge ego. He does think he is above the law. He is a liar. I don't dislike him because he is black I dislike him because of who he is and what he represents and has represented in the past. I don't think he is a good role model. Think about it.

Anonymous said...

This is so sad! People get a whiff of something that MIGHT be true and run with it. If you feel this is true, address with the WCBOE. I attended PTA last night at Bennett Middle and every sheet I signed in on there were only six to seven signatures. Be more active and go directly to the source and stop using the blog as a place to vent your personal hatred toward our new president.

For those of you who are making it a race issue, how many years has the school system provided text books that acknowledged Caucasians and their greatness but not any African-Americans. Not allowing your child to experience the movement this country has made would be a travesty. Please don't hinder your child's learning experience. Ultimately, you have the right to keep your child home if you wish but keep the attacks home too!!!


Anonymous said...

You are EXACTLY the kind of person that should watch the inauguration. Grow up. Take 5 minutes and look up Emmett Till on the internet. Then come back here and you tell me that this inauguration isn't special.

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea. For one it is history, and all should be watching, if I recall I was in high school watching the OJ verdict. Two if something should happen, I pray not butkids should see the world they live in and what the future holds for them. It is truly time to get past this race issue.

Anonymous said...

12:34 said....
He is tied to corrupt people, He is a muslim, He is not black he is mixed. He is not an American, He does not salute the flag or does when he wants to. He does have a huge ego. He does think he is above the law. He is a liar.

Wow, where to start.

He is tied to corrupt people
OK, Tony Rezko. Name another. The list for the Bush family would take pages....

He is a muslim
So that's why we all got upset at what his crazy CHRISTIAN PASTOR said? You get one or the other, not both.

He is not black he is mixed
For the purposes of the U.S. Census Bureau, you would have been wrong until the next one. In 2010, citizens will be allowed to choose multi-racial as their ethnicity. Until then, in every census he would have been a part of, Barak Obama would have been considered black.

He is not an American
Yes, he is. He was born in Hawaii in 1960, and has the record to prove it. If you want to believe the peoople who are too crazy and fringe for even Fox News to take seriously, be my guest, but even your beloved Supreme Court (with 4 hard-core conservatives, with basically the same conservative/moderate/liberal ratio that appointed Bush president in 2000) refused to even hear the case, that's how non-existent the proof was.

He does not salute the flag or does when he wants to
So, tell me who wore a flag pin during his acceptance speech and who didn't. I'll give you a hint - the lapel of the guy who served in the Navy was bare. The guy who went to Harvard Law School had a flag pin.

He does have a huge ego.
Name one person who's been a major party nominee who doesn't. Takes pretty big stones to think you should be running the country, don't you think?

He does think he is above the law.
Give one example. As math teachers everywhere say, SHOW YOUR WORK.

He is a liar.
Again, name one example where he knowingly lied. One.

Disagree with the guy based on policy. That's fine. But stop making stuff up.

Mardela said...

Every election is a historic event. Every inauguration is a historic event. Not because of race, age, sex or anything else, but because our country has term limits for the highest office. Every four or eight years, a new leader takes the helm and steers the greatest country on the planet in a new direction. Even if the same party wins, there is still a new direction to take.

The problem that most of Obama's detracters is that where was the same respect for George Bush? Both times he was elected, the Democrats chose to create controversy and not give the respect to the President elect like they should. But now that their man won, well now they want everybody to jump on board.

I don't see Obama as a black man. I see him as our next President period. There will be things that he will do that are good, and some that are bad. But just like each of us, he will go to work with the best of intentions. Is he crooked? Maybe. Is he a great leader? Not yet, he's not a leader at all yet. Will he struggle? Of course. But I as an American will support him and give him the respect that the office of the President desearves. I will not bow down to him, I will not be celebrating. It will be another day in the life of America. When's the Super Bowl?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 12:53

I believe a couple of our elementary schools followed the election process, holding mock elections and role playing the different candidates. While I agree a child in kindergarten may not be interested in the inauguration (my kindergartener would also prefer coloring!), upper elementary students may appreciate seeing the culmination of what they learned about the process.

However, as many have already pointed out, we don't know if these "inauguration requirements by the WCBOE" are even valid.

Anonymous said...

12:40 and 12:43,

I'm pro-life (all the way), against gay marriage and civil unions (they're a desecration on our land), against the REAL ID ACT, pro-second amendment, and against the income tax. If that doesn't make me a Republican, then I feel bad for the Republican Party. I'm not a neo-con, I am a conservative.

Still, the man is our president, and it serves no one to denigrade him. I will be there celebrating history, and the accomplishment of our nation; even if I didn't vote for him.

Put politics aside and celebrate the continuation of our great democracy.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:03

I was in elementary school during Clinton's election and we did watch it...

I was wondering why people have such a problem with others, especially leaders who are different from themselves in any way? My opinion is that differences should be embraced rather than scrutinized. The problem is that people are more worried about his race and his faith than what he can bring to this country. The problem with our country is certainly NOT that we are going to have a black/white, Muslim/Christian (whatever he may be or choose to practice), it is that people make such a negative thing out of it. Saying outrageous things like it is going to be the end of our country and the terrorists are going to take over. That is not his plan and if you really think that then you need serious help. Obviously he has gotten thus far. It wasn't an issue about him being an American when he was a Senator... What would you be saying if the next president were female or Jewish or Agnostic? It would be the same thing...

Anonymous said...

1:40 (i.e. "Anonymous Dung Carrying Bug"). If you are going to be ignorant; say my name, say my name, can't wait to debate you, can't wait to deflate you, why the sudden change? Thank you for stipulating that during the last 8 years we have festered (with pus) inside our previously self-inflicted domestic lesion. Reese Bobby goes on record saying he is the shepherd...and YOU are the weak!! I don't care if you give a real name, but pick a consistent screen name (I have already deemed you ADCB) so I can pummel your hateful speech back to the stone age every time I get a whiff of your caveman knuckles scraping across my proud nation. You are a sad insect of a human being-but you already know that deep down inside, don't you??!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:03
The world is watching and laughing at what stupid people we are.

Anonymous said...

Math,English and science is what they should be spending their time on.

Anonymous said...

Obama is of mixed race. He has inherited white man's intellect, black man's monkey looks, Muslim beliefs etc. If the president of the US does not salute the flag, then it should be law that no one does. After all the standards are set at the top of the pile or who is at the helm.As the renown criminal lawyer, Clarence Darrell said,"I do not wish anyone dead but I have read many obituitaries with pleasure.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Martin Luther Kings' dream has come true.We, black people, have reached the mountain top. The black citizen will fly high and lead America to greater heights and show the world our talents. It should be mandatory for all students, adults,etc. to watch the historic inauguration. All stores should be closed and all car travel stopped except for emergencies. May Obama bless America.

Anonymous said...

3:28 PM Truth hurts don't throw a tantrum.

Anonymous said...

Yes, many teachers CHOSE to have their students watch Clinton's inauguration. Many teachers CHOSE to have their students watch other inaugurations, as well. However, the point is that REQUIRING ELEMENTARY STUDENTS TO WATCH AN INAUGURATION has never happened before.

Anonymous said...

Everyone lets pray for the biggest snow fall in Washington DC history that day. That way Al Gore will look like a fool too. Is the Rev. Wright going to be on the stage as well. Maybe Bill Ayers as well, he knows how to get around DC. So if McCain/Palin would have won would they be watching as well. History would also be made that day.

Anonymous said...

To 4:19

Have you lost your mind, look around you You people have been the #1 problem since the end of the civil war. Get real! and
May God bless America.

Anonymous said...

anon 403 what an ignorant fool you are. i surely hope you do not consider yourself intellectual because you certainly have the brains of a slug. black people do not look like monkeys and you dont have to be white to be intellectual. and just because you are white doesnt make you intellectual.

Anonymous said...

racist bullcrap is all I see. Joe, I know it gets you Blog hits, but what's the point? I, as well as you do, too, wish you had a more informed audience,
Barry G

Anonymous said...

The students should be watching this - it will be a part of history. As a teacher at an elementary school, I presented both candidates to my students with equal time and enthusiasm. I for one voted for McCain and the majority of my students in our mock election voted for Obama. Much of that comes from what their parents believed. Either way, this will be a part of their history and will be something they will remember and tell their children about one day. I say let them watch it!

Anonymous said...

some of you people are crazy my child will not be watching even if the school requires it she will stay home and he's not black he is is mixed and he is not a american citizen... this will be a terrable 4 years i just cant wait for it to be over

Chimera said...

Although I did not vote for him and would not have, it is still a historic event because there are alot of mixed race children, many more now than ever in this country and they need a positive role model they can identify with.When I was in kindergarten in 1975 there were black kids,white kids and an occasional Asian and/or Hispanic kid but no kids of interracial parentage.Now in 2008,there are several mixed race children in my daughters class and its about time they saw somebody who looks like them in the national spotlight.So many of them are pulled into different directions, feeling they have to either be "black" or "white" to be accepted by either group.That is so unfair to them. Now if everyone would just stop referring to him as the "first black President",we would be making progress.
And by the way.....I hope nobody tosses their shoes at him with so many kids watching.......LOL

Anonymous said...

Most of you people are going to be useless in the heat of battle. All mouth and no balls. Your starting to annoy me.

Anonymous said...

All I have to say is that we had our chance to extinct our county off 1 Million blacks during the the Million Man March in DC.

God has given us the opportunity to try it again in January.

I say drop a bomb in DC and let the world be a better place!

Anonymous said...

New dress code just put out for the inauguartion...

long flannel
black jeans with writing on them
clean boxers
new clean timbs

Peace my brother!

Anonymous said...

I want to see how many racist drunks would turn down a "biracial" liver donation on their deathbed. Hmmmm!!

Anonymous said...

7:17 PM This is not about his color. It is not about being republican or democrat. It is what he represents and what he has done. Get that through your head. If you want to be taken seriously get a different name. I laugh everytime I see a comment from you and you have something to say about everything.

Anonymous said...

Please let the record reflect the racist dillweed (at 7:42) passed on the donated liver;guess it has to go to a beautiful tolerant bi-racial child in NICU, huh? are probably better suited as daisy fertilizer anyway.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Seriously, Wow. What an ignorant bunch of idiots. First of all, Obama is not the "first black president." He is biracial- for those of you idiots that do not know what that means, in this particular situation, it means he is HALF WHITE AND HALF BLACK. Yes, a combination of both. Everyone should be excited he represents both the white and black races. I voted for Obama, but I am sick of hearing he is a "black man."

On the issue of the inauguration, I attended elementary, middle, and high schools in this area and as far as I can remember, we watched the inauguration, space shuttle launches, and everything else IMPORTANT on television. This is not a new concept and certainly not one developed to highlight Obama's race. I think many of the people here could use a lot more education- ignorance is NOT bliss!

Anonymous said...

I think it is a great learning experience for any young student. I remember when I was in 2nd grade at East Salisbury Elementary we watched the Bill Clinton inaguration. I didn't know what was going on but it was significant enough for me to remember. A lot of students may not be in touch with what is going on in the world at their own home so why not shed light on current events in the classroom?

Anonymous said...

Why do we even need to swear him in as President. He was already acting as President being all over the news and holding press events President Elect Obama. Never mind Bush is still the President right now. & Now Michelle Obama wants to be paid as First Lady. He has been all over the news and doesn't need to be sworn in.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
racist bullcrap is all I see. Joe, I know it gets you Blog hits, but what's the point? I, as well as you do, too, wish you had a more informed audience,
Barry G

6:21 PM

Barry G I have heard you use the "N" word numerous times so don't even go there with your better than thou attitude now.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Why do we even need to swear him in as President. He was already acting as President being all over the news and holding press events President Elect Obama. Never mind Bush is still the President right now. & Now Michelle Obama wants to be paid as First Lady. He has been all over the news and doesn't need to be sworn in.

9:37 PM

Have you seen where the arrogant asshole has already tried to move in, but Bush had enough sense to tell him to pack sand.

Anonymous said...

Why shouldn't Michelle Obama get paid being the first lady? She will be the new female trend setter! All of America's ladies will be watching her dress, hair style, etc. The US Senate and House just voted themselves a nice pay raise. The will get theirs. Too bad about all of you? Pay more taxes to support them and their programs if you have a job. If unemployed, then start your diet along with the other over-weight family members. Remember this is Americs- the land of opportunity. I do not want to hear any complaints from you who voted in these people.

Chimera said...

Seriously Anon 6:57 you might need some psychiatric help. I cannot believe after the horrors of 9/11 you have the audacity to suggest a terroristic attack on our Nations Capital just because you do not like the man who won the election. I did not vote for him and did not care for him either just like alot of other people but I will get over it. This IS still have 4 whole years to think of more constructive and patriotic ways to get involved.

Anonymous said...

Just when you think you've heard or read the most ignorant things possible, along come some more ignorant posts to supersede the earlier ones. Not only are the beliefs so "way out there" as to merit little comment, but the lack of the most basic English skills make them even worse.

Just read the comments from the following to get a taste of ignorance at its worst. Even sadder is the fact that they have no clue that they are so ignorant!

AM: 9:22, 9:43, 9:47, 11:13
PM: 12:04, 12:05 (Look who's calling others ignorant), 1:40, 4:03 (No hope for this poor soul), 6:29, 6:57 (This one manages to outdo 4:03 in ignorance), and 9:37.

Anonymous said...

EVERY inaugural is history making.

Anonymous said...

I spoke with the WCBOE late yesterday and there is no requirement for all elementary kids to watch the election. While this post has certainly created a lively discussion, perhaps verification of what you "hear" is best before making it public.

Anonymous said...

youall look for me on the tv. i will be standin proud and smileing. it is a long way from white and colored bathrooms

Anonymous said...

We are not "required" to show the inauguration. We have been "encouraged" to do something especially in social studies classes. Administrators are also collecting information to see what/if we are having special events; I know not why. I have felt no pressure to do something.

As an aside, you can no longer access SBYNEWS directly on Wicomico BoE's server. It is a "forbidden" site! Amusing...